Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/593

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A. D. 1744. Anno decimo feptimo Georgh II. C. 11. 527 XVII. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That every Benefice of the Church of R>«« oaV*. Scotland, and every Office of Head, Principal or Mailer in any of the faid three Universities that arc can<:i «. now vacant, or that fhall become vacant, on or before the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand (even hundred and forty-four, fhall be fubject and liable to the Sum of five Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, for every Half Year that the Vacancy fhall continue; and every fuch Benefice and Office that fhall become vacant after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March on- thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, fhall be fubject and liable to the Sum of two Pounds ten Shillings of like Money, for every Half Year during fuch Vacancy. XVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Rates before-mentioned, pay- To whom (li- able out of the Ann and vacant Benefices of the Church of Scotland, fhall be paid to the Preibytery, Raica arc to lr within whofe Bounds the Benefices refpectively lie, or to the Collector to be by them appointed, by the i : " J - Heritors and others liable to the Payment of the Ann, and of the vacant Stipends refpectively ; and the faid refpective Prefbyteries are hereby impowered and required to levy the aforefaid Rates, payable in re- fpect of the Ann, and of the vacant Benefices within their Bounds ; and to pay the fame to the General Collector or Receiver, to be appointed in Manner herein after mentioned, at his Office in Edinburgh, within fix Calendar Months after the Ann and vacant Stipends fhall be due and payable. XIX. Provided always, That the Prefbyteries in the Weftern and Northern lfles of Scotland fhall be Fiovifo. allowed twelve Calendar Months, for paying in to the General Collector or Receiver, at his Office in Edinburgh, the refpective Sums due out of the Ann and vacant Stipends within their Bounds, from the refpective Times at which the Ann and vacant Stipends are payable. XX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the aforefaid Sums payable by the Where the-Re- Reprefentatives of the Heads, Principals, or Matters, in the faid three Univerfities, in refpect to the prefentati«s of Half Year, immediately after the Death of any of the Members of the faid Univerfities, fubject to any * decearctl Ma - of the yearly Rates above mentioned, and the Sums payable in refpect of the vacant Salaries in the faid v^nt SaUnek' Univerfities, fhall be paid by the Reprefentatives of the deceafed Member of the faid Univerfity, and by thole liable to the Payment of the vacant Salaries refpectively, to the Univerfity of which he was a Member, and where the Vacancy is ; and the faid Univerfities refpectively are hereby impowered and re- quired to levy the Sums due by the Reprefentatives of their deceafed Member, and out of the faid vacant Salaries ; and to pay or caufe the fame to be paid to the General Collector or Receiver, at his Office in Edinburgh, to be appointed in the Manner herein after directed, within fix Calendar Months after the De- ceafe of their Member, and after the faid vacant Salaries fhall from time to time fall due. XXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the aforefaid annual Rates, and Application of other Sums, payable by the Minifters of the Church of Scotland, and by the Heads, Principals and Maf- tr » e Money. ters in the aforefaid three Univerfities, and the Sums payable by the Reprefentatives, and out of the Ann, or otherwife, and alfo the Sums payable out of the vacant Stipends or Salaries in the Manner herein be- fore directed, fhall be applied by Order and Direction of the Truftees herein after named, and their Suc- ceiTors, to the Ufes and Purpofes after mentioned, videlicet ; In the firft Place, there fhall be paid a Sum not exceeding two hundred and ten Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain yearly, for the Salaries of the General Collector or Receiver, and the Clerk to be chofen in the Manner herein after directed ; and in the fecond Place, after Payment of the faid'Salaries, the Remainder of the faid feveral Sums afore- faid, fhall be applied to the Payment of an Annuity to the Widow of every Minifter of the Church of Scotland, and of every Head, Principal or Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, who hath been fubject and liable to one or other of the annual Rates above mentioned, in Proportion to the Rate to which the refpective Widow's deceafed Hufband was liable in Manner following ; that is to fay, If the Hufband was liable to the annual Rate of two Pounds twelve Shillings and fix Pence, his Widow fhall be intitled to an Annuity of ten Pounds ; and if the Hufband was liable to the annual Rate of three Manner of Pounds eighteen Shillings and nine Pence, his Widow fhall be entitled to an Annuity of fifteen Pounds ; P a y ,n S ,hc and if the Hufband was liable to the annual Rate of five Pounds five Shillings, his Widow fhall be inti- tled to an Annuity of twenty Pounds ; and if the Hufband's annual Rate was fix Pounds eleven Shillings and three Pence, his Widow's Annuity fhall be twenty-five Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain ; which refpective Annuities fhall be computed to commence from the firft Term of IVhitfunday or Mar- ' timnas, which fhall be one full Half Year after the Hufband's Death ; and fhall from thenceforth be due at each Term of IVhitfunday and Martinmas, by equal Portions ; and the firft Year's or Half Year's An- nuity refpectively fhall be payable at the firft Term of IVhitfunday, which fhall be a full Year or a full Half Year refpectively after the Commencement of the faid Annuity ; and the faid Annuity fhall fo con- tinue payable yearly at the faid Term of IVhitfunday, during the Widow's Life, and her continuing un- on " Widow's"* married ; and upon her Death or Marriage, her faid Annuity fhall ceafe to be due for any Terms that Death or fhall happen after her Death or Marriage. ^_ Marriage. XXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Minifter of the Church of If- no Widow, Scotland, and every Head, Principal, or Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, who fhall have been a Srai to be di- fubject to one or other of the aforefaid annual Rates, and who fhall die, not leaving a Widow, but one ™* pd amon i the or more Children, fuch Child or Children fhall be intitled to a Sum equal to ten Years Annuity, that ' rcn " would have been payable to their Father's Widow ; which Sum, in cafe there be more Children than one, fhall be equally divided amongft them. XXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the Widow of any Minifter of of Widows dy- the Church of Scotland, or of any Head, Principal, or Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, inti- ing or marrying, 1 tied to an Annuity as aforefaid, fhall happen to die or to be married, before the Lapfe of ten Years after and °f uhildiea the Commencement of her Annuity, and whofe Hufband fhall have left a Child or Children, who at the under A s e> laid