Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/206

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144 €* 33- Anno fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1733.

  • beneficial Trade, which is at prefent in great Danger of being intirely loft, and large Quantities of Oil
  • and Whale Fins are at a great Expence bought of Foreigners and annually imported into this King-

' dom; it is therefore thought proper, for the further Encouragement of the Whale Fifhery, That a ' Bounty be paid on the Return of every Ship imployed by his Majefty's Subjects in the Whale Fifhery, 1 and licenfed as herein after is directed:' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre- Britifli Ships of fent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That during the Countiuance of the laft ceediii Un to PI °" ment > one d Act every BritiJIj Ship or VefTel of two hundred 'Funs and upwards, that (hall proceed from Greenland on an y -Port, of Great Britain on the Whale Fifhery to the Greenland Seas or Davis's Streigbts, and the adja- the Whale Fi- cent Seas, manned and navigated as by the Laws now in Force is directed, fhall, before me proceed on flier ^ fuch Voyage, or be intitled to the Benefit of this Act, be vifited by the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms belonging to fuch Port, who fhall examine into fuch Ship or VefTel, and take an Account of the Tunnage thereof by Admeafurement, and fhall certify fuch his or their Vifitation, Examination and or 1 Certificate of Admealurement to the Commiffioners of his Majefly : s Cuftoms; and if it appear by the Certificate Office" as to °{ fuch Officer or Officers, that fhe hath on board fuch a Number of Men, Provifions, Boats, Fifhing Numbe'r of Lines and Inftruments to be ufed in fuch Fifhery, as herein aftar are mentioned, that fhe is ftrongly built, Wen, Provi- arlf ] otherwife a proper Ship for fuch Voyage and Filhery, and hath on board among her Crew a fuf- ficient Number of Harpooneers, Steerfmen and Line Managers, who have before been imployed in fuch and Oath of the Voyages (the Names of fuch Perfons to be contained in fuch Certificate) and if it further appear by the Commander to Oath of one or more Owner or Owners, and of the Mafter or Chief Officer of fuch Ship, written at the proceed direftiy Foot of fuch Certificate, and made before the Collector and Comptroller of fuch Port (who are hereby on the Voyage, impowered and required to adminifter the fame) that it is really and truly their firm Purpofe and deter- mined Refolution, that fuch Ship fhall, as foon as Licence fhall be granted, forthwith proceed, fo man- ned, furnifhed and accoutred, in a Voyage to the Gi eenland Seas or Davis's Streigbts, or the Seas adja- cent, and there, in the then approaching Seafon, to ufe the utmoft Endeavours of themfelves and their Ship's Company to take Whales or other Creatures living in the Sea, and on no other Defign or View of Profit in fuch Voyage, and to import the Whale Fins, Oil and Blubber thereof into the Kingdom of and Bond given Great Britain (naming the Port to which it is their Intention to return) and if the Mafter, after fuch Bounty 6 the Certificate had and Oath made, do alfo become bound with two fufficient Securities unto his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, in the Penalty of fuch Sum as fhall be equal to treble the Bounty intended by this Act (which Bond the laid Collector, with the Approbation of the Comptroller, is hereby re- quired to take, and is to be in Force for the Term of three Years againft the Mafter and Sureties, for the faithful Dealing of the faid Mafter and Ship's Company in regard to the faid Ship and Voyage) then and in all fuch Cafes it fhall and may be lawful for any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Cu- ftoms in England or Scot/and refpectively for the Time being, on receiving fuch Certificates and Oaths «o have aLicence made, and it being certified to them by the Collector and Comptroller of fuch Port, that fufficient m?moners o'fthe Security hath been given as aforefaid, to give and grant, and they are hereby required to give and Cuftoms for grant, to the Matter and Owners of fuch Ship, full Licence and Authority to proceed on fuch Voyage fuch Voyage. as aforefaid. II. And .to prevent any Difputes that may arife, whether a Ship be properly qualified and duly fitted out for the Whale Fifhery, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Ait, and intitled to a Rejuifites for Certificate thereof from the Cuftom-houfe Officers, It is hereby enacted, That every Ship of the Burthen ship's 6 ° Ut fU ' Ch °f two hundred Tuns defigned for this Fifhery fhall and is hereby obliged to have on board forty Fifhing Lines of one hundred and twenty Fathom each, forty Harpoon Irons, four Boats with feven Men (in- cluding a Harpooneer, a Steerfman and a Line Manager to each Boat, making in the whole twenty-eight Men, befides the Mafter and Surgeon) with fix Months Provifions at the leaft for fuch Number of Men, and every Ship of larger Burthen an Increafe of fix Men, one Boat, ten fuch Lines and ten Harpoon Irons more for every fifty Tuns above the faid two hundred Tuns, together with Provifions in Proportion. The Ship on her III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That on the Return of fuch Ship to the f- ei db n t ° b " i -Port to which the Mafter and Mate declared on Oath their Intention to return, the proper Officers of the fleers - &c. e " Cuftoms at fuch Port fhall immediately repair on board, and view the Condition of fuch Ship and her Lading, and certify the fame, together with their Obfervations thereon, as alfo the real Tunnage of the aScheduiemade faid Ship ; and the faid Officers are alfo to take an Account or Schedule of the Names of the Mafter, board. nscn Mate and other Perfons on board, diftinguifhing therein the Harpooners and Perfons more immediately imployed in the faid Fifhery, and to certify the fame, and the Matter and Mate fhall make Oath before the Collector and Comptroller (who are hereby impowered and required to adminifter the fame) on The Licence to the Back of or annexed to the Licence granted as aforefaid, which they are hereby then required to back e VCr d deliver, up, that they did in purfuance thereof (mentioning the Day of their Departure) proceed in a ■ Voyage directly to the Places aforefaid, and have not fince been on any other Voyage, or purfued any other Defign or View of Profit, and that they did there (mentioning the Time of their Stay in thofe Seas) ufe their utmoft Endeavours of themfelves and their Ship's Company to take Whales and other Crea- and Oath made living in thofe Seas ; and that all the Whale Fins Oil and Blubber imported (if any) in fuch Ship J ort ith on which Com- her Licence ; and fuch Commiffioners being fully fatisfied of the faithful Dealings of the Mafter and rniflionei-s areto yther Perfons imployed in fuch Ships, with relpect to fuch Voyage and Fifhery, fhall on Demand TiinT" 08 ' per «aufe Payment to be made to the Mafter or Owners, or to his or their Alfigns, by the Receiver General of