Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/641

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A. D.i 744. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. C. 36. 575

  • Growth, Production, or Manufacture refpectively, or of fuch Port where the faid Goods ran only be,

« or moft ufually are, firft fhipped for Tranfportation, and whereof the Mafter and three Fourths of the

  • Mariners, at leaft, are of the (aid Country or Place, under die Penalty and Forfeiture of S'hip and Goods :

' And whereas the felling of Britijl) built Ships to Foreigners, is a beneficial Branch of Trade, and ought

  • therefore to be encouraged ; and it is highly reasonable, that Britijl: Ships fo fold to, or being the Pro-

4 perty of Foreigners, {hould enjoy the fame Privilege in thefe Kingdoms, as if they were of the Built of 5 the refpeitive Countries or Places from whence fuch Ships do come ;' May it pleafe your Majefly, that it may be enacted ; And be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, a. id by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the firft Day of May one thousand k-vzi hundred and v &tny to im- forty-four, and during the prefent Wars with France and Spain, or either of them, and no longer, the SodTjn"™^ faid recited Claufe in the faid Act of the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, (hall sh^Jd^jn't 'ifa* not extend, or be conftrued to extend, to hinder or prevent any Perfon or Perrons whatfoevcr from im- w«. porting into the Kingdom of Great Britain or Ireland, any of the Goods or Merchandizes mentioned and cxprefled in the aforefaid Claufe, in Shipping built in Great Britain, Ireland, the Ifland> of Gnemfex or Jerfey, or in any the Iflands, Dominions and Territories to his Majefty:, in Africa, Afia, or America, be- longing or in his PofTeiTion, fo as the Mafter and three Fourths of the Mariners at leaft, belonging to and navigating any fuch Ship or Veflel, are Britijh, or of the fame Country or Place of which the laid Goods are the Growth, Production or Manufactures refpectively, and not otherwife. E X P. II. Provided always, That all Goods and Merchandizes imported into Great Britain or Ireland, in Ships belonging to and the Property of Foreigners, altho' Britijh built, fhall pay Aliens and all other Du- ties, in the fame Manner as if fuch Ships were foreign built. ' III. And whereas a certain Ship or Veflel Britijh built, and called or known by the Name of The I' Saint John Baptijl, Saint Paul, and Souls, Jofepb Leivis de Cabo, Mafter, and navigated with foreign I { Mariners, did fince the firft Day of February one thoufand feven hundred and forty-three, arrive into ' this Kingdom, laden with fome of the Goods and Merchandizes mentioned and exprefled in the before ' recited Claufe in the Act of the twelfth Year of King Charles the Second ; which faid Goods and ' Merchandizes belong to, and are the Property of William Grd, -Merrick Burrel, and John Raymond, of ' London, Merchants : And whereas the faid Owners of the faid Goods and Merchandizes are prevented ' from entering the fame, on account of their being liable to the Penalties and Forfeitures inflicted there- ' by ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid William OrJ, .William Ord, Merick Burrell, and John Raymond, the Owners of the laid Goods imported fince the firft &c. may import .Day of February laft, in the Ship Saint John Baptijl, Saint Paul, and Souls aforefaid, to enter and pay the ' h e ed °° t h "'s e » Duties for the faid Goods and Merchandizes, without incurring any Penalties or Forfeitures whatsoever, j hn Bautift. for or by reafon of the faid recited Claufe ; and that the faid Goods and Merchandizes fo to be entered, or the faid Ship Saint John Baptijl, Saint Paul, and Souls, in which they were imported, fhall not be liable to any Seizure or Forfeiture on account of fuch Importations being contrary to the faid before re- cited Claufe. 4 IV. And whereas by two other Claufes in the aforefaid Act patted in the twelfth Year of the Reign ' of King Charles the Second, .it is (amongft other Things) enacted, That no Goods or Commodities ' whatfoever, of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of Africa, Afia or America, or any Part thereof, I*- or which are defcribed or laid down in the ufual Maps or Charts of thofe Places, be imported into ' England, Ireland or Wales, Iflands of Guernfey or Jerfey, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, from any 4 other Place or Places, Country or Countries, but only from thofe of the faid Growth, Production or

  • ■ Manufacture, or from thofe Ports where the faid Goods and Commodities can only, or are or ufually

4 have been firft fhipped for Tranfportation, and from none other Places or Countries, under the Penalty 4 of the Forfeiture of all fuch the aforefaid Goods as fhall be imported from any other Place or Country, 4 contrary to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, as alio of the Ship in which they were imported, with , 4 all her Guns, Furniture, Ammunition, Tackle and Apparel : And whereas there is a- Provifo in the 4 faid Act, That it ihall and may be lawful to and for any of the People of England, Ireland, Wales, 4 Iflands of Guernfey or Jerfey, or Town of Berwick upon Ttueed, in Veffels or Ships to them belonging, 4 and whereof the Mafter and three Fourths of the Mariners at leaft are Englifh, to load and bring in 4 from any of the Ports of Spain or Portugal, or Weftern Iflands, commonly called Azores, or Madeira, 4 or Canary Iflands, all Sorts of Goods or Commodities of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of 4 the Plantations or Dominions of either of them refpectively : And whereas Difputes have arofe on the ' Conftruction of the faid Provifo, whether Goods of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of the 4 plantations of Spain or Portugal, may be imported for account of Aliens, from the Places and in the 4 Manner exprefled in the faid Provifo, and whether fuch Goods belonging to Aliens fo imported, are 4 not liable to be forfeited, together with the Ship ; which tends to the Prejudice of the Britijh Naviga- 4 tion, as likewife detrimental to the publick Revenue :' Be it therefore further enacted and declared by f . _ the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to import the Goods Goods the Pr<*- mentioned in the faid Provifo, and in fuch Ships fo navigated, as in the faid Provifo is exprefled, although perty f Aliens fuch Goods belong to and are the Property of Aliens. may be imported; V. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fliall not ex- Pro^fo. tend or be conftrued to extend to alter, repeal or make void all or any the Claufes, Matters or Things contained in an Act of Parliament pafled in the thirteenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, for prohibiting *3Ceo.z. e.aj. Commerce with Spain ; any Thing in this Ait contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwkh- ftanding. C A P.