Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/237

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A. D. 1735. Anno o&avo Georgii II. C. 3-6. 275 CAP. III. An Aft for repairing the Roads from the Town of Manchejler, leading from Newton, Fail [worth and Oldham, in the County Palatine of Lancajler, to Auflerlands in the Parifh of Saddlcworth, in the County of York. The Tolls are to continue from i May 1735, for 2 1 Years. PR. Farther continued by 21 Geo. z. c. 15. CAP. IV. An Aft to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to make and fubfcribe the Declarations contained in the Aft of Uniformity of the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of King Charles the Second, within the Time limited by Law ; and for allowing further Time for doing thereof. EXP. CAP. V. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft made in twelfth and thirteenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Ann t e, intituled, An Ail for repairing and amending the Highways between the Town or Village of Tittenfor and the mojl Northern Part of Talk on the Hill in Butt Lane, in the County of Stafford. PR. The former Ail is further continued for 21 Years. Farther continued by 25 Geo. 2. c. 16. CAP. VI. An Act for the publick regiftring of all Deeds, Conveyances, Wills, and other Incum-- brances, that fhall be made of, or that may affect, any Honors, Manors, Lands, Te- nements, or Hereditaments, within the North Riding^ of the County of York, after the nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty -fix. WHEREAS the Lands in the North Riding of the County of York are generally Freehold, which Preamble, may be fo fecretly transferred or conveyed from one Perfon to another, and incumbred, that fuch For Rceijiers i» Perfons as are ill-difpofed have it in their Power to commit Frauds, and frequently do fo, by Means t i'V r 'J' <">*Eafi whereof feveral Perfons, who through many Years Induftry in their Trades and Employments, and by tezAm/c.^. great PYugality, have been enabled to purchafe Lands, or lend Money on Land Security, have been q Ann. c. -i.%. undone in their Purchafes and Mortgages by prior and fecret Conveyances and fraudulent Incum- 6 Am - '• 35- brances, and not only themfelves, but their whole Families thereby utterly ruined : '■ For Remedy whereof, may it pleafe your mcft Excellent Majefty (at the humble Requeft of the Juftices of the Peace, Gentlemen, and Freeholders of the faid North Riding) that it may be enacted ; and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That a Afc " ^^P*" Memorial of all Deeds and Conveyances, which from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September, ^ ' f ^fi uTed's, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, fliall be made and Conveyances, executed, and of all Wills and Devifes in Writing made or to be made, and publifhed, where the De- J*£}s, &^*t- vifor or Teftatrix fliall die after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred t0 b'eregirtred, and thirty-fix, and of all Judgments, Statutes, and Recognizances (other than fuch as fhall be entred in the Name and upon the proper Account of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors) which fhall be ob- tained or entered into after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, of or concerning, or whereby any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, in the faid North Riding, may be any way affeited in Law or Equity, may be regiflred in fuch Manner as is herein after directed ; and that every fuch Deed or Conveyance, Judgment, Statute, or Recogni- ■ or , flla .' 1 ] ,ea ?" zance, that (hall, at any Time after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred ]" n |_ e rau u " and thirty-fix, be made and executed, obtained, or entred into, fliall be adjudged fraudulent and void againft any fubfequent Purchafer or Mortgagee, Plaintiff or Cognifee, for or upon valuable Considera- tion, unlefs fuch Memorial thereof be regiftered, as by this Act is directed, before the regiftring of the- Memorial of the Deed or Conveyance, Judgment, Statute, or Recognizance, under which fuch fubfe- quent Purchafer or Mortgagee, Plaintiff or Cognifee, fliall claim ; and that every fuch Devife by Will fhall be adjudged fraudulent and void againft any fubfequent Purchafer or Mortgagee, Plaintiff or Cognifee^ for or upon valuable Confideration, unlefs a Memorial of fuch Will be regiftered in fuch Manner as is herein after directed.. II. And for the better fettling and eftablifhing a certain Method, with proper Rules and Directions, HowandwHere for registering fuch Memorials as aforefaid ; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That one ^^Qffic* 116 " publick Office for regiftring fuch Memorials of and concerning any Honors, Manors, Lands, Tene- ni a ']i r be ap- ments, and Hereditaments, that are fituate, lying, and being within the faid North Riding, fhall be pointed, erected and eftablifhed at fuch Market Town as the Juftices of the Peace, or the major Part cf them, managed and executed by a fit and able Perfon to be, from time to time, elected and appointed in Man- ner