Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/445

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A. D. 1740. Anno dcciino tertio Georgii II. C. 2—4. 379 CAP. II. An Act for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax, to be raifed in Great Britain^ for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty. EXP. 4 s. in the Pound. C A P. III. • An Act for the better Supply of Mariners and Seamen to ferve in his Majefty's Ships of War, and on Board Merchant Ships, and other Trading Ships, and Privateers. FO R the better Supply of Mariners and Seamen to ferve in his Majefty's Ships of War, and .'"f*. on Board Merchant Ships, and other Trading Veflels, and Privateers, and for the better carry- ^/nhlr*™ ' ing on the prefent or any future War, and the Trade of Great Britain during the Continuance aa, rtfr t* thereof; May it pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's.moft a £- 2 - '•«• Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and &%jy'£t Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That during the t&gfr.y c, Continuance of this prefent War, and no longer (except in refpect to fuc'h Merchant Ships, and 9 & io &. ?. other Trading Ships or Veflels, and Privateers, which (hall be on their Voyage before the Deter- £j&,. c.t. niination of the War, who (hall be, and are hereby allowed the Liberty and Benefit of returning 4& v 'a™. i i 9 . Home navigated in the Manner as herein after is provided) it mall and may be lawful for any i°/ / "»- '■ ■ »7- Merchant Ship, or other Trading Ship or Veflel, or Privateer, to be navigated by Foreign Seamen or , 2J .' ' ' Mariners, not being Natives of Great Britain, or any of the Colonies or Plantations thereto belcng- sc«. 1. c. 24. , or his Majefty's natural or naturalized Subjects, fo as the Number of fuch Foreign Seamen or ' Cco.r.fl.z. 21. CZT. ing M M Mariners do not exceed three fourths of the^Vlariners ^at any one Time employed to"navigate fuch zhn. 2? C 7 erchant Ship, or other Tradi.g Ship or Vefl'el, or Privateer; and that one fourth at kail of the & 36- Mariners or Seamen fo employed be at all Times Natives or his Majefty's naturalized Subjects of f g^' 2 ' '***" Great Britain (fudden Death, and a Hazard and Cafualties of War, and the Seas, faved and ex- „ ftwfz/V/jo. cepted)'; one Act of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Merchant ships, Charles the Second, intituled, An Acl for the encouraging and incrcajing of Shipping and Navigation. Sited?YMth«  or any other Statute or Law to the contrary notwithstanding. ' Foreigners, Sta- ll, And for the better encouraging of foreign Mariners and Seamen to come and ferve on Board ring the War. Ships belonging to this Kingdom of Great Britain, Be it further enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That every fuch Foreign Mariner or Seaman who (hall, from and after the iirft Day of Ja- Foreign Seamen rtuary one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, have faithfully ferved during the Time of War MeTofWa^or on Board any of his Majefty's Ships of War, or any Merchant or other Trading Ship or Ships, MerchantShfps, VelTel or Veflels, or Privateers (which at the Time of fuch Service (hall belong to any of his Ma- 2 . y w r3 d " ri " s jefty's Subjects of Great Britain) for the Space of two Years, (hall to all Intents and Purpofts be deemeefnaturai deemed and taken to be a natural born Subject of his Majefty's Kingdom of Great Britain, and born Subjects. have and enjoy all the Privileges, Powers, Rights and Capacities, which fuch foreign Mariner or Sea- man could, lhould or ought to have had and enjoyed, in cafe he had been a natural born Subject of his Majefty, and actually a Native within the ivingdom of Great Britain. III. Provided neveithelefs, and it is hereby further enacted and declared, That no Perfon who Provifo. fhall be naturalized by virtue of this Act, lhail thereby be enabled to be of the Privy Council, or a Member of either Houle of Parliament, or to take any Office or Place of Truft, either civil or military, or to have any Grant of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments from the Crown, to himfelf, or any o.her Perfon or Perfons in Tiurt for him ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful for his Ma- The fame may jefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors, at all Times wheijt (hall be found neceflary to declare War againft any ^ ?r { *^l war foreign Power, to publifh a Royal Proclama ion, if he or they (hall judge it requifite, to permit all Mer- y chant Ships, and other Trading Veflels, and Privateers, to be nunned with foreign Mariners and Seamen during fu'ch War, in the Manner as by this Act is provided; and that upon the publilhing of fuch Proclamation, this Act and every It. ing the; em contained (hall be deemed to be in full Force and Virtue, and have Continuance for and during ihe Time ot any fuch War, and no longer, except in c Mr . ~ "refpect to fuch Merchant Ships, and other Trad. ng Ships or Velie s, and Privateers, which (hall be on JcTfcTfanher their Voyage before the Determination of fuch War, who (ha 1 be and are hereby allowe.l the. Liberty Chapter vj. a nd Benefit of returning Home navigated in the Manner as herein before is provided. UGa'^'i'-ii. 17 Geo. 1. c. 34. iS Geo. 2. c. 31. 20 Ceo. 2. c. 38. 22 Geo. 2. c. 32. 24 Geo. 2. r.47. 3 1 G». 2. c. io, CAP. IV. An Act: for the more effectual fecuring and encouraging the Trade of his Majefty's Britifo Subjects to America, and for the Encouragement ot Seamen to enter into his Majefty's Service. C c c 2 ' vers -• '• s 4-