Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/660

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594 C. 9> Anno decimo odtavo Georgii II. A.D. 1745, the Exchequer as aforefaid, fhall commence from the Feaft of Saint John the Baptift which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, and be paid and payable to fuch Con- tributor or Contributors, or his, her, or their Aflign or Afligns, at the Times and in the Manner herein after mentioned ; and the faid Receiver or Receivers is and are hereby directed and required, as foon as he or they fhall have received from any fuch Contributor or Contributors, one Moiety of the feveral Sums by them refpectively intended to be advanced, for the Purchafe of ten Tickets, or more, in the faid Lot- tery as aforefaid, forthwith to give fuch Contributor or Contributors, or his, her or their Afligns, a Cer- A Certificate to tificate or Certificates, figned by him or them (directed to the Auditor of the Receipt of his Majefty's be given to Con- Exchequer) to be printed or written upon cheque Paper, and cut out indentwife through fome Flourifh tributes: 0[ £) ev j ce5 to be contrived by the faid Receiver or Receivers, containing the Names, Surnames, Places of Abode and other Additions, of fuch Contributor or Contributors, or his, her or their Afligns, together with the principal Sums by them refpectively advanced for the Purchafe of fuch Tickets, and the Annuity Afligmblc before payable to them in refpect thereof, at the Rate aforefaid ; (which faid Certificate or Certificates fhall be Dec. 20, 1745. affignable, by Indorfement thereupon to be made, and witneffed by two Perfons, at any Time or Times before the twentieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five) and in order to prevent Counterpart of the Auditor of the faid Receipt from being impofed upon by any counterfeit or forged Certificate or Cheques of Cer- Certificates, the faid Receiver or Receivers fhall, and they are hereby directed and required to tranf- tificatcs to be re- m ; t t0 t ^ e Auditor of the Receipt in the faid Exchequer (as foon as the faid whole Sum of five Exchequer. " hundred thoufand Pounds, by this Act intended to be railed by Way of Lottery, fhall be advanced and paid to him or them) the Counterpart of the Cheques of all the Certificates given by him or them to fuch Contributors as aforefaid ; upon which faid Counterparts of the faid Cheques fhall be exprefled the Number of each Certificate, the Contributor's Name, and the principal Sum contained therein. A Boot of the XXXIX. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Receiver or Re- Names of Cun- ceivers fhall alfo, within fourteen Days after the third Day of Oclober one thoufand feven hundred and tnbutors, &c. to forty-five, tranfmit to the Auditor of the Receipt of the faid Exchequer, a Book fairly written on Paper, Excheque/ " figned by him or them, containing the Names of the feveral Contributors, towards raifing the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds by way of a Lottery as aforefaid, the Number of Tickets fubferibed for by each fuch Contributor, the principal Sums by them refpectively paid for the Purchafe of fuch Ticket, and the Annuity payable in refpeft thereof at the Rate aforefaid ; to the end the faid Auditor may be thereby fatisfied, that the faid full and entire Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, to be advanced as aforefaid, hath been paid to fuch Receiver or Receivers j which Book fhall remain in the Office of the Auditor of the faid Receipt of Exchequer for ever. ' [ Certificates to be XL. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Contributor or changed for Or- Contributors aforefaid, or fuch other Perfon or Perfons as fhall bepoflefTed of any fuch Certificate or Cer- dcrs betore Dec. t jfi cateS5 by this Act directed to be given by fuch Receiver or Receivers as aforefaid, fhall, before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, deliver, or caufe to be delivered to the Auditor of the faid Receipt of Exchequer, all and every the faid Certificate and Certificates afore- 5 t0 faid, to be exchanged for Orders, to be made out in the Manner hereafter mentioned ; and fhall alfo, at the fame Time, name to the faid Auditor, his, her or their own, or fome other Life, during which he, fhe or they, or his, her, or their Afligns, fhall be intitled to receive a Dividend or Share of the yearly Fund, hereafter directed to be fet apart out of the faid additional Impofitions, Rates, or Duties, by this Penalty. Act granted to his Majefty as aforefaid; on Pain of forfeiting, not only the Half-year's Annuity, which fhall become due and payable to fuch Contributors, or their Afligns, on the twenty-fifth Day of De- cember one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five (in refpect of the principal Sums by them feverally advanced as aforefaid) but alfo all fuch fubfequent half yearly Payments, as fhall become payable to fuch Contributors, or their Afligns, until he, fhe or they fhall have produced to the Auditor of the faid Re- ceipt their refpecrive Certificates, to be exchanged for Orders- as aforefaid ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. Orders to be XLI. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Auditor of the faid Receipt made out as foon of Exchequer fhall, as foon as conveniently may be, after fuch Certificate or Certificates fhall be delivered is nuj be. to j^ m ag a f ore f a jr] } caufe Orders to be made out upon Vellum or Parchment in lieu of fuch Certificates; which faid Orders fhall contain the Names, Surnames, Places of Abode, and other Additions of the re- fpective Contributors, or their Afligns, and of their Nominees, the principal Sums by them advanced, together with the Annuity payable in refpect thereof during the Life of fuch Nominee to be appointed as aforefaid, out of the yearly Fund herein after directed to be fet apart for that Purpofe ; and. all fuch Orders fhall be figned by the Commiflioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Trea- surer for the Time being ; and after figning thereof, the fame fhall be firm, good, valid, and effectual in the Law, according to the Purport and true Meaning thereof, and of this Act,, and fhall not be de- terminable by or upon the Deaths or Removals of any Commiflioner or Commiflioners of the Treafury, or High Treafurer ; nor fhall they or any of them have Power to revoke, countermand, or make void fuch Orders fo figned as aforefaid. Boot to be kept XLII. And it is hereby enacted, That in the Offices of. the Auditor of the faid Receipt of Exchequer, in the Office ot anc j (Jlerk of the Pells feverally, there fnall be provided and kept one or more Book or Books, in which the Auditor, and fa a Vje fairly entered the Names of all fuch Contributors, and their Nominees, during whofe Lives ire- P«llV, ° ' fpectively, the feveral Dividends of the faid yearly Fund hereafter directed to be fet apart, fhall be pay- able at the Times when the fame fhall be nominated as aforefaid to which Books it fhall be lawful for the lefpe&iye