Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/495

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A. D. 1741. Anno decimo quarto Georgii If. C. 36. 429 ' or Places, Country or Countries, but only from thofe of the faid Growth, Production, or Manufacture, ' or from thofe Ports where the faid Goods and Commodities could only, or were, or ufually had been ' firft fhipped for Tranfportation, and from none other Places or Countries, under the Penalties of the ' Forfeiture of all fuch Goods, as alfo the Ship in which they are imported, with all her Guns, Furni- ' turc, Ammunition, Tackle and Apparel, to be divided and recovered as in the faid Act is diredlt , ' with Provifo that the faid Act fhall not extend or be meant to remain and prohibit the importing of 5 any of the Commodities of the Strefohts or Levant Seas, in Englijh built Shipping, and navigated as • therein is directed, from the ufual Ports or Places for lading .them within the laid Strcights or Le- ' vant Seas, or the importing any Esi/I-India Commodities, louden in the like Shipping, and fo navigated, ' from the ufual Place or Places for lading of them, in any Part of thofe Seas to the Southward and ' Eaftward of Capo bona Speranza, although the faid Commodities be not of the very Growth of the laid ' Ports or Places refpectively : And whereas at the Time of palling the faid Act laft-mentioned, it was ' not ufual to bring to this Kingdom Raw Silk and other Goods and Commodities of the Growth, Pro- ' duce or Manufacture of Perjia, through the Dominions and Territories of the Emperor of Ruffia :

  • And whereas it may be of great Advantage to this Kingdom, to open a Trade to and from Perfia

' through Ruffia, by promoting the Confumption of the Woollen and other Manufactures, Goods and 4 ommodities thereof, if Raw Silk, and other the Goods and Commodities of the Growth, Produce and ' Manufacture of Perfia be permitted to be imported into this Kingdom from Ruffia, in Return for fuch

l Woollen and other Manufactures as fhall be exported from hence into Ruffia, and from thence carried

' into Perfia, and not otherwife ;' Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alfembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one The R Uflia thoufand itm hundred and forty-one, it (hall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons Company may free or to te free of the faid Fellowfhip of EngliJI) Merchants for Difcovery of new Trades, commonly ™P ort Perfian called The Ruffia Company, exclufive of all others, to bring and import into this Kingdom, in Britijh Commodiues » built Shipping navigated according to Law, from any Port or Place of or belonging to the Czar or Emperor of RuJJia, Raw Silk, or any other Goods or Commodities of the Growth;. Produce or Manu- facture of Perjia (provided fuch Manufacture be made of the Growth or Produce of Perfia) being pur- bein^-purchafed chafed by Barter with Woollen or other Manufactures, Goods or Commodities, exported from Great Bri^ 1 Manu- h Britain to RuJJia, and from thence carried into Perfia (Gold and Silver in Coin or Bullion excepted) or f a <rtures, with the Produce arifing from the Sales of fuch Manufactures, Goods or Commodities, io exported r with the Pro, to Rvjjia and carried into Perfia as aforefaid, and not otherwife, upon paying or fecuring the Cuftorns ducetfffuoii and other Duties now payable for the fame by any Law now in Force, according to fuch Rules, Me- Manufactures

thods and Directions, and in the fame Manner and Form, and with fuch Allowances, Abatements, "£' t < j-" t t0 

! Difcounts and Drawbacks, and under fuch Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities, as are by Law pre- fcribed and praetifed on the Importation of the like Goods of the Growth, Produce or Manufacture of. ! Perfia, imported into this Kingdom from any Part or Place in the Levant Seas, by any Perfon or Perfons- I free of the Levant or Turkey Companyj/ahy thing in the faid recited Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Seccwrato the contrary thereof in any wife notwithitanding. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Silk or other Produce, Commodities cn 0ath of**-

Or Manufactures of Perfia, fhall be imported into Great Britain through RuJJia by virtue of this Act, Im P ortsr
unlefs the Importer or Importers thereof do take an Oath, or being of the People called Quakers, a
folemn Affirmation, before the Collector, Cuftomer or Comptroller of his Majefty's Cuftorns (who are

hereby impowered to adminifter the fame) at the Port or Place of Importation, that to the beft of his or their Knowledge and Belief, the Silk, and other the Produce, Coirmodities and Manufactures of Perfia, contained in his or their Entry or Entries, was or were really and truly purchafed by Barter- with Woollen or other Manufactures, Goods or Commodities, exported from Great Britain to Ruffia, and from thence carried into Perfia (not being Gold or Silver in Coin or Bullion) or with the Produce ariling from the Sales of fuch Woollen or other Manufactures, Goods or Commodities, fo exported 2s aforelaid, and not otherwife; and in Default of taking fuch Oath or Affirmation, all fuch Silk, or other the Produce, Commodities or Manufactures of Perfia, fo ixported from RuJJia, (hall be liable to be feized and forfeited, in like Manner as if the fame had been imported contrary to the faid A<5t made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An Acl.jor encoura- ging and increafing of Shipping and Navigation. III. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this Act Perfran Mamr-- ' contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to the permitting the ufing or wearing in this King- ftftures nor_to dom any wrought Silks, or other the Goods or Commodities of the Manufacture of Perjia, mentioned I ' a e n j' orn " 1 ' tns " in the Act palled in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Ail for the more effectual employing the Poor, by encouraging the Mamfatlures of this King- 11 ! •3- c - , °- dom, which may "be imported by virtue hereof through Ruffia ; but the fame Act, and every. Claufe butfhaiibeex- therein contained, fo far as the fame relates to the importing the faid Goods into the Port of London only, ported agai&oni and to the Entry thereof, and Payment of the Duties, an i putting the fame into proper Warehoufes, ecan ^-- and exporting them on Security, and to the feizing and profecuting thofe Goods, and dividing the ' ; Produce of fuch Seizures, and keeping proper Accounts thereof, and (objecting the Perfons concerned to Penalties and Difabilities for Breach of the faid Act, ihall be praetifed, and be of full Force and 1 Effect for the Purpofes aforefaid, as if the faid Act, and the feveral Claufes therein contained, were- on Seizure-, the 1 particularly and at large repeated and fet down in the Body of t^.is Act. Proof of their , IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Queftion, Dtfpute. or Doubts G^l&o^not Ihall arife, whether any, of the Goods or Commodities to be imported, by virtue, of this Act be of the ftaitbec Growth, Importer.