Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/59

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A. D. 1714. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. C. 12. 19 Payment) the full and entire yearly Sum of two hundred and feventy thoufand nine hundred ninctv- nine Pounds feven Shillings (comprehending therein the yearly Sum of two hundred thoufand Pounds mentioned in the laid former Acts, or fome of them) or fo much of the faid yearly Sum of two hundred and feventy thoufand nine hundred ninety-nine Pounds ('even Shillings, as the Remainder of the fi Fund fiiould from Time to Time produce for that Purpofe, fhould be, and is thereby appropriated for paying oft" all the Principal Money contained and to be contained in all and every the Exchequer-Bills, made forth, and to be made forth, by or in purfuanec of that and the faid former Acts, or any of them, and for cancelling the fame, until all the faid Bills (hall be difcharged and cancelled : And by the fame Act it was provided and enacted, That from and after, the complete paying oft' and difcharging all the Principal and Intereft which mould be due on the faid Exchequer-Bills ilTued and to be iftued in purfu- ance of that and the faid other Acts, and cancelling all the fame Bills, an J full Satisfaction made of all Arrearages (if any ihould be then due) as well of the faid Allowance after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per •Annum, as alfo of the faid yearly Sums of forty-five thoufand Pounds, and eight thoufand Pounds, or either of them ; then, and not till then, the feveral Subfidies, Duties and Revenues, fettled or appropriated, as well for Payment of the faid Intereft of two Pence per Centum per Diem, and £he faid Allowance after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and the faid yearly Sums of forty-five thoufand Pounds and eight thoufand Pounds, as alfo for raifing the faid yearly Sum of two hundred and feventy thoufand nine hundred ninety-nine Pounds and feven Shillings, and every of them, fhould be undeiitood to be redeemed by Parliament, and fhould not be ifl'ued, paid or applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, without the Authority of Parliament, as in and by the feveral Acts above recited or mentioned (amongft divers other Claufes, Matters and Things therein contained) relation being thereunto respectively had, may more fully appear : And whereas all the Bills which were iftued upon the faid feveral Acts (including the quarterly Bills before-mentioned) did amount in the whole to four Millions fix hundred feventy-fix thoufand eight hundred and twelve Pounds and ten Shillings ; and frnce the faid Duties or Revenues have taken Effect, as many of the Bills fo iftued, as amounted to one hundred and fifteen thoufand feven hundred eighty-feven Pounds and _ ten Shillings, have been (purfuant to the faid Aft of the twelfth Year of her late Majefty's Reign) paid off* and cancelled, fo that the Bills made 12 Ann, Stat. 1. forth upon the faid feveral Acts which are Handing out, or do remain uncancelled or undifcharged, upon c ' "• the eleventh Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, do amount to the Sum of four Millions five hundred fixty-one thoufand and twenty-hve Pounds, or thereabouts: And whereas we your Ma- jefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament afiembled, being juftly fenfible of the ineftimable Bleffings which your Subjects do enjoy under your Majefty's aufpicious Government, and the good Profpect of continuing thofe Bleffings to your faid Subjects, and their' Pofte- rities, under your Majefty and your royal Offspring, are defirous that a fufficient Provifion may be fettled by the moft eafy and effectual Ways and Means, for enabling your Majefty to fupport the Dignity of the Crown, and to make an honourable Provifion for your royal Family, and have therefore refolved, that th' re be granted to your Majefty, during your Life, (which God long preferve) an additional Re- Additional Re- venue of one hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds per Annum, which together with the neat Produce of venue for the the Branches fettled for Ufes of your Majefty's Civil Government by the late Act of Parliament in that civil c ""- sm ~ Behalf, may make up the clear yearly Sum of feven hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Service of your raent " Majefty's Houfhold and Family, and other your neceffary Expences and Occafions : And your faid Commons of Great Britain are alfo defirous, That a Sum not exceeding nine hundred and ten thoufind Pounds may be raifed (by the like eafy and effectual Ways and Means) as Part of the neceffary Supply by them granted for the Service of your Majefty's Navy and Forces, and other your Majefty's publick Occafions : And your Majefty's faid Commons finding, that upon enlarging or augmenting the faid prefent Fund and Security of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, by fuch additional Revenues and Incomes as are herein after granted, continued and appropriated, and making fuch enlarged or augmented Fund and Security liable, in the firft Place, to fat'isfy all Monies which fhall,.from Time to Time be incurred and grown due, as well for and upon the faid Intereft of two Pence per Centum per Diem, as the faid Allowance of three Pounds per Centum per Annum ; and in the next Place, to fatisfy all Monies which {tiall, from Time to Time, be incurred and grown due for and upon the faid other Al- lowances of forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, and eight thoufand Pounds per Annum, (the faid Intereft and feveral Allowances being always to be preferred in Payment, as aforefaid, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this and the faid former Acts) they the faid Governor ana Company of the Bank of England, are willing for accommodating your Majefty's Affairs, that out of the Refidue or Re- mainder of fuch enlarged or augmented Fund, the yearly Sum of one hundred and twenty thoufand 120.000 1. per Pounds, by quarterly Payments, lhall and may be taken and applied for the Service of your Majefty's Annum fo be Houfhold and Family, and other your necefitry Expences and Occafions ; and that after paying'. or °P?. ed ' I t * ie referving fufficient to pay fuch Monies as {hall, from Time to Time be incurred and grown due, for or -^T^.[ ipon the faid yearly Sum , of one hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds, then the further yearly Sum of " ' fifty-four thoufand fix hundred Pounds, by like quarterly Payments, {hall and may be taken and applied out of the faid Refidue or Remainder of the laid enlarged or augmented Fund, in order to raife any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding nine'hundred and ten thoufand Pounds, for fuch publick Services, as 910,000!. for aforefaid ; and that after paying or refsrving fufficient to pay fo much as fhall, from Time to Time, be P ub cic ' incurred and grown due for or upon the faid yearly Sums of one hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds, and fifty-four thoufand fix hundred Pounds, and either of them, out of the faid Refidue or Remainder of fuch enlarged or augmented Fund, then the abovefaid yearly Sum of two hundred and feventy thoufand nine hundred ninety-nine Pounds and feven Shillings, or fo much thereof as the faid Refidue or Re- D 2 ' mainder