Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/663

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A. D. 1726. Anno Jecimo t^rtio Georgii Regis. C. 23. 625 commit the Party to the County Gaol or Houfe of Correction for any Time not exceeding the Space of" three Months, or until Satisfaction fhall be made by the Party lo offending. VI. Provided always, That it fhall and maybe lawful for any Perfon aggrieved by any Older of fuch a„ --al to ti Juftices, to appeal to the Juttices of the Peace at the next General Quarter-Seffions to be holden for the Quarter Sef- County, Divifion or Place where fuch Order fhall be made, giving fix Days Notice in Writing of fuch Ap- £o»s» &c. peal; and the Juftices in their Quarter-Seffions are hereby authorized and required to hear and determine the Matter of furh Appeal, and make fuch Order, and to award fuch Colts and Damages, as to them in their Difcretion fhall fecm reafonable, and to levy, by their Order or Warrants fuch Colts and Damages fo awarded, by Di'trefs and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall refufe to obey the fame ; and for want of fufficient Diftrefs to commit the Party to the County Gaol or Houfe of Correction for any Time not exceeding three Calendar Months, or until Satisfaction fhall be made by the Parties of- fending; and fuch Award or Order of the Juftices at the Quarter-Seffions fhall be final, nor fhall the Pro- ceedings of any Juftice or Juftices out of Seffions, or of the Juftices in their Seffions, in Purfuance of this ACt, be liable to be removed by Certiorari or other Form or Procefs of Law ; any Thing in this prefent or any other ACt or ACts contained to the contrary notwithstanding. VII. And to prevent the ill Practices aforefaid, and to deteCt the fame, in cafe they fhall be committed, y a flice-, „n r n - Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any one or more Juftice formation of ;i or Juftices of the Peace, upon Information to him or them given on Oath, that any Perfon or Perfons arc Praelicei may (or are fufpected to be) guilty of any of the ill Practices aforefaid, to ifl'ue out his or their Warrant or iffue Wanant5 Warrants to any Conftable, Tithingman or other Peace Officer or Officers, or to any Churchwarden or t0 " uc "' Overfeer, directing him or them in the Day-time to enter into any Houfe or Houfes, Shop or Shops, Ware- houfe or Warehoufes, or other fufpected Place or Places, to fearch for and examine all fuch Bars and Weights as fhall be made ufe of for the Put poles before-mentioned by any fuch Clothier or Maker of Wool- len Goods as aforefaid ; and if any Clothier or Maker of Woollen Cloth fhall interrupt any fuch Officer or Officers in the Execution of his or their Office or Offices, that then fuch Clothier or Maker fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds. ' VIII. And whereas feveral Abufes have been committed in the Woollen Manufacture by Perfons, corn- rjonrtable? ma

  • monly called End-Gatherers, going about the Counties within this Kingdom, and collecting, buying and fearch End.
  • receiving from the Labourers imployed in fuch Manufacture Ends of Yarn, Wefts, Thrums, fhort Yarn Gatherers.

' and other Refufe of Cloth, Drugget and other Woollen Goods, and Goods mixt with Wool, Flocks and ' Pinions only excepted ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if from and after the faid firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven any fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be found collecting, buying, receiving or anyways carrying or conveying fuch Ends of Yarn, Wefts, Thrums, fhort Yarn or other Refufe of Cloth, Drugget or other Woollen Goods, or Goods mixed with Wool, Flocks and Pinions only excepted, in any Bag or Bags or other Convenience for carrying fuch Ends of Yarn, Wefts, Thrums, fhort Yarn or other Refufe of Cloth, Drugget or other Woollen Goods, or Goods mixed with Wool, that it fhall and may be lawful for any Conftable or other Peace Officer, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, to fearch and examine fuch Perfon or Perfons, his, her or their Bag or Bags or other Convenience for carrying fuch Ends of Yarn, Wefts, Thiums, fhort Yarn or other Refufe of Cloth, Drugget or other Woollen Goods, or Goods mixed with Wool ; and if on fuch Search fuch Conftable or other Officer fhall find on or with any fuch Perfon or Per- if on Search fons any fuch Ends of Yarn, Wefts, Thrums, fhort Yarn or other Refufe of Cloth, Drugget or other Ends of Yarn, Woollen Goods, or Goods mixed with Wool, Flocks and Pinions only excepted, that then fuch Conftable &c - be tound °* ox other Officer fhall carry fuch Perfon or Perfons before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the m ' J ? ' K County, Divifion, City or Town Corporate where fuch Perfon fhall be fo found and difcovered fo ofFending ; bei^el luftUe. which Perfon or Perfons, upon due Conviction of any of the faid Offences on Oath of one or more Wit- o n Conviftioa nefs or Witneffes, or by Confeffion of the Party or Parties, him, her or themfelves, every fuch Per- to be deemed 1'on fo ofFending fhall be deemed and taken to be a dangerous and incorrigible Rogue, Vagrant or Perfon, incorrigible and fhall be liable to be deemed, taken and punifhed as a dangerous and incorrigible Rogue, Vagrant Ro B ues< or Perfon, in the fame Manner as is 'directed by the Statute of the twelfth Year of the late Qjjeen 12 Ann. Stat. 2. Anne. c - 2 3- IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of June Makers to wav one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven every Maker of mixed, medley or white Broad Cloth ihall the Weavers zc- fatisfy and pay to the Weaver or Weavers imployed by fuch Maker in or about the Weaving the fame, ac- coriim B t0 ^ cording to the Number of Yards that the faid Chains are laid on the Warping Bars, and not otherwife, ch^nssmlaid on Pain of forfeiting and paying for every Offence contrary to the true Meaning hereof the Sum of five on the Warping Pounds. Bars. • X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for preventing of the ill Practices ufed Owners of Ten- 11) the exceffive Straining of mixed or medley Woollen Broad Cloth, every Owner or Proprietor of Tentor tor Grounds to orTentors, Rack or Racks for fuch Cloth, within the Counties of Gloucejfer, Wilts and Samerfet, fhall, meafure their after the firft Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, and he is hereby required to J'"' 03 1 Com " meafure fuch Tentor or Tentors, Rack or Racks, as fhall be made ufe of for tentering or racking fuch WlJ " s an /s _ Cloth, and to mark or number in Figures plain and fair to be feen, the true Length of Yards of each Ten- mer f e t. tor or Rack, beginning at Number I. and lb continuing to the End thereof, upon the Top Bar belonging to each Tentor or Rack, and on the Fore-fide thereof; each Yard to contain fix and thirty Inches, to which fhall be added one Inch more, being in lieu of the over Meafure ufually allowed in Cloths, fo that the fame Length fhall contain feven and thirty Inches, to prevent any Difputes in refpect of rneaiuring by the Yard ; and if any fuch Tentor or Tentors, Rack or Racks fhall, after the faid firft Day of Augufi. one thou-fand fe^Forfeiture for ven hundred and twenty-feven, be found not to be meafured or truly marked and numbered as aforefaid, not meafurir.j the Owner or Proprietor of fuch Tentor or Tentors, Rack or Racks, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of five the Tentors. Vol. V. 4 L Pounds