Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/670

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632 C. 26. Anno decimo tertio Geor gii Regis. A. D. 1726. vant of any Bleacher or Dealer in Hempfeed or Lintfeed, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, to appear before him or them, and upon his or their Appearance to examine him or them upon Oath (which Oath the (aid Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or Magiftrate or Magistrates within any Borough as aforefaid, is and are hereby impovv red to adminifter) what fuch Servants, Perfon or Perfons, know of his or their Mailer, or of any other Perfon or Perfons ufir.g of Lime, Pigeons Dung or Sope-Dregs, in the Bleaching of Linen Cloth or Linen Yarn, during three Months immediately preceding fuch Examination, or of their mixing different Parcels of Hempfeed or Lintfeed together, or of their Uttering, Vending or Selling, or Expofing or Offering to Sale, Hempfeed or Lintfeed as of a different Growth, or as imported from a Penalty on Ser- different Country from what it really is or was; and in cafe fuch Servant, Perfon or Perfons, being fo vams not appear- fummoned, fhall neglect or refufe to appear purfuant to fuch Summons, fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, ing on Sum- Magiftrate or Magistrates within any Borough, may iffue his or their Warrants to apprehend or bring be- mons " fore him or them fuch Servant, Perfon or Perfons; and in cafe he, fhe or they, fhall appear and refufe to be examined, or anfwer upon Oath to the Purpofe aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful to and for fuch Juftice and Juftices of the Peace, or Magiftrate or Magiftratcs within any Borough, to commit fuch Of- fender or Offenders to the next adjacent Gaol or Tolbooth, there to to remain until he or they fubmit to be examined as aforefaid, the Perfon defiring or demanding fuch Oath to be tendered and adminiftred to fuch Servant or other Perfon, firft making Oath (if the fame (hall be required) that he or fhe believes the Perfon whom he or fhe defires may be examined upon Oath, knoweth and can difcover fome Breach of this prefent Aft committed, in the Matters aforefaid, if fuch Servant or other Perfon be obliged to take. fuch Oath : Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby declared, that fuch Servant or Perfon fhall not forfeit or be liable to any Punifhment for any Matter or Thing relating to the Crime which he fhall, upon fuch his Examination, difcover. Perfons appoint- XVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and eH may enter in- for all and every Perfon and Perfons, appointed by the Truftees for improving the Hempen and Flaxen to Bieachyards, Manufactures herein after mentioned, or by any of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace or Magiftrates within &c to earch. an y ggj-ough, by Writing under his or their Hands, to enter into any Bleachyard, Buckhoufe or the Ap- purtenances or Places thereunto belonging, at any Hour of the Day, and view and Search all Places, Rooms, Reeives and Boilers therein, and view the Lees, and Refufe, and Dregs thereof; and in cafe any Lime, Pigeons Dung or Sope-Dregs, is or has been mixed with fuch Lees, that the Poffeffors of fuch Bleachyard, Bleach- houfe or Places thereunto belonging, and all and every Perfon and Perfons working in the faid Bleachyard, Buckhoufe or Places thereunto belonging, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, fhall incur the feveral Penalties by this Aft inflifted on Perfons that make Ufe of Lime, Pigeons Dung or Sope-Dregs, in bleaching Linen Cloth or Yarn, to be levied and recovered as thofe Penalties are feverally to be levied and recovered. Conftables; who XVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Conftable or Conftables, who by bteachedwith Virtue of any Warrant from fuch Juftice of the Peace, and Magiftrate within any Borough, fhall feize Lime,&c to f uc h Cloth or Yarn, bleached with fuch Lime, Pigeons Dung or Sope-Dregs, or levy the Value thereof, or have zs. pir the Penalties in this Aft mentioned, fhall be allowed by the Profecutor for his Pains, at and after the Rate Pound. of two Shillings in the Pound, for what he (hall fo feize or levy; and if any Conftable or Conftables negleft Refufing toex- or refufe to execute any fuch Warrant of any Juftice of Peace or Magiftrate within any Borough, he or ecutea Warrant they for every fuch Offence, being thereof convifted as herein after mentioned, fhall forfeit the Sum of fluli forfeit s J. five Pounds Sterling to the Profecutor; and it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Perfon aggrieved to complain thereof to the fame Juftice or Magiftrate within any Borough, or to any other Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate aforefaid, who is hereby impowered and required to fummon the Perfon or Perfons concerned before him, and fummarily to hear and determine the faid Complaint, and iffue a Warrant to any Con- ftable or Conftables to levy the faid Penalty of five Pounds Sterling, in fuch Manner as is herein after mentioned. HisMajeftjrmay XVIII. And to the End the feveral Orders and Regulations, made purfuant to this Aft, for the Improve- for 'o'verfee'inE 6 " ment; °f the Linen and Hempen Manufactures may be effeftual, and carried into a due and regular Exe- the Linen and cution, Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for his Ma- Kempen Trade, jefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, by Letters Patents under the Great Seal appointed by the Treaty of Union to be kept in Scotland in place of the Great Seal thereof, to nominate and appoint any Number of Perfons refident in Scotland, not exceeding the Number of twenty-one, to be Truftees for overfeeing, directing and better improving the faid Linen and Hempen Manufactures, within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, with Power to the faid Truft;es, or anyNumbcrof them by the faid Letters Patents to be determined, to affemble at fuch Place or Places, and to make fuch Rules and Orders for the Improvement of the faid Manufactures, and for preventing Abufes therein, as they fhall think expedient, confiftent with the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, and with the Laws and Statutes of the Realm. XIX. And for the better Promoting the faid Manufacture, Be it further enacted by the Authority afore- Tr»ftees mav fajfj^ That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Truftees to licence and appoint fuch fit and pro- ? p01n UD C,oth per Perfons, in fuch Places of Scotland, as they (hall judge moft convenient, to view, examine, lap up, for Sale. mark and ftamp all fuch Linen Cloth, as fhall be expofed to Sale, as is herein after mentioned, and from Time to Time to direft fuch Stamp or Stamps to be made Ufe of, as they fhall think proper. Dealers in Clo'h XX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Dealers in Linen Cloth, before he, to carry it to the fhe or they fhall fell or expofc to Sale any Linen Cloth (if the fame be white Cloth, as foon as the fame Lapper to be js fully whitened and dried) carry the fame in the Waterfold of a Yard or Half-yard in Length, to the ftamped. Place wherj fuch Lapper or Stamp-mafter, fo to be named and appointed, fhal! refide, there to be in- fpefted, marked, lapped up and ftamped by him, in fuch Manner as is herein after direfted; and if the faid Lapper or Stamp-mafter fhall find fuch Piece or Pieces of Cloth, fo offered to him to be marked, lapped up and ftamped, to be of an equal Breadth from one End of the Piece to the other, and to be of equal Finenefs and Thicknefs throughout the whole Piece, and to have two coarfe coloured Threads wove in the End