Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/662

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596 C. 9. Anno decimo o&avo Georgii II. A. D. 1745. Agents, fhall produce a Certificate of the Life of his, her or their refpective Nominees, under the Hand and Seal of the chief Magiflrate of any, City, Town, or Place, where any fuch Nominee fhall be then living, upon the Day when the faid half yearly Payment fhall become due as aforefaid; and every fuch Agent or Agents fhall alfo annex to every fuch Certificate, an Affidavit to be made by him or them be- fore one or more of the Barons of the Exchequer, that he or they do believe that fuch Certificate is true • which Certificate being filed as aforefaid, fhall be a fufficient Warrant for making the faid half yearly Pcn-lty on re- Payment to the refpedlive Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns; and if any Perfon tciving an An- or Perfons fhall receive one or more half yearly Payments upon his or their Annuity or Annuities for "l'S afterDeath any Time beyond the Death of his, her or their Nominee or Nominees, when the fame ought to ceafe ommee. ^^ p er f n or Perfons fhall forfeit treble the Value of the Monies fo by him, her or them received, and' alfo the Sum of five hundred Pounds; the Moiety whereof fhall go to his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- cellbrs, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Suit or Information; in which no Effoin, Protection, Privilege, Wager of Law, Injunction, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. On the Death of XLVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Contributor, his, her or a Nominee the their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, within one Month next after Notice of the Death of his • Contributor mall ncr or tn€; r refpective Nominee or Nominees, fhall certify fuch Death to the Auditor of the faid Receipt cexti y, -c o j- £ xc j le q uer f or the Time being; and fhall alfo within three Months after fuch Notice, deliver or caufe to be delivered up to the faid Auditor, his, her or their Order and Orders, by which he, fhe or they was, and were intitled, during the Life of fuch Nominee to any Share of the faid yearly Fund, in cafe fuch Order and Orders be in his, her or their Hands or Power; and in Default thereof, fuch Contribu- tor, his Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, fhall forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt as aforefaid, and to be had and received for the Ufe of any Perfon who fhall fue for the fame. XLVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Annuities payable to fuch Contributors out of the faid yearly Fund, fliall be free from all Taxes, Charges, and Impofi- Venalty on Default. Annuities free from Taxes. New Orders to be made out in lieu of defaced. tions whatfoever. ' XLIX. And whereas ' ders may be loft, burnt, Conditions, Entries to be made upon new Orders, Counterfeiting Orders, Af-

  • gnments, ice.

it may fo happen, That in Procefs of Time, feveral of the faid {landing Or- or deftroyed, or may become defaced, obliterated, or incumbered with many • Affignments endorfed thereon, and it may be neceffary that new Orders fhould be made forth in 1 lieu thereof;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all or any of the faid Cafes, any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury now being, or the High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall, and they are hereby impowered from time to time (upon Certificate under the Hand of the Lord Chief Baron or any other the Barons of the Coif of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, that he or they are fatisfied by Proof upon Oath before him or them made, that any fuch Order or Orders have been loft, burnt, or otherwife deftroyed) to caufe new Orders to be made forth at the Exchequer, to be figned by him or them, in lieu of fuch Orders fo certified to be loft, burnt or deftroyed; and the refpedtive Officers in the faid Exchequer, are hereby di- rected to pay the Intereft, which fhall from time to time become due upon fuch new Orders, as if the original Order or Orders had been produced; and all fuch Payments fhall be allowed in their re- fpedtive Accounts, provided that the Perfon or Perfons intitled to receive the Intereft due upon fuch Order or Orders, do give Security to the King, to the good liking of the Perfon appointed to pay the fame, to pay into the Exchequer for the Ufe of the Publick, fo much Money as fhall be paid thereupon, if the Order or Orders fo certified to be loft, burnt or otherwife deftroyed, be hereafter produced; and the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall and are hereby alfo impowered to caufe new {landing Orders to be made forth, for and in lieu of fuch Orders as fhall become defaced, obliterated, or otherwife incumbered as aforefaid; which faid Order or Orders fhall be at the fame Time delivered up and cancelled, and the new Order or Orders to be made out in lieu thereof, fliall be made payable, and delivered to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall appear to be the Proprietor or Proprietors of the faid Order or Orders fo to be delivered up, and cancelled at the Time of fuch Delivery up as aforefaid; and the Auditor of the Receipt aforefaid, fhall always take care that fuch Entries or Memorandums be made upon the faid new Orders, as may denote their being made in lieu of fuch de- faced, obliterated, incumbered or otherwife defective Orders cancelled, and as may fecure the Publick againft any double Payments, for or by reafon of the making out, or ifiuing fuch new Orders in Manner aforefaid. L. And for preventing all Frauds and Abufes in or about the faid {landing Orders, or any Affignments thereof, or the receiving the Annuities due or to grow due thereon; Be it enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fliall forge or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or coun- terfeited, or knowingly or wilfully act and affift in the forging or counterfeiting any Certificate or Certi- ficates to be given by fuch Receiver or Receivers, or any Order or Orders to be made forth in lieu there- of, in purfuance of this prefent Act, or any Affignment or Affignments of fuch Order or Orders, or of the Annuities payable thereon, or of any Receipt or Difcharge to the Exchequer, for the Annuities due or to grow due on any fuch Order or Orders, or of any Letter of Attorney, or other Authority or In- ftrument, to transfer, affign, alien or convey any fuch Order or Orders, or to receive the Annuities due or to grow due thereon, or any Part thereof, or fliall forge or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or knowingly or wilfully act or affift in the forging or counterfeiting any the Name or Names of any of the Proprietors of any fuch Order or Orders, in or to any fuch pretended Affignment at Affigments, Receipt, Letter of Attorney, Inftrument or Authority, or fhall knowingly or fraudulently demand