Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/594

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5 28 C. n. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. A. D. 1744; faid Widow's Death or Marriage fhall be under the Age of fixteen Years, fuch Child or Children under the Age of fixteen Years, fhall be intitled to fuch a Sum of Money as (hall be equal to ten Years of the faid Widow's Annuity, deducting fo much thereof as fhall have been received by the Widow; which Sum fhall be equally divided among the faid Children if there happen to be more than one Child. When the Chil- XXIV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Provifions due to the Children of Mi- tl'r'r Sums' Pa ' d n ' fters of - the Church of Scotland, or to the Children of the Heads, Principals, or Matters in the faid three Univerfities, upon the Death of their respective Fathers, or upon the Death or Marriage of his Widow, and which fhall become due after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, and before or on the Term of Martinmas, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, fhall be payable at the Term of Whitfunday one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix; and the Provifions that fhall become due to fuch Children after the Term of Mar- tinmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, and before or on the Term of Martinmas one thoufand feven hundred and forty-fix, fhall be paid at the Term of Whitfunday one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven; and fo in all Time to come, the Provifions that fhall become due to the Children after one Term of Martinmas, and before or on another, fhall be payable at the Term of Whitfunday next fol- lowing. Difpofition of XXV". And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Surplus of the faid annual Rates, the Surpluses, an j f the ot her Sums, payable by the Minifters of the Church of Scotland, and by the Heads, Princi- pals, and Mafters in the faid three Univerfities, and by their refpective Reprefentatives, and out of the Ann, or otherwife, and out of the vacant Stipends or Salaries in' Manner aforefaid, after Payment of the annual Expence of Management, and of the Annuities payable to the Widows, and of the Provifions payable to the Children in Manner above directed, fhall at the Term of Whitfunday yearly, be lent out to the Minifters of the Church ef Scotland, and to the Heads, Principals, and Mafters in the faid three Univerfities, who fhall have become fubject to one or other of the aforefaid annual Rates in Manner here- in beforcf-mentioned, to the Amount of thirty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, to each Minifter of the faid Church, and to each Head, Principal, and Mafter in the faid three Univerfities (which Mi- nifter, Head, Principal, or Mafter, is hereby obliged to receive the fame) in fuch Order as fhall from time to time be appointed by an Act or Acts of the General AfTembly of the Church of Scotland; and in Default of fuch Appointment, in fuch Order as the Truftees herein after named fhall direct; until every Minifter of the Church of Scotland, and every Head, Principal, and other Mafter in the faid three Univerfities, who fhall have become fubject to one or other of the aforefaid annual Rates, fhall have re- ceived the aforefaid Sum of thirty Pounds. On Receipt of XXVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon the Receipt of the afore&id the Money, Mi- Sum of thirty Pounds, the Minifter of the Church of Scotland, and the Head, Principal, or Mafter in mfter, &c. to an y f the f a id three Univerfities fo receiving the fame, fhall refpectively execute a Deed, obliging him- felf, his Heirs, Executors and Succeflbrs, that upon his ceafing to have Right to the Benefice or Office, in refpect whereof he had received the aforefaid Sum, whether by Tranflation or Promotion, Depriva- tion or Refignation, Death, or any other Manner or Way, he fhall repay the aforefaid Sum of thirty •Pounds to the General Collector or Receiver, to be appointed in Manner herein after directed, at his Office at Edinburgh, with lawful Intereft for the fame, from the Term of Whitfunday or Martinmas, im- mediately preceding his ceafing to have Right to his Benefice or Office refpectively during the Nonpay- ment; and further obliging himfelf and his aforefaid Heirs, Executors and Succeflbrs, to pay the Intereft of the aforefaid Sum of thirty Pounds, at the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Jnnum, to the faid General Collector or Receiver,?.t the Term of Candlemas yearly, at his Office at Edinburgh, from and after his Receipt of the aforefaid Sum, during his continuing in PoSffion of the Benefice or Office re- fpectivety, in refpect whereof he received the fame. Rece'ver /hall XXVII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid General Collector or Receiver, jay the Money receiving the aforefaid thirty Pounds from a Minifter of the faid Church, or from a Head, Principal, or t °^ uccef y° rs '" Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities, or from their Heirs refpectively, fhall pay the fame over to execute a Deed. tneu ' refpedlive Succeflbrs in Office, who are hereby obliged to receive the fame, and who fhall execute a Deed for Repayment of the principal Sum and Intereft, in the fame Form and Manner as with refpect to their Predeceflbrs in Office is above directed. Vacant Salaries XXVIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the Time that any Mi- fubjeft to Intereft n ifter of the Church of Scotland, or any Head, Principal, or Mafter in any of the faid three Univerfities ^^eMonej re- fi^]] h ave received the aforefaid Sum of thirty Pounds, the vacant Stipend or Salary of fuch Minifter, t-e'r'cent. 4 ' Head, Principal or Mafter refpectively, fhall be fubject to the Intereft of the faid Sum of thirty Pounds, at the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum. Yearly Rates XXIX. And he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the forefaid yearly Rates, and iball he privi- other Sums, payable by the prefent and future Minifters of the Church of Scotland, and by the prefent and J;ged Debts. future Heads, Principals and Mafters in the faid three Univerfities, and the forefaid Rates payable by the Heirs and Executors of the faid H ea( ls, Principals and Mafters in the aforefaid Univerfities, and the afore- faid Sum of thirty Pounds to be delivered to the faid Minifters, and to the Heads, Principals and Mafters in the faid three Univerfities, with the Intereft thereof, fhall be privileged Debts, and preferable to all other Debts of the faid Minifters, and of the Heads, Principals or Mafters in the faid Univerfities, not only upon their Benefices and Salaries refpectively, but alfo upon their whole other Perfonal Eftate; and that the aforefaid Rates, payable out of the Ann and vacant Benefices and Salaries refpectively, fhall he a preferable Debt and Burden upon the Ann and vacant Benefices and Salaries, to all other Debts and Burdens; any Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithstanding. XXX. And