Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/289

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<W : A. D. 1736., Anno nono Georgii II. C. 27-29. 227 CAP. XXVII. An Ad for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots, or one fixth Part of a Penny Sterling* upon every Scots Pint of Ale and Beer brewed, or brought into and fold within the Town of Irvine and Liberties thereof •, and for laying a Duty of one Penny Sterling upon every Ton or ten Horfe Loads of Coals carried to the Harbour of the faid Town and (hipped there for Tranfportation. P R. c 1T7HEREAS the Town of Irvine lies very commodioufly for Trade at the Mouth of the Preamble, <■ yy River of that Name, and for many Years hath been very ufeful in Exportation of Coals, to ' to the great Advantage of the faid Town and Increafe of his Majefty's Revenue ; but of late the ' Trade of the laid Town has very much abated, and is in danger of being intirely loft by the Decay « of the Harbour there ; which, by reafon of the Water not being confined to the proper Chanel, is fre- ' quently filled up with Sand Banks, fo that the Harbour is of little Ufe, and Ships of very fmall Bur- ' then are frequently fhut up in the faid River for feveral Months before they can fail out to Sea ; ' whereby the Trade and Navigation of the faid Town is greatly decreafed : And whereas the Town- e Houfe, Church, Streets and other publick Works and Buildings of the faid Town, particularly the i common Gaol and one of the Arches of the Bridge leading over the faid River are much out 4 of Repair : And whereas the faid Town has, from time to time, been at confiderable Charges in fup- ' porting their Navigation, by cleanfing the faid River and Pier or Harbour, and maintaining or repair- ' ing the other publick Works and Buildings of the Town ; yet their Revenue is, and always has been

  • fo fmall and inconfiderable, that what they have hitherto done has proved ineffectual, &c,'

The Duties are granted for 19 Years from 24 June 1736. CAP. XXVIII. An Ad- for naturalizing her Royal Highnefs the Princefs of Wales. HE RE AS the King's moft Excellent Majefty (whom God long preferve) hath been gra- Preamble, ciouily pleafed, to the great Joy and Satisfaction of his People, to marry his eldeft Son Fre-

  • derick Prince of Wales, a Prince formed by his Majefty's Royal Example, and poffeffed of Virtues

' and Accomplifhments which render him worthy of his great Anceftors, to a Princefs of the higheft ' perfonal Merit, defcended from the ancient and illuftrious Houfe of Sam Getha, a Family diftinguilh- ' ed for their Steadinefs and Sufferings in the Defence of the Proteftant Religion and of the Rights ' and Liberties of their Country : And whereas it is juft and reafonable that her Royal Highnefs the ' Princefs of Wales mould be rendered capable of partaking of thole Rights and Liberties which this ' Nation happily enjoys under his Majefty's moll aufpicious Reign, and which his Majefty by this Mar- ' riage hath endeavoured to tranfmit and fecure to our Pofterity ;' We Your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afi'embled, do moft humbly befeech Your Majefty, that it maybe enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moil- Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual aiid Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That her Royal ^HJ? 1 ,' Highnefs the Princefs of Wales be to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, deemed, taken and efteemed deemed » a natural-born Subject of this Kingdom, as if the faid Princefs had been born within this Realm ; any turai bom Law, Statute, Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithftandinsr. Subjeftof this 70 1 a Kingdom. CAP. XXIX. An Ad for building a Bridge crofs the River 'Thames^ from the New Palace-Tard in the City of Wejiminfter, to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surrey. EXP. c ^T7HE R E A S it will be advantageous, not only to the City of Weflmin/hr, but to many other ' W of his Majefty's Subjects, and to the Publick in general, that a Bridge be built crofs the River f Thame; from New Palace-Hard in the faid City of We/fmin/ler, to the oppofite Shore in the County of

  • Surrey;' May it therefore pleafe Your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, csV.

" Commiffioners for building the Bridge to meet in the Jerufalem Chamber 22 'June J736. and adjourn, " to appoint .in what Manner and with what Materials the Bridge (hall be built. No Hovfes to bs " erected thereon. Part Peiforts wil- Ani-ho- full y deft, '°y- t.uuw ing or Hamaging , ...1 Or de- the Bridge, to nroy the faid Bridge, or any Part thereof, or attempt fo to do, or unlawfully and without Authority differ Death, from the faid Commiffioners or their Succeffbrs, remove or take away any Works thereto belonging, or in any wife direct or procure the fame to be done, whereby the faid Bridge or the Works thereof may be damaged, or .the Lives of the Paffengers endangered ; fuch Offender or Offenders being & £ z lawfully incefs 1 to be eemed a na-