Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/58

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i8 C Anno prinio Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. A. D. 9 Ann, c. 7. 7 Ann. c. 7'. n Ann. Stat. 1 c. 11. 7 Ann, c. 7. 7a Ann. Stat. I c. 11. 12. Anno pnmo vjeorgii Jt^egis. star. 2. /. u. 1714. aforefaid) and that the Governor and Company of the Bank of England fhould have an Allowance, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, for circulating all the faid Bills in the Manner by the faid Acts refpectively prcfcribed, abating the fame Allowance proportionably as the Bills fhould be can- ceiled : Ar ' bling the fa roand, any late Majefty's Reign, it v/as enacted, That the full Sum of forty T five thoufand Fo. ds per Annum fhould be paid to and for the Ufe of the faid Governor and Company, and their SucceiTors, by the feveral Ways and Means therein fpecified, for and during fuch Time only as in that Act was expreffed; and by the faid Act made in the twelfth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, for better enabling the faid Gover- nor and Company, and their Succeffors, to circulate all Exchequer-Bills made forth and to be made forth on that and the former Acts, by exchanging the fame, from Time to Time, for ready Money, upon Demand, it v/as enacted, That the entire yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds (over and above the laid yearly Sum of forty-five thoufand Pounds) fhould be paid to and for the Ufe of the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, by quarterly Payments'; and that the faid yearly Sun of eight thoufand Pounds, together with the yearly Sum. of thoufand Pounds, fhould continue and be paid and payable to the faid Governor and Company, and_their SucceiTors, until fuch Time as no more than "nineteen hundred thoufand Pounds of all the Bills iilued and to be iffued, in purfuance of that and the faid former Acts (taken all together) fhould be ftandingout uncancelled in the whole: And whereas for making good as well the faid intereft, after the Kate of two Pence per Centum per Diem, and the faid Allowance after the Rate of three Pounds p r r Centum per Annum, upon all the Bills iffued and to be iffued, as aforefaid, as alfo the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds, until the Subfidies, Duties, Surplus Monies, Remains and Arrears, compofing the general Fund and Security by the faid former AtSts, or fome of them, intended' to be eftabliihed, of fo many of them as mould be fufficient for thofe Purpofes, fhould have taken Effect; it was by the faid feveral Acts of the feventh, eighth, and twelfth Years of her faid late Majefty's Reign, or fome of the ri, enacted, That the Lord Treafurer, or three or more of the Commiffiojiers of the Treafury for the Tims being, fhould make out, or caufe to be made out' other Exchequer-Bills, for fo much as fhould be computed to be due at the refpedtive Quarter-Days therein-men.ioneJ (over and above what fhould have been applied out of the Subfidies, Duties and Sums of Money aforefaid, for the faid Intereft, and for fuch Allowance of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and for the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds refpectively) and that fuch quarterly Bills mould bear the like Intereft of tv/o Pence per Centum per Diem, and the faid Governor and Company fhould have the like Allowance of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, for circulating thereof: And whereas in and ky the faid firft mentioned Act of the feventh Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, certain Duties were granted, continued, or made payable to her Majefty, her Heirs and SucceiTors for ever, that is to fay, the Duties called the two Thirds of a Subfidy .of Tonnage and Poundage therein mentioned, which were to take Effect, and did take Effect by that Act, from the feventh Day of Mareh one thoufand fey en hundred and eleven, certain Duties upon Coffee, Cocoa-Nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa-Pafte, Tea, Nut- megs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Pictures, and Muflins, and certain increafed Duties upon Coffee, Cocoa-Nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa-Pafte, Tea, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, and Pictures;, and certain further Rates or Duties upon all white Callicoes, Porcelan, commonly called China Ware, and Drugs, all which were to take Effect, and did take Effect by the Act laft mentioned, from the twenty- third Day of 'June one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and one half of another Subfidy of Ton- nage and Poundage therein mentioned, which v/as to take Effect, and did take Effect by the fame Act,, from and after the laft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and by the faid Act of the twelfth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, all the faid Duties fo granted, continued, or made payable for ever, together with the Surplus which fhould from Time to Time arife of or from the other half- of the Subfidy of Tonnage and Poundage laft mentioned (over and above eighty thoufand Pounds per Annum, formerly charged thereupon for Payment of Annuities) and divers Arrears and other Sums of Money or Revenues, more largely defcribed in the faid firft mentioned Act of the feventh Year of her Majefty's Reign, are made a general Fund or Security, and appropriated as well for fatisfying and pay- ing, from Time to Time, all the Monies which fhould be due or payable for Intereft, after the Rate of two Pence per Centum per Diem, and for the faid Allowance of three Pounds per Centum per Annmn, for all the Bills made out, or to be made out, upon the faid Act of the twelfth Year, or any the former Acts before-mentioned, and all the Monies which fhould grow due upon the faid yearly Sums ©f forty-five thoufand Pounds, and eight thoufand Pounds, as alfo for or towards raifing fuch a yearly Sum as is after mentioned, for paying off and cancelling all the faid Bills : And by the faid Act of the twelfth Year of her Majefty's Reign, it was enacted, That after paying or referving fufficient to pay, from Time to Time, fo much as fhould be grown due, or demandable for the faid Intereft of two Pence per Centum per Diem, and Allowance of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, then the Monies which fhould, from Time. to Time, be grown due to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeffors, upon their faid other' yearly Allowances of eight thoufand Pounds, and forty-five thoufand Pounds from the refpective Times therein mentioned, fhould quarterly be paid out of the Monies arifing by the faid Duties and Revenues;

and that after paying or referving fufficient to pay fo much as fhould, from Time to Time, be incurred

' and grown due, for and upon the faid- Intereft, after the Rate of two Pence per Centum per Diem, and' >.the faid feveral Allowances after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, eight thoufand Pounds per Annum, and forty-five thoufand Pounds per Annum, (which were always to be preferred' in point of !**? Payment/