Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/91

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A. D. 1747. Anno vicefimo Georgii II. C. 38. 47 that Purpofe, filed and kept: And in cafe fuch Mafter, Commander or other Perfon, /hall negleft to keep iuch Book or Mufter-roll, or fliall negleft or refufe to deliver fuch Duplicates as aforeliiid ; and in cafe fuch Receiver or Colleftor fliali negletJt to make, keep, and file fuch Copies thereof, or neglect or refufe to tranf- init the Duplicates which {liall be delivered to him as aforefaid, to the faid Piefident and Go'ernors ; they fhall feverally and refpedively forfeit and pay, for every fuch Offence or Offences, the Sum of twenty penalty lol. Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain. XXI. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for Colleaors to the faid Collectors and Receivers, for the better Difcovery of what fhall be due from the Perfons ferving on fummon Ma- board, or belonging to any Merchant Ship, or other private Ship or Veffel aforefaid, by Warrant under his or ^^<^'^^> their Hand or Hands, to fummon all fuch Mafters and Commanders, or (in their Abfence) fuch Owner or Owners of fuch Ship and Veffel, to be and appear at the Office of the faid Colleitors or Receivers refpec- tively (fo as the Perfons fo fummoned be not obliged to travel above ten Miles for the making fuch Appear- ance ;) which faid Colleftors and Receivers are he.eby impowered and direiSted to exarnine every fuch Ma- ana examine fcer and Commander, or Ov^ner or Owners, upon Oath (which Oath fuch Colleftors and Receiveis, and ''^'■" "P"-"^^^' €very of them refpecSively, are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) as to the Truth of the Copy of fuch Book or Mufler-roU, and as to the Number and 'i'imes of Service of all and every Perfon and Per- fons belonging to, or employed in, fuch Ship or Veffel, who are liable to, or chargeable with, the faid Sum of fix Pence per Month ; and if fuch Mafters or Commanders, or (in their Abfence) fuch Owners, or any Mafffrs, &c. not of them, fhall refufe or neglect, when fo fummoned, to appear before the faid refpcdtive Perfons hereby ^PP'^""2> ^^• impowered to examine them in Manner as aforefaid ; or if they appear, and obftinately refuie to make full and true Difcovery of the Matters aforefaid, upon their feveral Oaths ; then, and in every fuch Cafe, all and every fuch Offender or Offenders, for every fuch Refufal, fltall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds of '°^=^^' -"'• lawful Money of Great Britain. XXII. And, for the more eafy and effectual collecting the faid fix Pence />«• Month of and from the Ma- ilers, Commanders and Ov^ners of Merchant Ships or Veffels that are or fhall be hired or employed by the Commiflipners, or other Officers of the Navy, Vidiualling, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Poft-office or other pub- lick Offices, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors ; Ee it further enacted by the Au- Clerks of the thority aforefaid. That the Secretaries or Chief Clerks of the aforeiaid Off.ces, or any other publick Offices Offices hiiing of the Crown, ufually hiring or employing Ships or Veffels for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs ^*"P^ °' ^'■ or Succeffors, fhall, and they are hereby refpettively required to deliver a Duplicate of the Lift or Account ^^i^="l ^ ^"' of the Number and Names of fuch Ships fo hired or employed, and of the Names of the Mafters, Com- Duplicates of,'^ manders and Owners of every fuch Ship and Veflel refpe£tively, and of the Numbers of Seamen or other the Ships and Perfons employed in fuch Ship or Veffel, to the Receiver or ColletSor of the fiid Duty of fix Pence per dews to the Month at the Port oi Lo?idon, or any of the Out-ports to which fuch Ship or Veflel does refpedtively belong, '•"ol'^'^^ti- granted by this Adf, as is by virtue of an Aft made in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prel'ent Ma- - Geo, i. c. 7. jefty, to be delivered to the Receiver or Collector at the faid Port of London, of the Duty of fix Pence per Month given towards the Support of the faid Royal Hofpital at Greenwich ; and the faid Secretaries, Chief Clerks, and alfo all and every other Officers of or belonging to the faid Offices, and the Maft-ers, Co.mman- ders and Owners of any Ships or VeiTels hired and employed, or to be hired or employed by them, or any of them, are hereby alfo required to do every other Adt, Matter or Thing for the due and efteiStual Pay- ment of the faid fix Pence per Month hereby granted, as is diretEled and required to be done by the faid Ai?c of the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for the effectual Payment of the Duty of fix J'ence^^- Month granted to the faid Royal Hofpital ; and the faid Secretaries, Chief Clerks or other Of- ficers, or any of them, and the faid Mafters, Commanders and Owners of any Ships or Veffels hired and uT^cnhcPs. employed by them, or any of them, fhall be fubjeft and liable to the like Penalties and Forfeitures for any ? ^i Ta* '^ Default, Negle£t or Omiffion, that diall be made in any of the Adts, Matters or Things, hereby required t(5 be by them refpe<£fively done and performed, or for a£ling contrary to the DireClions of this Ad, as they are fubjeCi and liable to by virtue of the faid KGt of the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Ma- jefty, for any Default, Negleft or Omiffion, in any of the Adls, Matters or Things required to be done and performed by, or for acSting contrary to, the Direftions of the faid Aift. XXIII. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Mafters, Com- Maimers tc pay manders and Owners of all Merchant Ships, and other private Ships and Veffels whatfoever, by this Act ^^^ ^^^' ". made liable to the Payment of the faid Duty of fix Pence per Month, fhall pay all fuch Monies as fhall Coiredor of* from time to time be due from them, and every of them refpeftively, to the CoUeCcors and Receivers to be the Port where F.ppointed in purfuance of this Adl, for or on Account of the faid Duty, at tlie Ports only to which fuch the Sliip belongs. Ships or Veffels do refpeCtively belong, and before any fuch Ships or Veffels fhall be cleared inwards, by the Officers of the Cuftoms of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in any of the Ports of that Part of Great Britain called Enzland ; and that no Cuftomer, Colleftor, Comptroller, Receiver, Survevor, Searcher. VeHelnot to-be Waiter ftall at by this Aft made or declared liable to the Payment of the faid Duty of fix Pence per Month, or grant any Warrant, or give or grant out any Cockets, Tranfires, Returns or Difcharges, unto or for any iuch Shi]> t)r Veffel whatfoever, or (hall permit or fuft'erany fuch Ship or Veflel to go out of any of the Ports before ■mentioned, until the fiid Mafter, Commander, or Owner or Owners of every fuch Ship or Veffel re'pec- tively, fhdlanddo produce and fhew forth, unto fuch Officer or Officers, an Acquittance or Certificate figned by the faid Receiver or Receivers, Colleiftors or Colleftors of the faid Duties, v/hereby it fhall appear that fuch Mafter, Commander, or Owner or Owners, have duly and fully paid and difcharged t!ie faid Duty, and that he or they is or are not more than three Months in Arrear for the fame, or that they are Msflers a^a -exempted from the Payment of the faid Duty by virtue of the Exceptions herein contained ; and every'Ma- other ora^ei-. iitrj Commander and Owner of any fuch Ship or Veffel, yhofliall refufe er negledt to pay the iiud Dutv of "i^i'iK &t" ' fix '■^'^"'