Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/563

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I A. D. 1753. Anno viceiimo fexto Georgii II. C. 84 — 96. 543 CAP. LXXXIV. An A&. for repairing and widening the Roads from Span Smithy in the Townfliip of Elton, through the Town of Middlewich, and by Spittle Hill in Stanthorne, to Winsford Bridge j and from Spittle Hill to the T'own of Nortlnvich in the County Palatine of Ch.Jler. P R. CAP. LXXXV. An Aa for repairing the Road from AJhhy de la Zouch in the County of Leiccfler, through Burton upon Trent in the County of Stafford, and to the Cock Inn in Tutbury in the faid County. P R. CAP. LXXXVI. An A61 for repairing, amendingand vyidening the Road from Kicghley in the Weft Riding in the County of York, to Kirkby in Kendal mthtCo-xintY oi'lFe/imorland. PR. C A P. LXXXVII. An A<El for repairing and widening the Road from the Stones End near Shoreditch Church, to the Centre of the Bridge in Old Street Road, and through Old Street in the Parifh of Saint Luke, Aliddlefex, to the Welt End of the faid Street next the Pavement in Gofwell Street. PR. CAP. LXXXVIII. An Aft for repairing the Road leading from Oundlem the County of Northampton, to Alconhury cum Wejlon irt the County of Huntingdon, from Barmvcll in the faid County of Northampton, to Jlconbury cwn Wefton aforefaid, and from the Adile Brook in Hamerton, to IVood La?ie End next the Parifh of Great Gidding in the faid County of Huntingdon. P R. CAP. LXXXIX. An AQi for explaining, amending and making more elFeftual two A£i:s of Parliament, the one palTed in the twentieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, Jn Ati for repairing the high Road leading from the Toivn of Stockton upon Tees iti the County of Durham, to Darlington, and from thence through Win- flone to Bernard Caftle in the faid County; and the other palled in the twenty-fecond Year of his faid Ma-, jefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for enlarging the Term a>id Powers granted by the faid firfi-mentioiied Att^. and for the effeSJual amending of the faid Road. P R. CAP. XC. An KSt for repairing feveral Roads leading into the City of Glafgow. P R. CAP. XCI. CAP. XCII. An Aft for repairing, amending and widening the feveral Roads leading from the Red Pofi in the Parifli of Fivehead, thiough the Towns of Langport and Somerton, to Buttvell; and alfo from Curry Rivel to Puck- ihgton Lane, and fnotn Cary Bridge to Street Crofs in the County of So7nerfet, PR. CAP. XCIII. An Aft for repairing and widening the feveral Roads in the County of Peebles leading from Tweed Crofs to- wards the City of Edinburgh by Blythe Bridge, La Mancha and IVheam, and by Linton and Carlops, and from Ingleflon through Carlops, until all the faid Roads join the Limits of the County of Edinburgh, r R. CAP. XCIV. An Aft to enable the Owners of Houfes and Lands in the Parifh of?ia t Botolph Without Aldeyfgate, and the Inhabitants thereof,, to repair the Church and Steeple belonging to the faid Parilh. P R. CAP. XCV. An Aft to explain and amend an Aft paffed in the twentieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled'. An Aui for repairing the Road leading from Cather-ick Bridge in the County of York, to Yarm in the faid' County; and from thence to Stockton in the County of Durhamj and from, thence through Sedgefield inthefaid, County of Durham,, to the City of Durham. PR» CAP. XCVL An Aft for laying a Duty of two Pennies Scots, or one fixth Part of a Pemiy Sterling, on every Scots Pint of Ale and Beer which {hall be brewed for Sale, brought into, tapped or fold within the Town of Paiflty. and Liberties thereof, in the County of Renfrnv^ for improviaig the Navigation of the River Cart,, and for other Purpofes. P R» CAP.