Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/62

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■i8 C, 10. Anno viceiiiiio Georgii II. A. D. 1747. vemWy on lot- Ufe, or for the Ufc of any other Perfon, other than fuch Perfon whofe like Carriage {hall be then mending ■ - 111 fjcU jjj. i'e]->;iiriiig by fucl Coachmakcr, or be Ictt out to Hire ; on Pain of forfeiting the Sum of twenty Pounds '"' for every 'lime that fuch Carriage fhall be lb employed or lett out to Hire as aforefaid. 1 i,n Quad Prcfpculions where to be, C & plaint, to i'lim mon the farty and givejudg' metit. Sec, fe fa I! her 30 Geo, 2. r, 2Z* fc^, 6. 33 Geo, %. c. 25. XIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Rates and Duties hereby granted, as alfo all Fojfitures and Offences made and committed againft this AtSt, or any Claufe or Articls therein contained, fiiall be heard, adjudged and determined by fuch Perfon and Perfons, and in luch Manner and Form as hereafter in and by this A£t is directed and appointed; that is to fay. All Profecutions for the Re- covery of the Duties hereby granted, and alio for all Forfeitures and Offences made and committed within the immediate Limits of the Chief Office of Excife in London, fhall be heard, adjudged, and determined by the faid Commiffioners of Excife, or the major Part of them, or by the Commiffioners for Appeals, or the major Part of them, in cafe of Appeal, and not otherwife ; and all Profecutions for the Recovery of the Duties hereby granted, and alfo for all Forfeitures and Offences made and committed within all or any . oiher the Counties, Shires, Stewartrics, Cities, Towns or Places within the Kingdom of Great Britahi, frail be heard and determined by any tvvo or more of the Juftices of the Peace refiding near to the Place where fuch Forfeitures fhall be made, or Offence committed ; and if the Party finds himfelf aggrieved by the Judgment given by two or more Juftices, he Ihall and may appeal to the Juftices of the Peace at the next Quarter-Scffions, who are hereby authorized and impowered to hear and determine the fame, whofe otnmiffioner?, Judgment therein fli all be final ; which laid Commiflioners for Appeals, and regulating this Duty, and the ■c. ujion Com- jajj CommiiTioners of Excife, and all Juftices of the Peace aforefaid refpeiSlively, are hereby authorized, " '"" and flridtly enjoined and required, upon Complaint or Information upon Oath, exhibited and brought of any Forfeiture made, or Offence committed, contrary to this Atfl, to fummon the Party accufed, and upon his Appearance, or Contempt, to proceed to the Examination of the Matter of Fa£l:, and upon due Proof made thereof, either by the voluntary ConfeiTion of the Party, or by the Oath of one or more credible Wit^ nefs or Witneffes (which Oath they, or any two or more of them, have hereby Power to adminifterj to give Judgment or Sentence thereupon, and to award and iffue out Warrants under their Hands, for the levying of fuch Forfeitures and Penalties as are by this Act impofed, for any fuch Offence committed, upon and for want of ;the Goods and Chatties of the Offender, and to caufe Sale to be made of the faid Goods and Chatties, if Dittrefs, to com- they fliall not be redeemed within fourteen Days, rendering to the Party the Overplus, if any be; and for mittheOffcnder. y^^nt of fufEcient Diftrefs, to imprifon the Party offending till Satisfaftion be made. Fcifcutires hosv XIV. And it is hereby further enadted. That all Forfeitures and Penalties mentioned in this Aft (all nc- tobedifpofed, ceffary Charges for the Recovery thereof being firft dedufted) fhall be employed, one Moiety thereof to and for the Ufe of his Majefty, and the other Moiety thereof to the Difcoverer or Informer of the fame. None to be pro- XV. Provided always, and be it enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That in every Cafe where the Dutv fccnted, where ^^ Duties required by this Aft to be paid, by any Perfon chargeable with the fame, fhall be paid, and ' a?d &'"efore Entry made as aforefaid, before any Information laid of fuch Entry or Payment not having been made, al- information though not fti'iflly within the Time for that Purpofe mentioned, no Perfon having made fuch Payment and given. Entry, fhall be afterwards profecuted for not having made fuch Payment or Entry within the Tirne limited by this Act. Saccefrorsof de- XVI. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon having ce^ fed Perfons, made due Entry and Payment of the Duty for any Coach or Coaches, or other Carriage or Carriages vv i]o have paid mentioned in this Act, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, fhall die before the End of the t c Duties, not Year for which fuch Entry and Payment fhall be made; in every iuch Cafe, it fhall be lawful for every iL°R'»"dife°cf"^ Perfon claiming Title to any fuch Coach or Coaches, Carriage or Carriages aforefaid, by, from or under tiicYear. fuch .deceafed Perfon, to make ufe of fuch Coach or Coaches, Carriage or Carriages, for or in refpefl whereof fuch Entry and Duty fhall have been made and paid as aforefaid, during the Refidue of the Year for which fuch Payment fliall have been made, in like Manner as fuch deceafed Perfon might have done, jf living. . XVII, And be it further enacEted by the Authority aforefaid, That there fliall be provided and kept in the Office of the Auditor of the faid Receipt of Exchequer at JViiimhifier, a Book or Books, in which all the Monies hereby appointed to be paid into the faid Receipt, fhall be entered feparate and apart from all other Monies paid or payable there to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, upon any Account whatfoever ; and the faid Money fo appointed to be paid into the faid Receipt of Exchequer as aforelaid, fnall be the yearly Fund for the Ufes and Purpofes herein after mentioned. X VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Annuities which by this Aft fliall be granted and made payable, in refpeft of the piincipai Sum of one million, to be railed towards the Supply for the Service of the Year one ihoufand feven hundred and forty-fev.en, in fuch Man- ner and Form as herein after is direfted, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, fhall he charged and chargeable upon, and payable out of the faid Rates and Duties by this Act granted to his Majelty ; and the faid Rates and Duties fhall be, and are hereby appropriated for that Puipofe accordingly. ' XlX. And whereas it is intended. That the faid Sum of one million fliall be raifed by Way of a Lot- ' tery, for the Purchafe of Annuities, after the Rate of four Pounds per Ceniiim per Annwn,, in Manner ' hereafter mentioned ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Aulhoriiy aforefaid. That the Annuities becominsj due and payable to the Contributors to the Lottery herein after mentioned, their Executors, Adm'niftr T?ooks to he lieiit for enter- ir.g-fnc Monies coming in. Approprir.tjon of lite Duties, s.coo roof, to 1 1: raifed by l.otceiy, fcr pi.'clE'e of Aiuiiiities at 4 1. per CeQ.r. tors and Affigns, at the Rate of four Pounds /nv Ccrdtan per Annum, in refpeft of the fai J principal Sum of one million, in Manner hereafter in this Aft exprelled, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, according --I0 he charged on to the Provifo herein after contained in that Behalf, fliall be charged upon the faid Rates and Duties, from the Rates, the Feaft Day of the Nativity of Saint ^John the Baptifl-, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoi;- fand feven hundred and forty-feven, and fhall, from Time to Time, be paid half yearly, at the Feafts of the Birth of our Lord Chrifr, and the Nativity of Saint '^ohn the Baptilt, by even and equal Portions, the li:it