Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/750

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73^ C. 40. Anno vicefinio nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. their r.o|v-ity all Femes Covert, and every other Perfon and Perfons whomfocver, who are or fhall be feifcd, poflefTed of, inany Bi' the (-,r intereftcd in, any fiich Houfes, Edifices, Tenements or Ground, to fell and convey all or any fuch Houfcs, Hiiidmgs, F-difices, T'cnements and Ground, or any Part thereof, and all their Eftates, Rights, Titles and Intcrefts vatfo^'ver, of, in and to the fame, to the faid Mayor and Commonalty, and Citizens, and their SucccfTors, or to fuch Perfons, and their Heirs for ever, as the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons, in Common Council alfembled, fhall direct, in Trufl for the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, and their Suc- celTors, for the Purpofes in this Act contained ; and that all Contracts, Agreements, Sales and Conveyances, which (hall be fo made by virtue and in purfuance of this Act as aforefaid, fhall without any Fine or Fines, Recovery or Recoveries, or other Conveyance or Afi'urance in the Law whatfoever, be good, valid and ef- fectual, to all Intents and Purpofes ; any Law, Statute, LTfage, or any other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding : And that all fuch Perfons are and fhall be hereby in- demnified for what th.y fhall do by virtue of or in purfuanc&of this Act. Where any Per- IX. And be it further ena£l:ed by the Authority aforei'aid, That if any Body Politick, Corporate or Col- ons fhall rcfufe Ifgiate, Corporations Aggregate or Sole, Femes Covert, or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, in and by to treat or are this Aft im powered and qualified to contraft, fell, convey and difpofe of, any Part of the PremifTes for tr!ea in/ &c°'" '^'^ Purpofes herein before-mentioned, fnall refufe to treat and agree as aforefaid, or by reafon of Abfence fhall be prevented from treating and agreeing, or fhall decline or refufe to fell, convey and difpofe of, the Premifl'es, whereof, wherein, or whereunto, they refpeiStively fhall be fo feifed, polTefled, interefted or intitled, as aforefaid, or their refpeftive Rights, Titles, Claims or Interefts, to, in or upon the fame, or any Part thereof, unto the faid Mayor and Commonalty, and Citizens, and their SuccelTors, or fuch Perfons as the cT .IihII not inake faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons, in Common Council aftembled, fhall appoint, for the Purpofes, and cut a Tiiic, the according to the Tenor, true Intent and Meaning of this prefent Aift, or fhall not produce or make out a Court of Alder- (-jg^f Xitle to the PremifTes they are in PofTeinon of, or to the Intereft they claim thereto, to the Satisfac- Prc'reaVforthe "" °^ ^^^ Court of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, it fli.ill and may be lawful to and for jummonlng a the faid Court, and they are hereby impowered and authorized to ilTue a Warrant or Warrants, Precept or Jury, Precepts, to the Sheriffs of the faid City of London, or to the Bailiff of the Borough of Southwark, as the Cafe mall require, who are, and every of them is, hereby authorized, directed and required accordingly, to impanel and return a competent Number of fubflantial difinterefled Perfons, qualified to ferve on Juries, and not lefs than forty-eight j and out of fuch Perfons fo to be impanelled, fummoned and returned, a Jury of twelve Perfons fhall be drawn by fome Perfon by the faid Court of Mayor and Aldermen to be appointed, who are to be jj;, fuj-^ Manner as Juries for the Trial of IiTues joined in his Majefty's Courts at JVcjhnhiJhr, by an Aft ■ ?' Oto ^- '^c'^-> ■; '"'^"^^ '" '^'"^ ^'^^^ ^z-i.- of the Reign of his prefent Majefly, intituled. An Acl for the better Regulation of dircils!"' ' Juries, are direfted to be drawn; which Perfons fo to be impanelled, fummoned and returned, as aforefaid, are hereby required to come and appear before the faid Covirt of Mayor and Aldermen, if the Premifles in Difpute lie in London, at fuch Time and Place as in fuch Warrant or Warrants, Precept or Precepts, fhall be direfted and appointed, and to attend there, from Day to Day, until difcharged by the faid Court; and if the Premifles lie in the County of Surry, before the Juftices of the Borough of Southivark, at fome Ge- neral Qiiarter-Seffions of the Peace to be held for the faid Borough, or fome Adjournment thereof; and all Jury may be Perfons concerned fhall have their lawful Challenges (hut not challenge the Array of the Panel) againftany ihallengfrt of the fiid Jurymen when they come to be fworn ; and the faid Court of Mayor and Aldermen, cr Juflices, Court may fum- 2s aforefaid, are hereby refpc6tively authorized and impowered, by Precept or Order, from Time to Time, mi""^WiNir(reE ^5 Occafion fhall require, to call before them all and every Perfon and Perfons whomfoever, who fhall be 1)11 Oath, thought nccefiary to be examined as Witneftes before them, and to examine them on their Oath or Oaths ■inJ d-.teft the touching and concerning the Premifl'es ; and the faid Court of Mayor and Aldermen, and Juftices, as afore- Imy to vievy f^ij refpeftivcly, if they think fit, fliall and may likewife authorize the fliid Jury to view the Place or Places, rMcmon"&c """ ^^-^'^"-S '1 Queftion, in fuch Manner as they fhall direft ; and the faid Court of Mayor and Aldermen, ■^ ' '■ ■ or Juflices, as aforefaid, fliall have Power to adjourn fuch Meeting from Day to Day, as Occafion fliall re- - quire ; and luch Jury, Witnefles and Parties, fhall attend until all fuch Affairs for which they were fum- Jiuy to aflefs nioned fhall be concluded : And the faid Jury, upon their Oaths, fhall enquire of the Value of fuch Houfes the Value. Ground, Tenements, Edifices, Ereftions and Buildings, which fhall be neceffiry to be purchafed, and of ■ the relpeftive Eflate and Intereft of every Perfon feifed or poflefled of, or interefted therein, or in any Part thereof; and fuch Jury fhall aflifs the Sum and Sums to be paid to every fuch Perfon or Perfons for the .ndtbe Court Purciiale of fuch their Eftates and Interefts which fiiall be necefl^iry to be fo purchafed ; and the faid Court '" ' of Mayor and Aldermen, or Juftices, as aforefaid, fnall and may refpeftively give Judgment for fuch Sum and Sums of Money fo to be alTcfll'd ; which faid Verdift or Verdifts, and the faid Judgment, Decree and Determination thereon (Notice in Writing being given to the Perfon or Perfons interefted, at lenft four- ...r r.<r .c ^^" Days before the Time of fuch Afieftrncnt, declaring the Time and Place of the Meeting of the faid iriicidted. Court of Mayor and Aldermen, or Juftices as aforefaid, and Jury, by leaving fuch Notice at the Dwelling- houfcof fuch Perfon or Perfons, or at his, her or their ufual Place or Places of Abode, or with fome Te- nant or Occupier of fone of the faid Houfes, Ground, Tenements, Edifices, Ereftions or, intended to be 'alued and affefled, in cafe fuch Party cannot otherwife be found out, to be ferved with fuch Notice) fhall be binding and conclufive to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, as well againft the King's A-Iajefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, claim- ijig any Efiate, Right, Title, Truft, life or Intereft in, to or out of the fame, either in PoflefTion, Rever- lion. Remainder or Expeftancy, as well Infants, and Ifluc unborn, Lunaticks, Ideots and Femes Covert, and Pcr'ons under any other legal Incapacity or Difability, and all other Ceftui que Trufts, his, her and Vcrdia of the (heir Heirs, SucccfTors, Executors and Adminiftrators, as againft all other Perfons whomfoever ; and the Ji.-y and judg- Verdifts, Judgments and Decrees, and all other Proceednigs of the faid Court of Mavor and Aldermen, '"ced^rof'thc °' J^'^'^"^^ ^'^ aforefaid, and Juries, fo to be made, given and pronounced as aforefaid, fhall be fairly written Coi.rt'to be "" Parchment, and figned and fcaled by the faid Mayor for the Time being and fuch Verdifti, Judgments 2n4 ■final [udgmcnt. Pfvions Notice tn lie eivcn to flu-"'its