Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/751

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A.D. 1756. Anno vicefimo nono Georgi I II. C. 40. 7^1 . . , . , igs in the County of Surry, fliall bs tranfmitted to the Clerk of the Peace of the faid County, and kept amongfl: the Rcccids of the Qiiarter-Seffions of the faid County; and the faid Verdifts, Judgments and Decrees, and all other Proceedings, {hall be deemed and taken to be Records to all Intents and Piirpofes whatfover; and the fame, Copuc may lis or fome Copy thereof, fliall be deemed and taken to be good and effeftual Evidence and Proof in any Court taken i)i.;i..i.' ; or Courts of Law or Equity whatloever, and all Perfons may have Rccourfe to .z (zmo: gratis, and take ^'■' '^'" "'"■'•■ Copies thereof, paying for every Copy not exceeding two hundred Words, Sixpence j and fo prcportiun- ^°" E^-'""- ably for any greater or lefTer Number of Words. X. And it is hereby further enafted and declared, That upon Payment of fuch Sum or Sums of Money Upon P..)mpr.t fo to be afTeffed and decreed as aforefaid, the Perfon or Perfons to whom the fame {hall be fo afTeffed and dc- "f ihc purdiai'i: creed for the Purchafe of the Houfes, Tenements and Hereditaments, or for the Purchafe of any Eftate or ■^""'-■y. Ccnvcy- Intereft therein, fnall make and execute, or procure to be made and, executed, good, valid and legal Convey- ruuVof i+it'^p'^e- ances and Aflurances in the Law, to the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the faid City, or to in;ffif, inTinit any Perfon or Perfons whom the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons, in Common Council aflhnblcd, for the City, fhall dirc6l and appoint, and their Heirs, in Truft, for the faid Mayor and Commonalty, and Citizens of the faid City, of fuch Houfes, Ground, Tenements, Edifices, Ere6iions and Buildings, or of fuch Eflate or Interefl, for which fuch Sum or Sums of Money {hall be fo awarded ; and fliall procure all n'ceflary Par- ties to execute fuch Conveyances, Ailignments and Aflurances, and {hall do all Afts, Matters and Things, ne- cefTaryorrcquifite tomake a clear, good and peife£t Title to fuch Premiifes, to the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the faid City ; and fuch Conveyances, Affignmcnts and AlTuranccs, fliall contain all fuch reafonable and ufual Covenants as fhall, on the Part of the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, be required j and in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom any fuch Sum or Sums fliall be fo awarded or due as aforefaid, fliall not be able to evidence their Title to thePremiffes, to the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Com- mons in Common Council afl^embled, and to make, or procure to be made, good, valid and legal Convey Wfiere a-pead ances thereof to the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Title cannot te Mayor, Aldermen and Commons in Common Council afl~emblcd, fhall appoint, or fhall refufe fo to do, r"^"','},"" " being thereto required, and fuch Sum or Sums fo afl^efled and awarded, or due as aforefaid, being produced exccutcT^'&c'"^^ and tendered to be paid to them, on their making fuch Title, and executing, and procuring to be executed, ' ■fuch Conveyances, Affianments or Aflurances as aff refaid ; or if in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom or tlie Pa!tics fuch Sum or Sums of Money fliall be fo aflefled or due as aforefaid, cannot be found in the City or County ^'^ "=< '" ^'^ v/here the Houfes, Ground, Tenements, Edifices, Ereftions and Buildings, for which the Sums fhall be fo '°^-'^' *•"=• aflefTed and awarded, or are due, lie; or in cafe that by reafon of Dilputes depending in any Court of Law or Equity, or for Defeif of Evidence, it fliall not appear to the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the faid City, in Common Council affembled, what Perfon or Perfons is or are intitlcd ; or if any Mort- orMcrtgsgjc gagee fliall refufe to take in his or her Mortgage Money due on the Premifles, after Notice given to him or "^f'j [^^"f; '" lier for for that Purpofe as herein before is provided ; that then, and in all aiid every fuch Cafe and Cafes, 4„e Montv it {ball and may be lawful to and for the faid Court of Mayor and Aldermen to order the Sum or Sums fo ^ ° aflefTed and awarded as aforefaid, as the Value of and Purchafe Money for, fuch Houfes, Ground, Tene- ments, Edifices, Ereffions and Buildings, or as fliall be due on any fuch Mortgage, to be, paid info the Court may pay Bank of England, for the ufe of the Parties interefled in the faid Premifles, to be paid to them, and every of the Money int» them, according to their refpeflive Eflratcs and Interefls in the faid Premifles, as the faid Court of Mayor thf: Banli. and Aldermen ftiall, by any Order to be made to them, direct; and the Cafhier orCafhiers of the Bank of England, vvho fhall receive fuch Sum and Sums, is and are hereby required to give a Receipt or Receipts for Receipt to Be fuch Sum or Sums, mentioning and fpecifying for what Premifles, and for what Ufe the fame is and are re- given (or the ceived, to fuch Perfon as fhall pay fuch Sum or Sums into the Bank of England Zi aforefaid ; which Receipt f^m^ Cpcrifying or Receipts fhall be entered on Record, and regiflered in fuch Place, and in fuch Manner, as the faid Ver- '"/^'"'^/'u,-", dicf, Judgmicnt and other Proceedings, are herein before required to be kept ; and immediately on fuch Pay- ^f,-!^ a"e to "be ment and Regiffry, all the Eifate, Right, Title, Intereft, L^fe, Trufl:, Property, Claim and Demand in regiftcied ; Law and Equity, of the Perfon or Perfons for whofe Ufe the fame was paid, in, to and out of fuch Houfes, Ground, Tenements, P'difices, Eredions and Buildings, fhall veft- in the faid Mayor and Commonalty and PremlfTes ihere- Citizens ; and they {hall be deemed in Law to be in the a(5tual PolTefKon thereof, to all Intents and Purpofes, "P"" .'" "** '° as fully and effeftually as if every Perfon having any Eflate in the faid PremifTes had actually conveyed the ^^J^^'^l^ ^ fame by Leafe and Releafe, Bargain and Sale inrolled. Feoffment with Livery and Seifin, Fine and Reco- " " ^' very, or any other legal Conveyance whatfoever; and fuch Payment fliall not only bar all Right, Title, Intereft, Claim and Demand, of the Perfon and Perfons to whofe Ufe fuch Payment was made, but alfo {hall extend to, and be deemed and conftrued to bar the Dower and Dov/ers oi the Wife and' Wives of fuch Perfon or Perfons, and all Eflates Tail in Reverficn or Remainder, againft the lilue and Iffues of fucli Perfon and Perfons, and every Perfon claiming under them, as effectually as a Fine or Recovery would do, or would have done, if levied or fufFered by the proper Parties in due Form of Law. XI. Provided alvvays. That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid Court of Mayor and Alder- Comf, at ti- lick Funds, or on Government Securities, at Intereff, in the Name of any Perfon or Perfons, authorized the Pubi-ck and appointed by the faid Court of Mayor and Aldermen for that Purpofe, in Truft", to transfer and afljgn f^^^"' '(^ ^"^'^ i the fame to fuch Perfon or Perfons to whom the Aioney fo paid in fliall belong, on their executing proper Conveyances thereof; and in the mean Time in Truft to pay thej^itcrefts and Dividends arifmg therefcom, ' 5 A I tQ