Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/731

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A. D. 1729. Anno fecundo Georgii II. C. 23. 693 ing, or any one or more of them refpectively, fhall be thereby fatisfied, that fuch Perfon is duly qualified to be admitted to act as a Solicitor in fuch Court of Equity, then, and not otherwife, the faid Mafter of the Rolls, two Mafters of the Chancery, the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancafter, and the Judges of the faid other Courts of Equity for the 'lime being refpectively, or anyone or of them, fhall, and they are hereby authorized to adminifter to fuch Pe (on the Oath herein after directed to be taken by Solicitors, and, after fuch Oath taken, to caufe him to be admitted a Solicitor in fuch Court of Equity, and his Name to be inrolLd as a Solicitor in fuch Court, without any Fee or Re- ward, other than one Shilling for adminiftring fuch Oath, which Admiffion fhall be written on Parchment in Engli/h, and in a common legible Hand, and figned by the Mailer of the Rolls, two Matters of the Chancery, the Barons of the Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancajhr, and the Judges of the faid other Courts of Equity refpedtively, or fuch of them who fhall admit fuch Perfon to be a Solicitor, whereon a treble forty Shillings Stamp fhall be fir ft impreffed, and fliall be delivered to the Perfon fo ad- mitted. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of December After i /Decern. one thoufand (even hundred and thirty, no Perfon, who fliall not before the faid firft Day of December have '730. none to been fvvorn, admitted and inrolled, purfuant to the Directions of this Act, fhall be permitted to act as an " a * Attorney, or to fue out any Writ. or Procefs, or to commence, carry on or defend any Action or Actions, " e e r UdaCl k" or any Proceedings, either before or after Judgment obtained, in the Name or Names of any other Perfon fl,j P( an j |, e( . n " or Perfons, in any of the Courts of Law aforefaid, unlefs fuch Perfon fliall have been bound, by Contract admitted. in Writing, to ferve as a Clerk for and during the Space of five Years, to an Attorney duly and legally (worn and admitted, as herein before is directed, in fome or one of the Courts herein before mentioned ; and that fuch Perfon, for and during the faid Term of five Years, fhall have continued in fuch Service; and alfo unlefs fuch Perfon, after the Expiration of the faid Term of five Years, fliall be examined, (worn, ad- mitted and inrolled, in the fame Manner as the Perfons, who fhall be admitted Attornies of the faid Courts, are herein before required to be examined, (worn, admitted and inrolled. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Judges of the faid Courts refpective- J uo 's° s be f" e ly, or any one or more of them, fhall, and they are hereby authorized and required, before they fliall ad- t th f; t £d T lt Q he ^ 1 mit fuch Perfon to take the fuid Oath, to examine and inquire, by fuch Ways and Means as they fliall think , exam i ne , aei r proper, touching his Fitnefs and Capacity to act as an Attorney ; and if fuch Judge or Judges refpectively Fitneis. fliall be thereby fatisfied, that fuch Perfon is duly qualified to be admitted to act as an Attorney, then, and not otherwife, the faid Judge or Judges of the faid Courts refpectively fhall, and they are hereby autho- rized to adminifcer in open Court, to fuch Perfon, the Oath herein after directed to be taken by Attornies, and, after fuch Oath taken, to caufe him to be admitted an Attorney in fuch Court, and his Name to be inrolled as an Attorney in fuch Court, without any Fee or Reward, other than one Shilling for adminiftring fuch Oath, which AdmifTion fliall be written on Parchment in the Engh'Jh Tongue, in a common legible Hand, and figned by fuch Judge or Judges refpectively, whereon the lawful Stamps fhall be firft impreiled, and fhall be delivered to the Perfon fo admitted. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of Decern- After 1 Decern. ber one thoufand ("even hundred and thirty, no Perfon, who fhall not, before the faid firft Day of December, J 73°- n ° n ? t .° have been fwom, admitted and inrolled, purfuant to the Directions of this Act, fhall be permitted to act as e f™ ° ' Clt0 * a Solicitor, to fue out any Writ or Procefs, or to commence, carry on, folicit or defend, any Suit or Pro- f ervei j a clerk- ceedings in the Name or Names of any other Perfon or Perfons, in any of the Courts of Equity aforefaid, (hip, and been unlefs fuch Perfon fhall have been bound, by Contract in Writing, to ferve as a Clerk for and during the Ju! y admitted. Space of five Years, to a Solicitor duly and legally fvvorn and admitted, as herein before is directed, in fome or one of the Courts of Equity aforefaid, and for and during the faid Term of five Years fhall have con- tinued in fuch Service ; and alfo unlefs fuch Perfon, after the Expiration of the faid Term of five Years, fhall be examined, fworn, admitted and inrolled, in the fame Manner, as Perfons who fliall be admitted Solicitors in the Courts of Equity aforefaid, are herein before required to be examined, fworn, admitted and inrolled. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mafter of the Rolls, two Mafters Judges of the of the Chancery, the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancajhr, and Courts of Equity the Judges of the faid other Courts of Equity for the Time being refpectively, or any one or more of them, to . e *'™ ,nt:So - fliall, and they are hereby authorized and required, before he or they fliall admit fuch Perfon to take the faid Oath, to examine and inquire by fuch Ways and Means as he or they fhall think proper touching his Fit- nefs and Capacity to act as a Solicitor in Courts of Equity; and if the Mafter of the Rolls, two Mafters of the Chancery, the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancafter, and fuch Judge or Judges of the faid other Courts of Equity for the Time being refpectively, fhall be thereby fatisfied, that fuch Perfon is duly qualified to be admitted to act as a Solicitor in fuch Court of Equity, then, and not otherwife, the faid Mafter of the Rolls, two Mafters of the Chancery, the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancafier, and the faid Judges of the faid other Courts of Equity for the Time being refpectively, or any one or more of them, fhall, and they are hereby authorized to adminifter in open Court, to fuch Perfon, the Oath herein after directed to be taken by Solicitors, and, after fuch Oath taken, to caufe him to be admitted a Solicitor in fuch Court of Equity, and his Name t;» be inrolled as a Solicitor in fuch Court, without any Fee or Reward, other than one Shilling for adminiftring fuch. Oath ; which Admifiioh fhall be written on Parchment in the Englijh Tongue, a : J in a common legi- ble Hand, and figned by the Mafter of the Rolls, two Mafters of the Chancery, the Barons of the Exche- quer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancqjier, and the Judges of -the faid other Courts of Equity re- fpectively, or fuch of them who fliall admit fuch Perfon to be a Solicitor, whereon a treble forty Shillings. Stamp fhall be firft impreffed, and fhall be delivered to the Perfon fo admitted. IX. Pro-