Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/708

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670 C. 3-. Anno fecimdo Georgii II. A. D. 1729. CAP. III. 12 Ann. c. 9. For Matters con- cerning the Du- ties hereby . granted fee 2 Geo, 2. c. 18. .j Ceo. : i. c. z. Stat. An Aft for railing the Sum of one million two hundred and fifty thoufand Pounds by Sale of Annuities to the Bank of England, after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, re- deemable by Parliament ; and for applying the Produce of the Sinking Fund. Moft Gracious Sovereign, HEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ac! for laying additional Duties on Soap and Paper, and upon certain Linens, Silks, Callicoes and Stuffs, and upon Starch and exported Coals, and upon /lamped Vellum, Parchment arid Paper, for raifing one million four hundred thoufand Pounds by ivay of a Lottery, for her Majejly's Supply, and for Allovjances on exporting made Wares of Leather, Sheep Skins and Lamb Skins, and for Diflributionoffour thoufand Pounds due to the Officers a?id Seamen for Gun- Money, and to acljuft the Property of Tickets in former Lotteries ; and touching certain Shares of Stock in the Capital of the South-Sea Company ; and for appropriating the Monies granted to her Maje/ly, certain Duties, Rates, or Impofitions or additional Duties, Rates or Im- pofitions on Soap, Paper, and upon certain, Linens, Silks, Callicoes and Stuffs, and upon Starch and ex- ported Coals, and upon {lamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper, were thereby granted to her Majefty for a Term or Terms of thirty-two Years, to be reckoned from the fecond Day of Augufl one thoufand {tven hundred and fourteen, and the yearly Sum of one hundred and five thoufand Pounds, by or out of the Monies to arife by the. faid additional Duties, Rates or Impofitions, and to be brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, in cafe the fame fhould extend thereto, fhould be computed and reckoned a yearly Fund, and in cafe the Monies arifmg into the Exchequer for the faid Duties fhould not amount to the Sum of one hun- dred and five thoufand Pounds per Annum, then the Monies fo arifing fhould be Part of the yearly Fund, towards anfvvering and paying certain principal Sums therein after appointed to be paid, for the fortunate and blank Tickets in the Lottery thereby eftablifhed, amounting together to one million eight hundred feventy-fix thoufand four hundred Pounds, with lntereft after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per An- num, with certain Provifions for fupplying the Deficiency of the faid Fund of one hundred and live thou- fand Pounds per Annum from Time to Time, in cafe the faid additional Duties, Rates or Impofitions fhould not be fufiicient for that Purpofe; and by the fame Act all the Monies arifing by the faid additional Du- ties, Rates or Impofitions, not exceeding one hundred and five thoufand Pounds per Annum, were appro- priated to pay off the faid feveral principal Sums with lntereft in the Order and Courfe thereby directed ; and by the fame Act the annual Surplus of the faid additional Duties, Rates or Impofitions, beyond one hundred and five thoufand Pounds per Annum, was referved for the Difpofition of Parliament ; and it was alfo pro- vided by the faid Act, That if before the End of tle faid T erm of thirty-two Years all the faid Principal and lntereft Monies, and all other Payments and Charges by Virtue of the faid. Act, fhould be fully paid and difcharged, then and from tl'enceforth the fai J Duties, Rates and Sums of Money thereby charged, arid the Monies arifing thereby, fhould be referved for the Ufe of the Publick, and fhould be difpofed of by Authority of Parliament, and not otherwife : And whereas by another Act of Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George theFirft, of glorious Memory, intituled, An At! for rectifying Mi/lakes in the Names of the Commijftoners for the Land-Tax for the Tear one thoufand feven hun- dred and fourteen, and for raijing fo much as is vjanting to make up the Sum of fourteen hundred thoufand Ppunds intended to be raifed by a Lottery for the publick Service in the faid Tear, amongft other Things it is enacted, That yearly and every Year, during the faid thirty-two Years, the Sum of one hundred and fix- teen thoufand five hundred and feventy-three Pounds twelve Shillings (in lieu of the aforefaid yearly Sum of one hundred and five thoufand Pounds) to arife by or put of the Monies arifing by the faid additional or new Duties by the before recited Act granted, and to be brought into the Receipt of Exchequer, in cafe the fame fhould extend thereto, fhould be computed and reckoned the yearly Fund ; and in cafe the Mo- nies arifing into the Exchequer (hall not amount, to one hundred and fixteen thoufand five hundred feventy- three Pounds twelve Shillings per- Annum, then Part of the yearly Fund, towards the anfvvering and paying off all and every the faid- principal Sums, amounting to one million eight hundred feventy-fix thoufand four hundred 'ourids, with lntereft for the fame after the refpedtive Rates therein after mentioned, that is to fay, 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum for fo much thereof as fhould be contained, in the fortunate Tickets to be drawn in Purfuance of the faid Acts, and after the Rate of five Pounds per Cen- tum per Annum for fo much of the faid principal Sums as fhould be contained in the other Tickets, com- monly called Blank Tickets, to be dr;:wn purfuant to the fame Acts, with proper Provifions for making good the Deficiencies of the faid new Fund of one hundred and fifteen thoufand five hundred feventy-three- Pounds ;welve Shillings per Annum, as by the faid recited Acts, Relation thereunto refpedtively being had, more fully may appear : And whereas fo much of the faid principal Sum as was contained in the faid for- tunate Tickets, carrying an lntereft after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, did amount to the Sum of feven- -hundred add nineteen thoufand and forty Pounds, and fo much thereof as was contained in' the faid blank i ickets carrying an lntereft after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, did amount to the Sum of one million one hundred and fifty-feven thoufand three hundred and iixty Pounds, both which Sums together moke the faid Sum of one million eight hundred feventy-fix thoufand four hundred Pounds : And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, For enabling the South-Sea Company to enlarge the Capital Stock and Fund of the faid Com- pany, the faid additional Duties," Rates or Impofitions were continued for ever, and thereby the then remain- ing principal Sums charged thereon, v/ere impowered to be taken into the Capital Stock of the faid South- Sea Company, and the faid Company was to be intitled to an Annuity after the Rate of four Pounds per Cen- ' tum