Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/442

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[376] C. 33. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. D. 173* limitation of Actions. where, without fpecially pleading of the fame; and if any Action, Suit or Information (hall be brou» or commenced by or againft any Perfon or Perfons, or by or againft the faid Governor and Compai of the New River, for any thing done purfuant to this Act, every fuch Action, Suit or Informant ihall be brought and commenced within twelve Kalendar Months next after the Facts committed, ar not afterwards, and ihall be laid or brought in the County or City -where the Matter in Difpute fh; arife and not elfewhere ; and the Defendant or Defendants in fuch Action or Suit ihall and may pie; General Iflue. the General Iffue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence, at any Trial to be h; thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance and by the Authority of this Act : And if tl fame fhall appear to have been fo done, or if any fuch Action, Suit or Information fhall be broug] or commenced after the Time before limited .for bringing or commencing the fame, or mall be la or brought in any other County, City or Place than where the Matter in Difpute (hall lie, then tl Jury fhall find for the Defendant or Defendants ; or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs ihall become nor fuited, or fuffer a Difcontinuance of his, her or their Action or Actions, or if a Verdict fhall paf or Judgment upon Demurrer be given againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, the Defendant or Defendaiv .Full Colts, fhall have full Colts, and fuch Remedy for the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants hath c have, or may or can have for Cofts in any other Cafes by Law. C A P. XXXIII. An AR to enlarge the Powers of the Commiffioners for building a Bridge crofs the Rive Thames, from the Wooljlapk or thereabouts, in the Parifh of Saint Margaret in the Cir of Weftminfter, to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surrey ; and to enable them by i Lottery to raife Money for the feveral Purpofes therein mentioned ; and to enlarge th Time for exchanging Tickets unclaimed in the laft Lottery for the faid Bridge ; and t< make Provifion for Tickets in the faid Lottery loft, burnt or otherwife deftroyed. P R. 9 Geo. s. 1. 1 9 . c TT T H EREAS the Commiffioners for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the Wool 10 Geo, z. c.16. « y jlaple or thereabouts, in the Parifh of Saint Margaret in the City of JVeJiminJler, to the oppofit 11 to. 2. c. 25. t Shore in the County of Surrey, are by virtue of feveral Acts of Parliament made in the ninth, tent! •* and eleventh Years of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, fome or one of them refpectively authorize! ' and impowered to agree with the Owners and Occupiers of Ground, and of fuch Houfes as they, o ' any nine or more of them, fhall judge fit to be removed, rebuilt or pulled down, and to purchaft ' the fame for the better or more effectual widening and rendring more commodious the feveral Ways ' Streets and Paffages on each Side the River Thames, to and from the faid Bridge ; as alfo, to lett, fel

  • or difpofe of fuch Piece or Pieces of Ground as they may be poffeffed of, over and above what may

' be neceffary for the opening and widening of Ways, Streets and Paffages as aforefaid, either togethei ' or in Parcels, as they fhall find moft advantageous and convenient to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhal. ' be willing to contract, agree for or purchafe the fame ; and to defign, affign and lay out in whai ' Manner the new Houfes to be built fhall be erected and built, and of what Breadth and Extent the

  • faid Streets and Paffages fhall be ; and alfo to fell and difpofe of the Materials of fuch Houfe 01

1 Houfes as the faid Commiffioners fhall purchafe and caufe to be pulled down as aforefaid : And ' whereas feveral Doubts have airfen, and may arife, relating to the Conftruction, Force and Effedi ' of the Powers vefted in the Commiffioners, whereby the executing the Purpofe and Defign of the faid ' Acts of Parliament in the beft and moft advantageous Manner may be prevented or greatly obftruct- ' ed : And whereas the feveral Ways, Streets and Paffages near the faid intended Bridge are very ■* narrow and incommodious for the paffing and repaffing of Coaches, Carts and other Carriages, to 4 the Hindrance and Obftruction of Trade and Commerce in that Neighbourhood, and moft of the ' c Houfes therein and thereto adjacent are very old, and in a ruinous and decaying Condition : And ' whereas feveral convenient Ways and Streets might be made on each Side the River Thames, to and ' from the intended Bridge, as alfo to and from the Courts of Juftice, and both Houfes of Parliament, ' to the great Eafe and Advantage of Paffengers and the Publick in general, in cafe the faid Houfes and ' Eftates were under the Difpolition and Management of the faid Commiffioners, and the Powers al- ' ready vefted in them were further explained and enlarged :' Wherefore, for preventing all Doubts and Difficulties concerning the Premiffes, and for promoting and encouraging a Defign fo ufeful and beneficial to the Publick ; may it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, &c. " Commiffioners impowered to make convenient Paffages to and from the Bridge, and to agree with " the Owners of Houfes and Lands for that Purpofe. Limits affigned them. Any Perfons retufing to " treat, a Jury to be impanelled. Commiffioners Judgment thereupon to be final. Their and the " Juries Proceedings to be kept among the Records of Middle/ex and Surrey refpectively. On Payment " of the Sums awarded, Commiffioners impowered to pull down Houfes, CSV. On any Difpute be- " tween the Parties interefted in the Premiffes, &c. Commiffioners to pay the Money into the Hank, I -' or place it out in the Funds ; and thereupon difpofe of the Premiffes according to the Act. The

  • ' Sums paid to Truftees for Infants, £?V. to be laid out in the Purchafe of Lands, csV. in Fee-fimple.

" Truftees to convey the Lands, &(. to the Commiffioners in Fee-fimple. Commiffioners to meet " and adjourn. Any nine of them may meet before the ftated Day. Commiffioners impowered to " difpofe of Grounds more than necefTary for the Purpofes of the Act. 325,000/. to be advanced by 5 .'. " Lottery Tickets. 15/. for' every 100/. amounting in the whole to 48,750/. to be deducted, to be 8 " applied