Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/384

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of the Ail. 364 C. 32 — 34. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A.D. 1751. Aft to be inter- XXVIII. And it is hcrcby enafled and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That all Sheriff and Stewart nib-ftbe'nefidi»l I^cputcs, Sheriff' and Stewart Subflitutes, Justices of Peace, and Ivlagiftrates of Burghs, fhall interpret and Miinner.' "^ "* put this AiSt, and tlie faid former Act in Execution, in the moil beneficial A'lanner for promoting the ronakyonMa- Linen and Hempen Manufa6turcs ; and if any of the faid Sheriffs or Stewarts, Juftices or A'lagiifratcs, jiftrates lef'ufing f];iall wilfully negleiSl or refufe to execute the Powers and Authorities committed to them by this and the to execute the j-^jj fo,-,-nei- ji^^Q-^ fg 33 that fuch Neglect or Refufal fhall tend to the Difcouragemcnt or Detriment of the, ^^jj Manufactures, fuch Negkct or Refufal fhall be and be taken to be a Point of Dittay, and the Perfon or Perfons fo offending may be profecuted before and punifhed by the Lords of Jufficiary, in Manner prefcribcd by the faid former Act. ^h'T'fl"""*^ XXIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Comptroller of the Cuftoms in Mver iTcarTy Scotland, or his Deputy, fhall, without Fee or P.eward, in the Month of December yearly, on Demand, Account to the deliver in to the faid I'ruftees an Account for the Year ending at Mtdjuimner preceding, of all Flax-fccd Truftces of all and Hcmpfccd, and of all Flax and Hemp, and al!b of all Pot-afhes, and all Linen, Flaxen or Hempen riai.ciothjl'ot- Yarn, and Linen Cloth, imported into Scotland., diflinguifhing the feveral Ports from whence, and at which "orted a'^d""' ^'^^ f'anie were impoited ; as alfo an Account of all Flax and Hemp, and of ail Linen, Flaxen or Hempen p6ncd." '*" Yarn, and alio of all Pot-afhes fhipped in and exported from ScotUnid, diflinguifhing the feveral Ports from and to which the fane fhall be ihipped, and of^ all Linen Cloth fhipped in and exported from Scotland, diflinguifliing the feveral Ports from and to whiih the fame fhall be fhipped and exported, and dillinguifh- ing the feveral Bounties paid upon the Exportation of fuch Cloth. Contrafts, fee. "XXX. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Contrails, Securities and Agree- thrxruflees ^ nients entered into and taken by Authority of the faid 'Frullees for promoting of the faid Linen and Hempen Manufa£lures, or any particular Branch thereof, may be entered into, and taken in the Name of their Secretary for the Time being, and his Succeflbrs in Office, for the Ufe of the Fund cflablifhed by the Bonds, &c. faid Adt for encouraging the Linen Manufacture in Scotland; and all Bonds, Obligations and other Se- curities, for the faithful Execution of any Office, or for the Performance of any other Matter or Thing relating to the faid Manufa£lure, fliall and may be taken in the Name of the fiid Secretary for the Time and Suits, &c. being, and his Succeflbrs in OfHce, for the Ufe of the faid Fund; and all Dilligencies, Suits, Adlions

  • " t'^ '" "i^f'^" ^"d Proceffes, may be iffued and carried on in confequence of fuch Contracts, Securities and Agree-

cre ary s me. j^^gj^j.^^ Eonds and Obligations, and profecuted to a final Iflue in the Name and at the Inftance of the faid Secretary for the Time being. m^'kT'a"'"^'"^ XXXL And be it further enadled, That this A£l, and all the Authorities, Powers, Matters and Things herein contained, fhall commence and take Place from the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufani feven hundred and fifty-oee. CAP. XXXIL An A£l for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by two A£ls of Parliament, For repairing the Road from Wendover to the Town of Buckingham in the County of Bucks ; and alfo for repairing and widening, the Road leading from the wefl End of the faid Town of JVendover to the End of a Lane called Oak Lane, next the great Road called The Oxford Road, lying between the Town of Beconsfield in the faid County of Bucks, and Uxbridge in the County of Middle/ex, and that Part of the faid great Road which leads, from the wefl End of the faid Town of Beconsfield to the River Colne near Uxbridge aforefaid. P R. [The Ads 7 Geo. I. c. 24. and 15 Geo. 2. c. 5. continued for 21 Years.] CAP. xxxm. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an A<£1 of Parliament palTed in the fourth Year of his prefent Majefly's Reign, for repairing the Roads leading from the mofl fouthern Part of Butt Lane, in the Parifh of Laivton in the County Palatine of Chefier, to Lawton ; and from thence tc> Hen/hall's Smithy upon Cranage Green in the faid County ; and for making the faid Adt more effedual. PR. [The Adl 4 Geo. 2. c. 3. continued for 21 Years.] CAP. XXXIV. An Adt for the better Prefervatlon of the Game hi that Part of Great Britain called ScotlaHd^ 'HEREAS it is ncceffary that the Laws now in Force in Scotland, for regulating the Times- for killing the Game, and. for preventing the Abufcs of Carriers, Poachers and others carry- ' ing and felling the fame, fliould be amended and made more effetSual ;' Be it therefore enabled by the King's mofl Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- Poral, and Commons, in this prefent ■ Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That no erfon in Scotland fhall, upon any Pretence whatfoever, kill or deflroy any Moor Fowl, from the firfV w'^'^h F °vl not ^^^y °^ January to the tenth Day of fi/ly, or any Partridge or Heath- Fowl, from the firfl Day of Fe- uXe kiricVou° iruary to the twentieth Day of Augujl in any Year. ■ ofSeafon. 'Ih'a Qh-u^t: repeated by Gei. ■>,. c.zi. Penalty on Per- IL And be it further cnadled by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon whatfoever, not qualified to fon not qualified ]^] Game in Scotland, {hall have in his or her Cuflody, or carry at any Time of the Year, upon anytfre- to kill Game, ^^j-^qq whatfoever, any Flares, Partridges, Pheafants, Muir Fowl, Heath Fowl, Snipes or Qiiails, with- to Cuftody.'" out the Leave or Orders of a qualified Perfon firfl obtained, for carrying fuch H.ires or other Game, or foi havi-ug the fame in his or her Cuftody, III,