Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/715

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A. D.i 7 29. Anno fecundo Georgii II. C. 7. 677 of Great Britain ai& Ireland ; and if any fuch Mafter, Commander or Owner of any Ship or VefTel be- Maficrs, Ac. re- longing to any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, within the faid Iflands, Colonies and fufifg, forfeit Dominions, or any of them refpectively, fhall refufe or neglect, when fummoned, to appear or to make 2 ' J '• fuch Difcovery upon Oath, as by the faid Act of the tenth of Queen Anne is required (which Oath fuih 10, c, i-. Collectors for the Time being, and every of them reflectively, is and are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) then and in every fuch cafe, every fuch Mafter, Commander and Owner, fhall for every fuch Refufal or Neglect forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, or the Value thereof in the Money of the faid Iflands, Colonies or Dominions where the fame fhall be incurred, to be recovered and applied in fuch Manner and to fuch Ufes as in that Behalf is herein after mentioned and directed. IV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Mafters, Com- Traoera from manders and Owners of Ships or Veflels belonging to any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Sue- ' he Iflmdsto cefTors, within the faid Iflands of Guernfey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sari and Man, or any of them, or within G ' eat Bl * u ' n > any of his Majefty's Colonies, Iflands or Dominions in America, who fhall trade or fail from the faid part'o/the Iflands, Colonies or Dominions, or any of them, to Great Britain ox Ireland and back again to the faid o u tv as fhall be Iflands, Colonies or Dominions, fhall pay fuch Part and Proportion of the faid Duty of fix Pence per ducat their Ar- Mcnfem, as fhall be due from fuch Mailers, Commanders and Owners reflectively at the Time of their " v . a ' >" Great Arrival, and during their Continuance in Great Britain or Ire/and,, within the faid Kingdoms of Great Bri- B ", ta! , n ' & l C ' tain and Ireland reflectively, and fuch Part and Proportion thereof as fhall be due from them refpectively, p"rt at their at the Time of their Return to, and during their Continuance in the faid Iflands, Colonies or Domini- Return. ons, within the faid Iflands, Colonies and Dominions refpectively ; and that all and every the Matters, Commanders and Owners of Ships or VefTels belonging to any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefTb:s, within the faid Kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, or either of them, who fhall trade or fail Traders from from Great Britain or Ireland, to any of the faid Iflands, Colonies or Dominions, and back again to Great p rcat Britain J Britain or Ireland, fhall pay the faid Duty of fix Pence per Men/em only in the faid Kingdoms of G"eat ? c ; t0 pay t,n!y Britain and Ireland reflectively, and no Part thereof in any of the faid Iflands, Colonies or Dominions. ' V. And whereas by the faid Act of the tenth of Queen Anne, the Mafters, Commanders and Owners ' of Ships in his Majefty's Service, are exempted from being fummoned and examined by the Receivers of " ' the faid Duty, and their Deputies, in fuch Manner as the Mafters, Commanders and Owners of Merchant ' Ships and other private VefTels are thereby made liable to, and alfo from the Penalties and Forfeitures

  • thereby impofed and inflicted for refuting to obey fuch Summons and make fuch Difcovery as by the faid

' laft mentioned Act is required, and for neglecting to pay the faid Duty within the Time thereby limited 1 for Payment thereof, which Exemption has been claimed by and allowed to the Mafters, Commanders and ' Owners of Merchant Ships and other private VefTels hired and employed by the CommiiTioners or other ' Officers of the Navy, Victualling, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Poft-Office and other publick Offices of the Crown,

  • whereby the Mafters, Commanders, Owners and Sailors belonging to fuch Ships and VefTels have often

' avoided the Payment of the faid Duty, contrary to the true Meaning of the faid Act of the tenth of ' Queen Anne, which only intended to exempt the Commanders and other Officers of his Majefty's Ships .' of War from fuch Summons, Examinations and Penalties :' For Remedy whereof be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Receiver and Receivers of the faid Duty fo appointed or to be appointed as aforefaid, and his or their Deputy or Deputies for the Time being, by Warrant under his or their Hand or Hands, to fummon and examine upon Oath all and every the Ma- fters, Commanders and Owners of Merchant Ships and other VefTels hired or employed, or that at any Time hereafter fhall be hired or employed by the Commiffioners, or other Officers of the Navy, Victualling, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Poft-Office or any other publick Office or Offices of the Crown, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, in fuch and the fame Manner as fuch Receiver or Receivers, and his or their Deputy or Deputies, are by the faid Act of the tenth of Queen Anne, and by this prefent Mafters of Mer* Act, directed and impowered to fummon and examine the Mafters, Commanders and Owners of other chant ships Merchant Ships and private VefTels ; and if any fuch Mafter, Commander or Owner of any Ship or VefTel hl . red b v Com. hired or employed, or to be hired or employed by the Commiffioners, or other Officers of any fuch publick j^J 1 °°f r s of Office or Offices, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs as aforefaid, fhall refufe to be examiriedrby appear, or to make fuch Difcovery upon Oath, as by the faid Act of the tenth of Queen Anne is required the Receivers, to be made by the Mafters, Commanders and Owners of other Merchant Ships and private VefTels (which loAMi c> „ Oath fuch Receiver or Receivers, and his or their Deputy or Deputies for the Time being, and every of them refpectively, is and are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) or fhall neglect to pay fuch Monies as n Refufal to be fhall from Time to Time be due to the faid Hofpital, from fuch Mafter, Commander or Owner refpectively, examined, for- for or on Account of the faid Duty, within the Time herein after limited and appointed for Payment feit ">!• thereof; then and in every fuch Cafe every fuch Mafter, Commander and Owner of any Ship or VefTel fo hired or employed, or to be hired or employed by the Commiffioners, or other Officers of any fuch publick Office or Offices, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs as aforefaid, fo refufing or ne- glecting, fhall for every fuch Refufal or Neglect forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, to be recovered and applied in fuch Manner and for fuch Ufes as in that Behalf is herein after men- tioned and directed. VI. And for the eafier and more effectual collecting the faid Duty of fix Pence per Menfem of and from the Mafters, Commanders and Owners of Merchant Ships, and other private Veflels hired or employed, or that fhall be hereafter hired or employed by the Commiffioners, or other Officers of fuch publick Offices secretaries of as aforefaid, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs : Be it further enacted by the Au- the publick of- thority aforefaid, That the Secretaries or Chief -Clerks of the Navy Office, Victualling Office, Office of fi «s to give in a Ordnance, Cuftom-Houfe, Poft-Office, and all other publick. Offices of the Crown, ufually hiring or em- Llftof Ships ploying Ships or Veflels for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, ihall once in every Xeu°s-rvice Year