Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/235

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A. D. 1734. Anno feptimo Georgii II. C. 26. 17 by them paid to the Treafurer of the faid Riding, until fuch Time as the Debts and Demands which (hall be proved and allowed in Manner before-mentioned, to be due to fuch feveral Perfons, as afore- faid for any Sum or Sums of Money expended in and about obtaining the faid former Act, or en- deavouring to procure the faid Bill to pafs into a Law, with Intereft for the fame, and the Charges of obtaining this Act, mail be raifed, and that then this Claufe fhall entirely ceafe and determine. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Mailers, Mill-men, and Oceu- powers for re- piers of the faid Fulling-mills, and the faid Treafurer of the faid Weft Riding, fhall have like Powers covering the for the recovering and obtaining the faid further Sum of two Pence for every whole Cloth, and of one additional Du " Penny for every half Cloth, as is herein before provided for recovering and obtaining the faid Sums, for fealing and ftamping the faid Cloth, and the Moieties thereof payable by virtue of the faid former Act ; and fuch Mafters, Mill-men, and Occupiers of the faid Mills (hall be fubjeot to like Penalties for not paying the faid further Sum of two Pence for every whole Cloth, and one Penny for every half Cloth to the faid Treafurer, to be levied and recovered in like Manner, as the faid Mill-men, Mafters, and Occupiers of Mills are herein before made liable unto, for refufing or neglecting to pay fuch Sums as by the faid former Act are fo limited to be paid to the faid Treafurer, and as herein before provided for the recovering and levying fuch Penalties. XI. And it is hereby further enacted, That after the faid Debts and Demands fhall be totally paid When the ad- off and difcharged, no other Rates or Duties fhall be paid to the Miil-men, Mafters or Occupiers of flj!. i ii nal J f ,utie8 the faid Fulling-mills, for fealing and ftamping the faid Cloth, than two Pence for a whole Cloth, and a cea e ' one Penny for an End or half Cloth ; one Moiety whereof fhall be paid to the faid Treafurer for the Purpofes aforefaid. All. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon whatfoever, 20s. Penalty on after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, ihall ftretch or 'cfoths more ftrain, or caufe or procure to be ftretched or ftrained, any whole or long Cloth, or End, or half Cloth, than 1 Yard in more than one Yard in Length in every twenty Yards of the Length thereof, or more than one Inch in Length, &c. every Quarter of a Yard of the Breadth thereof (and fo in Proportion for Cloths that are more or lefs ^y marked 5 !" 1 " in Lengths and Breadths) above or beyond the Length or Breadth of fuch Cloth, upon fuch Stamps or Seals marked,, fet down, and expreffed ; then, and in fuch Cafe, every Perfon fo offending, and being thereof convicted, by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, before one or more fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, as aforefaid, fhall for every half Yard in Length, or every Inch in Breadth, fuch Cloth fhall be overftretched, forfeit and pay the- Sum of twenty Shillings, which faid Sum ihall be recovered and applied in the fame Manner as the other Penalties are herein directed. XIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid,- That if any Appeals to the. Perfon or Perfons ihall find him or herfelf aggrieved by any Order or Warrant made by any Juftice or Quarter-Seffi- Juftices, upon any Convictioa before him or them in purfuance of this Ac fuch Perfon or Perfons ons> may appeal to the next General Quarter-Seffi-ons to be held for the faid Weft Riding of the faid County of York, giving ten Days Notice of fuch Appeal to the Perfon or Perfons difcovering or informing of the Offence on which fuch Conviction was made ; and if the Juftices at their faid Quarter-Seffions fhall think fit either to confirm or difannul the Order or Proceedings of the faid Juftice or Juftices, they fhall allow fuch Cofts and Charges to the Party aggrieved thereby, as they fhall think reafonable, to be levied and paid in fuch Manner as is ufual in Cafes of Appeals from any Order of the Juftices of the Peace whofe Order to the Seffions, whofe Order herein (hall be final. fta " be final - XIV. And it is hereby further enacted, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June who fhall be one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-four, no Perfon for the future fhall be a Searcher of Woollen appointed Broad Cloth, in the faid Riding, other than fuch as fhall follow, or fhall have been brought up in the Sea,cners - Trade or Occupation of a Maker or Dreffer of Woollea Broad Cloth in the faid Riding,, to be chofen. by the Juftices, not Dealers in Cloth. XV. And be it further enaded, That this Act, and all the Penalties, Directions, and Claufes therein ^9 what Cloths contained, fhall extend to all Woollen Broad Cloth, which (hall be made, milled, dreiTed,. or expofed extend? to Sale in the Well Riding of the County of York.. XVI. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid", That all Informa- Informations tions, on which any Conviction ihall be made of any Offence by virtue of this Act, (hail be made within p^| mads in * five Days next after Difcovery of the fame Offence, and not otherwife. XVII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this prefent Act fhall con- Duration of this tinue in Force until the firft Day of September ia the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred A&. and forty, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament ; and alfo that this Act ' Madeperpe- fhall be taken and deemed to be a publick Act; and all Judges, Juftices, and other Perfons,. are hereby c " a 5 .' 14 e °" 2 ' required to take Notice thereof as fuch, without fpecially pleading the fame,. Aid feen Geo, .2,- c 28.. CAP. XXVI.. An Act for continuing, explaining, and making more effectual two Acts of Parliament, one of the third, « The Powers: and the other of the eighth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, For repair- granted by the- ing the Highways from the feveral Places in the faid Ac! s mentioned, to Highgate Gatehoufe and Hamp- former Afts, ftead in the County of Middlefex ; and for amending the Roads from the South End of the faid Totvn of nu^im^i Hampftead, to the farther End a/'Burrough Lane in the Parijh 0/Hendon ; and for repairing other Roads Years. therein mentioned, lying, in the Parifj of Iflington in the faid County. PR, 8 Geo. 2.C.2S.?'