Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/600

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554 C. 30. Anno undecimo Georgii Regis. A.D. 1724 give to fuch Receiver or Collector Satisfaction, that fuch Chocolate or Cocoa-Pafte was actually and really in fuch refpective Warehoufe or Warehoufes, on or before the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one He is to give a thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, That then and in fuch Cafe it fhall and may be lawful to and Certificate of the f or f uc h Receiver and Collector, and he and they refpectively are hereby authorized and required, gratis, Quantity, &c. to gj ve £o r uc |. Proprietor or Proprietors, under the Hand of fuch Receiver or Collector, a Certificate and Certificates in Writing, fpecifying and exprefling the refpective Quantities of fuch Chocolate or Cocoa- Pafte, and the Time when, and the Warehoufe or Warehoufes from whence the fame is intended to be taken, to the Intent that by Virtue of fuch Certificate or Certificates, the refpective Seizors or Buyers of fuch Chocolate or Cocoa-Pafte may either carry the fame to the next OfHce for the faid Inland Duties, there to be inclofed in Papers, (lamped with the Stamp or Mark, purfuant to the faid Act appointed, pro- shatitmay be vided and ufed for Chocolate Stock in Hand, which it is hereby declared, may in fuch Cafe lawfully be Sanded, &c. done without Fee or Reward, or to have fuch Chocolate or Cocoa-Pafte fo to be delivered out, to be made up into Chocolate, after the Manner of making Chocolate in Great Britain, and that after the fame ihall be fo made up as aforefaid, that then the fame ihall and may be inclofed in Papers, flamped with the like Stamp and Mark, purfuant to the aforefaid A6t, appointed and provided, and ufed for Chocolate Stock in Hand, which it is hereby further declared, fhall and may in fuch Cafe be likewife lawfully done, without Fee or Reward, and without being charged with or paying the Inland Duty for fuch Cho- colate or Cocoa-Pafte fo to be delivered out by Virtus or Means of fuch Certificate or Certificates as Chocolate Ware- aforefaid; and as for and concerning fuch other feized Chocolate or Cocoa-Pafte, which fince the faid facuied imce 24. twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four has been or hereafter fhall be tre^wftrfirfland brought into fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes as aforefaid, the Seizors or Buyers thereof refpectively, upon Colieaor, and his, her or their entring the fame, with the Receiver or Collector of the faid Inland Duties of the Place Duty paid, and Places, where fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes {hall happen to be, and his, her or their paying or caufing to be paid, to fuch Receiver or Collector, the faid Inland Duties for the fame, at and after the Rate of one Shilling and fix Pence -per Pound, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefler Quantity _ of fuch Chocolate and Cocoa-Pafte, fuch Receiver or Collector of the faid Inland Duties fhall and is "' ca e ' hereby authorized and required, gratis, to give to fuch Seizors or Buyers a Certificate or Certificates in Writing under his Hand, fpecifying and exprefling therein the Quantity and Quantities of fuch Cho- colate and Cocoa-Pafte, and of the Time when, and the refpective Warehoufe and Warehoufes from whence fuch Chocolate or Cocoa-Pafte is to be taken, to the Intent that the fame may be either inclofed "oncerninz^ofee ' n P a P ers ftamped with the Mark or Stamp, purfuant to the faid Act appointed and provided to denote Tea,& c . feefar- the charging and paying of the faid Inland Duties, either before or after the fame fliall again be made up tber 12 Gee. 1. into Chocolate in the Manner now ufed in Great Britain. t. 28. 4 Gee. 2. c. 14. 5 Geo, z. c. 24. 18 Geo. z. c. 26. 21 Geo. z: c. 14. 32 Geo. z. c. 10. 31 & 12 W. 3. « XXIII. And whereas for want of Means to difcover the fraudulent Making of Candles, and of fufrt- s2fo»'V ' cient Penalties to puniih the fame when difcovered, his Majefty is much defrauded of and in his Duties a Am. c. 6.' ' u P on Candles, and the fair Traders in Candles are very much difcouraged and injured in their refpec- 20 Ann. c 26. ' tive Trades by the fraudulent and private Makers of Candles :' For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice. and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That Makers of Can- if any Chandler or Maker of Candles, other than and befides Compounders for the Time being for the dies, except Duties of Candles by them refpectively made or hereafter to be made, fhall from and after the faid twenty- Compounders, fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, make Ufe of ufin5>ny Melt- an y Melting-houfe, Work-houfe, Ware-houfe, Store-houfe, Shop, Room or other Place whatfoever, either ing-h'oufe, &c for the making or keeping of Candles, or for the melting or keeping of any Wax, Tallow or other Materials without a parti- proper to be made into Candles, or of any Copper, Kettle, Pot, Furnace or other VefTel or Utenfil whatfoever, thereofTrfeit ^ or t ^ ne me ' tm S of Wax, Tallow or other Materials to be made into Candles, or of any Mould or Moulds or 100 i. ' other Utenfil whatfoever, for or in the making of Mould-Candles, or of other Candles, without firft making or having made, with the proper Officer or Officers refpectively appointed or 1 to be appointed for that Purpofe, at the next Office of Excife, within the Limits whereof either fuch Melting-houfe, Work- houfe, Ware-houfe, Store-houfe, Shop, Room or other Place fhall be fituate, or fuch Copper, Kettle, Pot, Furnace, Mould or Moulds, or other VefTel or Utenfil whatfoever, (hall be fo as aforefaid ufed, a true and particular Entry or Entries in Writing thereof, and of every and each of them refpectively; every fuch Chandler and maker of Candles, other than Compounders for the Duties on Candles, fhall forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds for every fuch Melting-houfe, Work-houfe, Ware-houfe, Store-houfe, Shop, Room or other Place whatfoever, and for every fuch Copper, Kettle, Pot, Furnace, Mould and Moulds, or other VefTel or Utenfil whatfoever, fo made Ufe of, without firft making or ha- ving made thereof refpectively fuch Entry and Entries as aforefaid. ' XXIV. And whereas when Excife-Officers, either early in the Mornings or in the Evenings, repair ' and go to the Houfes, Work-houfes and other Places belonging to and made ufe of either by profeiTed ' Chandlers or Makers of Candles for Sale, or by others who privately and clandeftinely make Candles, ' (not being Compounders) in order to fearch fuch Houfes, Work-houfes and other Places, in order to ' difcover the clancleftine making of Candles at fuch Houfes, Work-houfes and other Places, the Perfons

  • concerned in fuch Frauds, pretending fuch Time and Times of fuch coming of fuch Officer or Officers

' to be in the Night, and not in the Day, they the faid Officers ought to have with them fome Conftable ' or other Officer of the Peace : And whereas by Colour thereof, and on other like Pretences, the Ex- ' cife-Officers are not admitted to enter into fuch Houfes, Work-houfes and other Places, but are de- barred