Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/539

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A-D. 1742. Anno dccimo quinto Georgii Jf. C. 32. 473 ' IX. And whereas by the faid Act of the eleventh and twelfth of William the Third it is provided, 4 That the Warehoufe Keeper or Warehoufe Keepers fhall keep an Account, in the Manner therein di-

  • rected, of all the faid Goods brought in and carried out of the Utid Warehoufes, and tranfmit to the

' faid CommifTioners an exact Account thereof, upon Oath, every fix Months, together with an exact ' Account hov/ much fhall be remaining in his or their faid Warehoufe or Warehoufes rcfpectivcly ; which ' Accounts the faid Commiflioners are by the faid Act impowcred and enjoined, within one Month after ' the fame fhall be tranfmitted to them, to caufe to be examined in the Manner therein directed, and to 4 lay a true Account of the fame before the Parliament, within' the firft Week of every Seflions thereof;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all the Accounts to be kept, prepared, tranf- Account to Par- mitted, or delivered as aforefaid, a true and exact Account fhall be therein inferted and expreffed, of all Hament of all fo- fuch of the faid Goods as fhall have been delivered out to be cleaned, dyed, prefl'ed, glazed, calendered, J c clgn Go0 ^ * a_ or refrelTed, by virtue or in purfuance of the Directions of this Act, and which fhall be returned again into WarAonfea to fuch Warehoufes, mentioning the Days and Times when the fame fhall have been fo deli ered out or be refrefhed brought back, together with an exact Account how much fhall be remaining in the Care and Cuftody of'and returned, the Officer or Officers appointed to have the Charge and Cuftody thereof, while they are out of the Warehoufe or Warehoufes, for the Purpofes aforefaid. X. And it is hereby further enacted, That if the Officer or Officers who fhall be intruded with the I'enaitv on Offi- Care and Cuftody of any of the faid Goods delivered out of any of the faid Warehoufes for the Pur- cer = offcnding- poles aforefaid, fhall not return all fuch Goods into the Warehoufe or Warehoufes from whence they a B ainft lhi4 A "' were taken, agreeable to the Intention of this Act, the Officer or Officers offending therein, fhall not only forfeit and lofe the Value of the faid Goods fo carried out as aforefaid, and be for ever difabled from any publick Employment for the future, but (hall alfo forfeit the Sum of five hundred Pounds for every fuch Offence, and all Penalties and Forfeitures herein before-mentioned, fhall and may be recovered and divided in like Manner as is provided by the faid Act of the eleventh and twelfth of William the Third, for Recovery of the Penalties and Forfeitures ariftng thereon. CAP. XXXII. An Act for preventing the Mifchief which may happen by keeping dangerous Quantities of Gunpowder in or near the Cities of London and IVeftminfer. HEREAS by an Act paffed in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King 5 Geo. 1. c. 26. = W I. c. 13. George the Firft, intituled, An Ail for the ?naking more effectual an All pajfed in the fifth Year »7 llGso ' 1 his Majefty s Reign, intituled, An Aft for preventing the Mifchiefs which may happen by keeping too ' great Quantities of Gunpowder in or near the Cities of London and Wejlminfler , or the Suburbs there- ' of; it is enacted, That it fhall not be lawful to have or keep more than two hundred Pounds of Gun-

  • powder at any Time in any Houfe, Storehoufe, Warehoufe, Shop, Cellar, or other Place, or in any
  • Houfes, Storehoufes, Warehoufes, Shops, Cellars, or other Places under one or the fame Roof, or in

j any Yard or Yards within the Cities of London and Weftminfler, or either of them, or within the Sub-

  • urbs thereof, or within three Miles of the Tower of London, or within three Miles of his Majefty's
  • Palace at Saint James's, or within two Miles of any Magazine erected for keeping Gunpowder belong- ,

1 ing to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffbrs, for the Ufe of the Publick, for more than the Space of

  • A twenty-four Hours, upon Pain of forfeiting fuch Gunpowder, and the Value thereof: And whereas

' the Dealers in Gunpowder continue to keep within the Limits aforefaid, as large and dangerous Quan-

  • tities as they ufed to do before the making and paffing of the faid Acts, evading or eluding the fame,

' either by difpofing of fuch Gunpowder under divers Roofs, or in Places not defcribed by the faid Sta-

  • tutes, or by taking Advantage of the Difficulty of proving the fame to have been kept twenty-four

' Hours under the fame Roof, or by fome other Device or Craft ; and although the Juftices of the Peace

  • authorized by the faid Acts, have Authority to caufe dangerous Quantities of Gunpowder to be removed

' out of the Limits aforefaid, yet there being no Power given for detaining the fame when removed, and ' the Property not being diverted, the Owners or Proprietors thereof can immediately after fuch Removal ' demand the fame again, and maintain an Action at Law for the Recovery thereof, although the fame ' be not detained an Hour after fuch Removal ; whereby the good Intentions of the faid Statutes are ut- 4 terly defeated, to the great and apparent Danger of the publick Safety:' For Remedy whereof, and for 16 Car. 1. c. n, the more effectual preventing in future the Dangers aforefaid, and for making the faid Remedy more ex- J 7 ac - 2 - *'• 8 - tenfive, may it pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted ; And be it enacted by the King's mod Excel- 4 "• " Ct s 9" lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, p erfons not in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and alter the twenty- Tj ea i erS) t0 fourth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and forty-two, it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or keep but 50 1. Perfons, not being a Dealer or Dealers in Gunpowder, to have or keep within the Limits aforefaid more of Gunpowder; than fifty Pounds of Gunpowder, or for any Perfon or Perfons being a Dealer or Dealers in Gunpowder, Dealers no more to have or keep within the Limits aforefaid, for any longer Time than twenty-four Hours, more than i *" er *°|, ai J" two hundred Pounds of Gunpowder at any Time, in any Houfe, Storehoufe, Warehoule, Shop, Cellar, 2+ Hours ; Yard, Wharf, or other Place, or in any Houfes, Storehoufes, Warehoufes, Shops, Cellars, ards, nor on the Wharfs, or other Places, either under one and the fame Rftof, or by dividing the fame, and difpofing Thames, except thereof under divers Roofs, or in divers Places, or upon the River of Thames within the Limits aforefaid, "^'P*. ^ c ' f except in Ships, Boats, and other VeiTels actually paffing and repairing on the faid River of Thames, or de- j^'"^^.^^ tained there by the Tides or bad Weather ; and except alfo in Carts, Waggons, or other Carriages actually bv -fides, or bad Vol. VL P P P loading wither;