Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/93

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A. D. ■I747* ■ Anno vicelimo Georgii .11. ^« 3^. 49 ■' other Traders belonging to the faid City and Port, to undertake the Collection and Application of the ' faid lix Pence per Month, to be paid at the faid City and Port; and alfo to receive and apply any Dona- . ' tions that well-difpofed Perfons may give for the Relief and Support of fuch Seamen as fhall be maimed ' and diiabled, and for the Widows and Children of thofe who fhall be killed, flain.or drowned in the Ser- ' vice of the faid Merchants and Traders;' Therefore be it further enafied by the Authority aforefaid, That Merchants Ven- the Mafter, Wardens, Afliftants and Treafurer of the faid incorporated Society for the Time being, fhall be ^rte*^ f '"h Truftees, and fhail have and be veiled with the like Powers and Authorities for collecting, recovering, re- Duties receiv't;/ ■ ceiving and applying the faid fix Pence />«■ Month, to be allowed, coUeded and received by virtue of this there, &c. Aft, at the faid City and Port; and for taking, receiving and applying any Sum or Sums of Pvloney which ' fhall be contributed, devifed and bequeathed by any well-difpofed Perfons for Relief and Support of the ■ Seamen employed on board the Ships or Veffels belonging to the Merchants or Traders refiding at the faid City and Port, and their Widows and Children, as {hall be intitled thereto by virtue of this Aft; and to appoint Receivers and other Officers for the Purpofes aforefaid, as are given and granted by virtue of this Aft, to the Prefident and Governors aforefaid, according to fuch Rules, Orders and Regulations, as are or "fnall be eftabliflied by virtue of this Aft; and fuch Receivers and other Officers (liall have the fame Powers and Authorities as the other Receivers and Officers to be appointed by virtue of this Aft, and fhall be fub- jeft and liable to the like Penaties and Forfeitures; and the faid Mafter, Wardens, Affiffants and Treafurer fliall alfo have Power to take and receive any Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, in fuch Manner, and for the like Purpoies only, as the faid Prefident and Governors are by this Aft impowered to take and re- ceive Lands, Tenenements and Hereditaments; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any ' wife notwithftanding. ' XXIX. And whereas the Guild or Brotherhood of Mafters and Pilots, Seamen of the Trinity Hsufe of ' the Town;;nd Port of Kingjlon upon Hull, are willing, for the Benefit of the Seamen employed on board ' Ships and Veffels in the Service of Merchants and other Traders belonging to the laid Town and Port, to ' undertake the Colleftion and Application of the faid fix Pence per Month, to be paid at the faid Town ' and Port; and alfo to receive and apply any Donations that well-difpofed Perfons may give for the Relief ' and Support of fuch Seamen as fhall be maimed and difabied, and of the Widows and Children of thofe ' who fliail be killed, flain or drowned in the Service of the faid Merchants and Traders;' Therefore be it " further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Guild or Brotherhood of Mafters and Pilots, Seamen Trinity HouCe of of the Trinity Houfe of the Town and Port oi Kingjlon upon Hull, for the time beiiig, {hall be Truftees, and Hull, Truftees {liall have and be vefted with the like Powers and Authorities for collefting, recovering, receiving and ap- for the Duties, • plying the faid fr; Pence ^£?r Month, to be paid at the faid Town and Port; and for taking, receiving and *'^" '■^'^'^'^^'l applying any Sum or Sums of Money as fhall he contributed, deviied or bequeathed by any well-difpofed "^ "^' '^° Perfons, for the Relief and Support of fuch Seamen, and their Widows and Children, as fhdl be intitled thereto, by Virtue of this Act; and for appointing Receivers and other OiTicers, for the Purpofes aforefaid, as are given and granted by virtue of this Aft, to the Prefident and Governors aforefaid, according to fuch Rules, Orders and Regulations, as are or fnall be eftabliflied by virtue of this Aft; and fuch Receivers and other Officers fhall have the fame Powers and Authorities as the other Receivers and Officers, to be . appointed in purfuance of this Aft, and fhall be fubjeft and liable to the like Penalties and Forfeitures; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any w-ife notwithftanding. XXX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing herein contained {hall extend, Colleflorsof or be conftrued to ex::end, to oblige the Receivers or Colieftors of the faid Duty, to be appointed by the Out-Ports, to Truftees of any of the faid refpeftive Out-ports, to ft;nd the Duplicates of the Books or Mufter-rolls hereby deliver DupU- direfted to be delivered ta. fuch Receivers or Colieftors, by the Mafter or other Perfon having the Care of ~'"„'° ? , any Ship or Veffel, to the faid Prefident and Affiftants, or Committees; but fuch Duplicates fhall be de- out-p^rtsl ' ^ livered by fuch Colleftor or Receiver, after making and filing Copies thereof, to the faid Truftees re- fpefti ely, to be by them filed and kept for their Ufe and Infpeftion. XX Ai. Provided always, and it is hereby declared. That no Seaman or other Perfon employed onboard Seainen not pay- any Merchant Ship, or other private Ship or Veffel, fhall be intitled to have or receive any Provifion or ing the Duty, Benefit by virtue of this Aft, at the Port of London, or any Out-port, but thofe who are fubjeft and not to be bene* ■ liable to, and ihall pay the faid Duty of fix Pence per Adonth, as aforefaid, at the faid Port of London, or ^^^^' Out-ports refpeftively. XXXIL Provided alfo, and be it declared, That thofe Seamen who fhall have been longeft in the Thofe who have faid Service, and contributed moft towards the faid Duty, {hall be foft provided for as worn out or "'^' ,*'^' '°"S- decrepit. . pfovidedforf ' XXXin. And whereas it may happen that Seamen or other Perfons employed on board Ships or Vef- ' fels, may, by Accident in loading or unloading the fame, or otherwife in doing their Duty on Shore, as ' well as on board fuch Ships or Veffels, receive fuch Hurt or Damage, that it may endanger their Lives, ' to fend them to the Port to which the Ships or Veffels do refpeftively belong;' Therefore be it further " enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any Seaman or other Perfon employed on board any Ship Maimed Sea. ' or Vefftl, fhall, in doing his Duty on Shore, or on board any fuch Ship or Veffel, break an Arm or Leg, men, or be otherwife hurt or maimed, fo that immediate Care is necelTary to be taken of him, it fhall and may ■be lawful for the faid Prefident and Governors at the Port of London, and the refpeftive Truftees for the Out-ports, and they are hereby required to provide proper Relief for fuch Seaman or other Perfon that tin they can be fhall be fo hurt or maimed, until he fhall be fo well recovered of fuch Hurt or Damage, as to be removed removed lo the and fent with Safety to the refpeftive Port to which fuch Ship or Veffel does belong; and the Expence of f^of ""s "'= removing and fending fuch Seaman or other Perfon to fuch refpeftive Port, not exceeding two Pence per ^^^^^.'^J^^f^.' ' Mile, {hall be paid by the faid Prefident and Governors at the Port of London, or by the Truftees for the re- aHo'wJd tbe'm, fpeftive Out-port to which fuch Seaman or other Perfon {liall be fo removed and fent; any thing herein con- tained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Vol. VIL H XXXIV. And