Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/668

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"fvTjglftrates may (jeftroy Reels . other than Yard nd an Half In 630 C. 26. Anno decimo tertio Georgii Regis. A. D. 1726. fuch as is made up into Cuts, and Hefps or Hanks, each Hefp.or Hank confiftingof twelve Cuts, and no irnore, and each Cut containing one hundred and twenty Threads, all exactly numbered, and no more ; and that all the Yarn contained in the faid Hefp or Hank be Lint-Yarn only, or Tow-Yarn only, and of the fame Colour and Finenefs ; and that no Tow-Yarn and Lint-Yarn be mixed together in one and the fame Hefp or Hank, and that the fame be tied up with a Piece of Packthread, and not Yarn ; and that the faid Yarn be well reeled, and each Cut and Hefp or Hank be feparated, as the fame {hall be reeled, and not af- terwards ; and that from and after the laid full Day of November the uniform Standard Reel of Scotland {hall be two Yards and Half, or ninety Inches in Circumference ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons who after the faid firft Day of November {hall fell or expofe to Sale, or carry or tranfport from one Part in Scot- land to another, any Lint or Hemp Yarn, made up in another Manner than as afore faid, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, and {hall be thereof convicted as herein after is mentioned, fhall for- feit the Hefp or Hank made up of fewer Cuts than twelve, or in which any Cut fhall be falily made up, to him, her or them, who fhall inform and profecute the fame with Effect. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and far any Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate, within any Burrough, or to and for any Perfon or Perfons. lawfully au- thorized, by Warrant under the Hand of fuch JufHce of Peace or Magiftrate, to enter into any Houfe or Circumference. Houfes, the Doors thereof being open, at all Times of the Day ; and if any Reel or Reels be there found, other than two Yards and an Half, or ninety Inches in Circumference, the fame fhall and may be carried before fuch Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate within any Burgh ; and the faid Juftice of the Peace or Ma- giftrate -{hall and may, and .are hereby authorized and required, to break, burn and utterly deftroy the fame. Officers may en- VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of iy"<j- ter mto Ware- vcm her it fhall and may be lawful to and for the respective Officers herein after named, or any of them, from ie°™ la* nYar ^' me to Time, and at all Times by Day, to enter into all and every Warehoufes, Storehoufes, Rooms, made up contrary Shops, Cellars, Vaults and other Places made ufe of for keeping or making any Linen Yam; and feize and to the Act. carry awsy all fuch Linen Yarn, as they fhall then and there find made up contrary to the Direction herein before mentioned, and detain the fame till it fhall be tried whether fuch Yarn was made up according to the Directions of this Act ; and the fame is hereby directed to be tried in the fame Way and Manner, and un- der the fame Penalties as herein after directed concerning Linen Cloth feized as made up contrary to the .Penalty for ob- Directions of this Act ; and if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall let, obftruct or hinder any of the faid s Jbutting Officer, Qfjj cers f rotn entring fuch Places, or in feizing and carrying away fuch Linen Yarn, the Perfon or Perfons offending herein fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of five Pounds Sterling, to be recovered as is herein after mentioned. ■VIII. And for -the better Encouragement and Advancement of the Trade, Art or Myftery of weaving ■end making of Linen Cloth, agreeable to the Directions of this Act; Be it further enacted by the Authority Ko Weaver to aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of November no Weaver {hall fet up for himfelf, as Mafter ,fet v P before Se- Weaver, until he give Security before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or Magiftrate or Ma^i- cunty 6 iven, nut {[ vaies<) w ithin any Burrough, under fuch Penalties as the faid Juftice or Magiftrate {hall think fit, that nei- ttraryto'th^sAia tner he, nor any Perfon or Perfons to be employed by him, fhall weave any Linen Cloth for Sale, other- wife than according to the Rules and Directions prefcribed by this Act ; and if any Perfon or Perfons {hall Penalty for fet- fet up for him or themfelves, as Mafter Weavers, without giving fuch Security as aforefaid, he or they being ting up without duly thereof convicted, in Manner herein after mentioned, fhall forfeit for every Webb or Piece of Linen Security. Cloth (fo wrought or wove by him or them, or any employed by them) the faid Webb, Piece or Pieces of Cloth, or the Value thereof, for the Benefit of the Informer, and fhall further forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, to be recovered in Manner herein after mentioned. Penalty on Wea- IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of No- -vers working vember every Weaver of Linen Cloth of any Kind, fhall make all the Warp of every Piece of Linen Cloth, .deceitfully. of equal Finenefs, and the Woft likewife all of one Finenefs, and proportionable to the Warp; and that every Piece of Linen Cloth fhall be of equal Finenefs and Thicknefs throughout the whole Piece ; and that no Part of the fame Piece be coarfer or thinner than the other, and that no Weaver fhall put Lint-Yarn and Tow-Yarn in the fame Piece ; and if any Weaver fliall, from and after the faid firft Day of November, weave or caufe to be weaved, any Piece or Webb of Linen Cloth contrary to the Directions aforefaid, every fuch Weaver being thereof lawfully convicted, in fuch Manner as is herein after mentioned, fhall forfeit the Security by him given as aforefaid, or fo much thereof as the Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate, within any Burgh, before whom he fliall he convicted, fhall think fit to modify and direct, and fliall be difabled to carry on his Trade as a Weaver, until he renew his Security in Manner before directed. 'Penalty on Wea- X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Weaver fliall neglect to weave any -vers not weaving Linen Yarn, delivered to him by any Perfon or Perfons, into fuch Cloth, and within fuch Time, and in fuch as^ontracie.d tor, Manner as was contracted and agreed for, or fhall wafte, imbezil or damnify, or fuffer to be wafted, imbeziled • 0nmbt.zil.1nc. or damnified any Linen Yarn, delivered to him, fuch Weaver being thereof convicted in fuch Manner as is hereafter mentioned, fhall for every fuch Offence make good the Party's Damage, and fhall further for- feit and pay to the Perfon aggrieved a Sum, not exceeding forty Shillings Sterling, nor lefs than five Shil- lings Sterling, to be recovered in fuch Manner as is herein after mentioned.

  • XI. And whereas great Prejudice arifes to the Linen Manufacture, by reafon that the Perfons who deal

' therein, make their Cloths of fuch Lengths and Breadths, for which there is no great Demand, either at The Standard <■ home or abroad ;' For preventing thereof Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after JStaoriJ- the faid firft Da y of November all Linen Cloth of any Kind, that fhall be made in Scotland, fhall and is Cloth. hereby directed to be made and meafured by the ftandard Yard- Wand, and of the feveral Lengths and Breadths following ; viz. each Piece of plain Linen, intended to be whitened, fhall be in Breadth, when whitened, full Half-yard, or full five Eighths, or full three Quarters, or full kven Eighths, or full Yard,- 4 „j or