Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/217

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A. D. 1734. Anno feptimo Georgii IT. C. 10. 155 are hereby "required, to make a Prefentment of fuch Hedge or Hedges, fo damaging and annoying here the faid or any Two '° tire Ju:' Ocrrnier or vvho arc occupier or their p rece -, lo and in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons, fo iummoned as aforefaid, fhall refufe or neglect to appear, or to fend fome Perfon duly authorized to appear for them, according to fuch Summons ; or if it lhall appear upon due Examination and Proof upon Oath before the faid Juftices, that fuch Way is deep and foundrous, and damaged as aforefaid, by the Height of fuch adjoining Hedge or Hedges, the faid Juftices of the Peace or any Two of them, are hereby required to iffue out a Precept under their Hands and Seals, to the Surveyor or Surveyors of the Highways of the Parifh or Place where fuch Hedge or Hedges fo pre- fented is or are fituated, diredting fuch Surveyor or Surveyors to give or leave Notice in Writing at ( SucTl No ^ ic " t0 the Dwelling-houfe or ufual Place of Abode of fuch Perfon or Perfons, whofe Hedge or Hedges was t ^n ultJept. or were prefented as aforefaid, that he, file, or they, is or are thereby required to new make or and i Feb.) cut low the faid Hedge or Hedges, within thirty Days after fuch Notice ( provided always, That The Surveyor fuch Notice be given between the laft Day ot September and the firft Day of February) and in Hed S e"wnhin cafe of his her, or their Refufal or Neglect to do the fame within thirty Days after fuch No- 3 Feet of the tice as aforefaid, the faid Surveyor or Surveyors are hereby required to caufe the faid Hedge or ^ nl j> °"|^, w "; Hedges to be new made or cut low, as the faid Surveyor or Surveyors fhall in their Difcretion ^30 Days think moft reasonable, fo as fu ch Hedge or Hedges be left at leaft three Feet High above the Notice. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall re- ^ h ® e c ^ r ^ B £ e fufe or neglect to new make or cut low fuch Hedge or Hedges, ihall repay to the faid Surveyor or o^vner,' V Surveyors, fuch reafonable Expences as he or they lhall have been put to on that Occafion ; and in cafe of Refufal or Neglect to repay fuch Expences within fourteen Days after the fame fhall have been de- manded, the Juftices of the Peace, upon Complaint thereof made to them at their monthly or other publick Meeting, in or near the Divifion where the faid Hedge or Hedges, fo new made or cut low, is or are fituated, and due Proof upon Oath of fuch Expences of the faid Surveyor or Surveyors, fhall, and are hereby required to iffue out a Precept or Warrant under the Hands and Seals of them or any two of them, to the Conftable and Borfholders, or other proper Officer or Officers of the Hundred^ S5i ev i ed by Parifh, or Place, where fuch Hedge or Hedges is or are fituated, requiring them to levy, for the Re- l payment of fuch Surveyor or Surveyors, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as the faid Expences fhall amount unto, upon the Goods and Chatties of fuch Perfon or Perfons as has or have refufed or neg- lected to pay the fame, as aforefaid, rendring the Overplus of the Value of the Goods fo diftrained to the Owner and Owners thereof ; the neceffary Charges of making and felling fuch Diftrefs being firft deducted. .... . . „ „ . „ , . alter the Laws III. Provided always, That nothing herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, in any with regard to wife to alter the Laws in being, in relation to Timber Trees which grow in Hedges adjoining to com- Timber Trees " T . , D ' ° ° J a growing in mon Highways. _ _ Hedges, nor IV. Provided always, That all former Laws now in being, for amending the Highways of this King- any Law for dom, and the Penalties therein prefcribed, fhall be and remain in as full Force as if tins Act had never ■™ lc . ncitn S lhe been made. Seefirtber, 8 Geo. 2. e. 20. 9 Geo. z. r. 18. 14 Geo. 2. c. 42. 15 Geo. 2. c 2. 16 Geo. 2. e. 29. 18 Geo. 2. e. 33. 21 Geo. 2. c. 28. 24 Geo. 2, c.43. zbGec.z. t. 28 & 30. z8 Geo. 2. c. 17. 30 Geo. 2. c. 28. 31 Geo. 2. c 34. CAP. X. An Act to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Imployments or Offices, by- taking the Oaths, and making and fubferibing the Declaration againft Tranfubftantiation, and re- ceiving the Sacrament, and to allow them further Time for that Purpofe ; and to enable the Vice^ Chancellor of the Univerfity, and Mayor of the Town of Cambridge, to act as Juftices of the Peace for the County of Cambridge, notwithftanding the Act for the further Qualification of Juftices of the Peace. Perfons in Offices qualifying themfelves by zq Sept. 1734. indemnified, and their Acts valid. Members of Corporations, who have neglected to take the Oaths of Office, qualifying themfelves by 29 Sept. 1734. indemnified. EXP. ' III. AND whereas by an Act made and paffed in the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, 5 Geo. z. c. iS. A intituled, An Ac! for the further Qualification of Juftices of the Peace, it is amongft other ' Things enacted, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred ' and thirty-three, no Perfon fhould be capable of being a Juftice of the Peace, or to act as a Juftice ' of the Peace, for any County within that Part of Great Britain called England, or the Principality of ' Wales, who fhould not have an Eftate of Freehold or Copyhold to and for his own Ufe and Benefit, ' in Poffeffion, for Life or for fome greater Eftate, either in Law or Equity, or an Eftate for Years de- ' terminable upon any one or more Life or Lives, or for a certain Term originally created for one ' and twenty Years, or more, in Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, lying in that Part of Great X 2 ' Britain