Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/54

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14- C. io. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. A. D. 17 14. fuch Augmenta-Law, before the making of this Aft, have been compelled to pay or allow to the refpeftive Minifters offici- ajTw th" ufiiai at ' n S there, and fuch other yearly Sum or Allowance as {hall be agreed upon (if any fhall be) between the PeniionJ &c $$$ Governors and fuch Patron or Impropriator, upon making the Augmentation, and the fame are and to the Minifters fhall be hereby perfectly veiled in the Minifters officiating in fuch augmented Church or Chapel refpeftive- effidating. ly, and their refpeftive Succefibrs. No Reiftprs, &c. . V. Provided always, That no fuch Rector or Vicar of fuch Mother- Church, or any other Ecclefiafti- &c. of Mother- cal Perfon or Perfons, having Cure of Souls, within the Parifh or Place where fuch augmented Church or Sitha-eVfrorn Chapel ^ a1 ^ be fituate, or his or their Succefibrs, {hall hereby be diverted or discharged from the fame; Cure of Souls. but t ^ le Cure of Souls, with all 'other Parochial Rights and Duties, (fuch Augmentation and Allow- ances to the augmented Church or Chapel, as aforefaid, only excepted) fhall hereafter be and remain in the fame State, Plight and Manner as before the making of this Aft, and as if this Aft hath not been shade. Augmented ' VI. And for continuing the Succeflion in fuch augmented Cures, hereby made perpetual Cures and vo'd ^Months ' Benefices, and that the fame may be duly and conftantly ferved:' Be it enafted by the Authority afore - fl all lapfe to the 'ffcli'i That in cafe fuch augmented Cures be fufFered to remain void by the Space of fix Months, without Bifhop, &c. any Nomination within that Time of a fit Perfon to ferve the fame (by the Perfon or Perfons having the Right of Nomination thereunto) to the Bifhop or other Ordinary, within that Time, to be licenfed for that Purpofe, the fame fhall lapfe to the Bifhop or other Ordinary, and from him to the Metropolitan, and from the Metropolitan to the Crown, according to the Courfe of Law ufed in Cafes of prefentative Livings and Benefices, and the Right of Nomination to fuch augmented Cure may be granted or recover- ed, and the Incumbency thereof may and lhall ceafe and be determined, in like manner, and by the like Methods, as the Prefentation to, or Incumbency in any Vicarage Prefentative may be now refpeftively . . granted, recovered, or determined, tied " nominate ^^" P rov 'ded always, That in cafe the Perfon or Perfons entitled to nominate in fuch augmented Cure fufler a Lapfe/ ftfajl fuffer Lapfe to incur, but fhall nominate before 'any Advantage taken thereof by the Ordinary, but nominate Metropolitan, or Crown, refpeftively, that fuch Nomination- fhall be as effeftual as if made within fix before Advin- Months, although fo much Time be before elapfed, as that the Title of Lapfe be vefted in the Crown. Nomination 1 "' 11 ' VIII. And in as much as. by the faid Rules eflablifhed by her laid late Majefty, under her Great Seal, flail be good. * f° r the Management of the aforefaid Royal Bounty, her faid late Majefty was pleafed to manifeft her the Maintenance of the poor m others, and thereby ty, the faid Governors may give the Sum of two hundred Pounds (which is the ftated Sum allowed to each Cure which fhall ' be augmented) to Cures not exceeding thirty-five Pounds per dnnum, where any Perfon or Perfons will ' give the fame or greater Sum or Value in Lands or Tithes : And in as much as the Right of Prefenta- ' tion, or Nomination to fmall Livings, is of inconfiderable Value, and yet it may be a great Induce- ' ment to fuch Benefaftions, if the Benefaftors may have fome Right of Prefentation or Nomination to the All Agreements < Cure which himfelf contributes to augment;' Be it therefore further enafted, That all Agreements with Benefaftors w j t {j fa^ Benefaftor and Benefaftors, with the Confent and Approbation of the faid Governors, touching Patronage' af f ^ e Patronage or Right of Prefentation or Nomination to any fuch augmented Cure, made or to be made augmented for the Benefit of fuch Benefaftor and Benefaftors, his, her, or their Heirs or Succefibrs, by the King's Cures, fhall be moft Excellent Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs, under his and their Sign Manual, or by any Bodies Po- good in Law 5 litick or Corporate, or by any Perfon or Perfons being of the full Age of twenty-one Years, having an Eftate of Inheritance either in Fee-fimple, or Fee-tail, in their own Right, or in the Right of their Churches, or Wives, or jointly with their Wives', made before Coverture, or after, or having an Eftate for Life, or for Years determinable upon his and their own Life and Lives, with Remainder in Fee-fimple or Fee-tail to any Ifiue of his or their own Bodies, in fuch Patronage, or Right of Prefentation, or Nomi- nation, in PoiTeifion, Reverfion or Remainder, fhall be refpeftively good and effectual in the Law againft his Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs, or againft all and every fuch Bodies Politick and Corporate, or againft the Perfons fo agreeing, their Wives, Heirs, and Succefibrs refpeftively, and every of them, and againft all and every their Iffue, and againft every other Perfon and Perfons claiming in Remainder and and the Advow- Reverfion after fuch Eftate-tail, as aforefaid, according to the Form of fuch Agreement; and the Advow- fon.&c.Aall fon, Patronage, and Right of Prefentation and Nomination to fuch augmented Churches and Chapels, Eroeiafto'rl'" ^ naH De veiled in fuch Benefaftors, their Heirs and Succefibrs, as againft his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- cefibrs, or the faid Bodies Politick and Corporate, and their Succefibrs, or the faid refpeftive Perfons, as aforefaid, as fully, and in like Manner and Form, as if the fame had been granted by his faid Majefty, his Heirs or Succefibrs, under his and their Great Seal, and as if fuch Bodies Politick or Corporate had been free from spy Reftraint, and .as if fuch other Perfons fo agreeing had been fole feized in his and their own Right of fuch Advowfon, Patronage, Right of Prefentation and Nomination, in Fee-fimple, and had granted the fame to fuch Benefaftors, their Heirs and Succefibrs refpeftively, according to fuch Agree- ments. Agreements of IX. And be it further enafted, That the Agreements of Guardians for and on Behalf of Infants or Idiots Guardians ihall under their Guardianfhip, fhall be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the faid Infants bind infants, or idiots had been of full Age, and of found Mind, and had themfelves entred into fuch Agreements. Agreement by a X. Provided always, That in cafe of any fuch Agreement, as aforefaid, by any Parfon or Vicar, the P:ufon ftaii be fame fhall be with the Confent and Approbation of his Patron and Ordinary. with Content cf YT his Patron,