Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/680

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642 c. Anno primo Georgii II. Stat. 1. A. D. 1727. IO W. 3. C. 21. 9 W. 3..C. 33. j Ann. Sut, i, 07. From ii June I727, thebuties of Excite, grant- ed for his Jate IViajefiy's Life, continued du- ring bis prefent Majefty's Life. Exception, Vinegar, which fhould be brewed or made of any Etiglijb Materials, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, (or Sale, and fo in Proportion for a greater or leffer Quantity, by an Act made in the tenth Year of his Reign, and likewife the further Subfidy of Tunnage and/Poundage, and_other Duties upon Wines, Goods The further Subfidy of Tun- nage and Pound- age continued. paid to his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, for and during the Term of his natural Life ; and in and by the faid Act of the firft Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, it was enaCtcd and declared, That the hereditary Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, which were granted to the Crown in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles the Se- cond, and the faid Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, which had been granted to the late Qiieen Anne, by an At?: of the firft Year of her Reign, for her Life (fubject neverthelefs to the Incum- brances in that Act mentioned) and the Monies arifingby the faid further Subfidy of Tunnage and Pound- age, and other Duties thereby granted, and the Revenue arifing in the General Letter-Office or Poft-OfHce, or Office of Poft Matter General, and the Small Branches of his Majefty's Revenues therein particularly defcribed or mentioned, fhould be for the Support of his Majefty's Houfhold, and of the Honour and Dig- nity of the Crown, as by the faid Act of the firft Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign (relation being thereunto had) may more fully appear : Now we your Majefty's molt dutiful and loyal Subjects the Com- mons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, being deilrous that a competent Revenue for defraying the Expences of your Majefty's Civil Government, and better fupporting the Dignity of the Crown of Great Britain during your Life (which God long preferve) may be fettled on your Majefty, and that your Ma- jefty may be enabled to make an honourable Provifion for your Royal Family, as a Teftimony of our un- feigned Affection to your facred Perfon, of whofe great Goodnefs and princely Qualifications we have had very manyTeftimonies, and by whofe happy Acceffion to the Throne, your Majefty's Subjects have a Pro- fpect, that the Religion, Laws and Liberties of this Realm will be continued, and that they your faid Subjects and their Pofterity, may, through the divine Goodnefs, enjoy a long Tranquillity under your Majefty's aufpicious Reign, have therefore freely and unanimoufly refolved to give and grant, and do by this Act give and grant to you, our moft gracious Sovereign Lord King George the Second, the feveral Rates,. Duties, Impofitions and Charges herein after mentioned, during your Majefty's Life ;' And do moft hum- bly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the eleventh Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, for and during the Term of the natural Life of his Majefty King George the Second (whom God long preferve) the faid Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, granted to his faid late Majefty King Charles the Second, by the faid Act made in- the twelfth ear of his Reign, intituled, A Grant of certain Impofitions upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, for the Increafe of his Majejlfs Revenue during his Life, and which were granted to their late Majefties King. William and Queen Mary, by the faid Act made in the fecond Year of their Reign, for their Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of them ; and which were continued to her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, by the faid Act of the firft Year of her Reign, for her Life ; and which were continued to his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, by the faid Act of the firft Year of his Reign, for his Life, (other than and except the (aid Duty of fix Pence for every Barrel of Vinegar Beer before mentioned to have been formerly ex- cepted) and%lfo the faid Duty of fix Pence, Part of the faid Duty of eight Shillings, for every Barrel of Vinegar, Vinegar Beer or Liquor preparing for Vinegar, which fhall be brewed or made of any EngUJh or foreign Materials, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for Sale ; and fo in Proportion for a greater or leffer Quantity, impofed by the faid Act of the tenth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the Third, fhall beraifed, levied, collected and paid to our faid Sovereign Lord King George the Second, in the fame Manner and Form, and by fuch Rules, Ways, Means and Methods, and under fuch Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabiiities, and with fuch Allowances as are mentioned and expreffed in the before men- tioned Acts, or any of them, or by any other Law now in Force, relating to the Revenue of Excife ; and that all and every the faid Laws relating to the Revenue of Excife fhall be of full Force and Effect, to all Intents and Purpofes for the levying, receiving, afcertaining and recovering the faid Duties of Excife up'on Beer, Ale and other Liquors ; and the faid Duty of fix Pence, Part of the faid Duty of eight Shillings for every Barrel of Vinegar, Vinegar Beer or Liquor preparing for Vinegar, hereby granted or continued, in the like Manner as if the fame were repeated and enacted in the Body of this prefent Act. II. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid further Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties upon Wines, Goods and Merchandizes, granted by the faid Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William, for his Life, and continued to her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, by the faid Act of the firft Year of her Reign, for her Life, and afterwards continued to his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, by the faid Act of the firft Year of his Reign, for his Life, iha!l,_from and after the faid eleventh Day of June one thoufand (even hundred and twenty- faid Sovereign Lord King George the Second, b feven, during the Life of our paid and fatisfied unto his Majefty, by the fame Ways Forfeitures and Difabiiities, and by the fam e raifed, levied, collected, Means and Methods, and under the fame Penalties, Rules and Directions, and with the fame Allowances and Draw- backs as are prefcribed in or by the faid Act of the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William, or in any other Act or Acts of Parliament now in Force, in that Behalf; and that the faid Act of the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late-Majefty ICing William, and other Acts touching the faid further Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties upon Wines, Goods and Merchandizes laft .mentioned, and all and every the Articles, Rules and Claufes therein contained, or thereby referred unto, 3 fo