Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/136

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I02 C. 28. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. A. D. 1757. ' faid ;' Be it therefore enacled by the Authority aforefaid. That during the Time aforefaid, no Perfon fijall, by virtue of any of the faid A(?l:s of Parliament, have, claim or take, the Benefit or Advantage of any Exemption from Tolls, or Part of Tolls, or to pay leflTer Toll, for or in refpeil of any Waggon, Wain, Cart or other Carriage, or Horfes drawing the fame, than other Carriages of the like Nature ought to pay, unlefs fuch Waggon, Wain, Cart, or Carriage, have Fellies of the Wheels thereof of the Exception, Breadth or Gage of nine Inches as aforefaid ; other than and except Carts and Carriages drawn by one Horfe or two Oxen, and no more ; and other than an except Carts and Carriages drawn by two Horfes or four Oxen, and no more, having the Fellies of the Wheels thereof of the Breadth or Gage of fix Inches but the addi- as aforelaid ; but that the Toll, together with the additional Toll hereby enacted, for or in refpe^t of ticnal anJ ordi- evcry fuch Waggon,W"ain, Cart or other Carriage having the Fellies of the W^hcels thereof of Icfs Breadth Tiry Tolls are or Gage than nine Inchts as aforefaid ; or for or in refpedl of Horfes or Beafts of Draught drawing the u> t)s pat . lame (except as before excepted) required by the faid Acts refpedtively, (hall be paid in the fame Man- ner, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if no Exemption or lefler Toll had been enafted or allowed by any of the faid A6ls refpeftively, and as fully as all other Waggons, Wains, Carts and Carriages and Horfes drawing the fame, ought refpedively to pay, which are not intitled to any Exemption from Toll in the Whole or in Part, or to pay a loiler Toll than other Waggons, Wains, Carts and Carriages j any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithilanding. waggons, &c. Y^ And be it further enadcd by the Authority aforefaid. That, during the Time aforefaid, the Tru- Wheeu'to 2v ^'^^^ appointed or to be appointed by Virtue or under the Authority of any A£l of Parliament made Haif^tbe Tolls ^^ *^ be made for making, repairing or amending Turnpike Roads, and fuch Perfon and Perfons as wuh 11 jooMiles fhall be authorized by them, fliall and may, and they are hereby required to permit and fuffer all Wag- oFLondo.-ij guns j Wains, Carts and Carriages having the Fellies of the Weels thereof of the Breadth or Gage of nine Inches from Side to Side at the Bottom or Sole thereof, and drawn according to Law, to pafs through any I'urnpike Gate or Gates, Bar or Bars, within one hundi-ed Miles from London, paying- only lo much Toil or Duty as flial! not exceed one Half of the full Toll or Duty payable for fuch Wag- gons, Wains, Carts and Carriages refpedtively, or for the Horfes or Bealb of Draught drawing the fame, . by Virtue of any Acl or Acts of Parliament made or to be made for making, repairing or amending Turnpike Roads. ' VI. And whereas great Damage is done to Turnpike Roads by Waggons and Wains with broad but fuch Wag- ' Wheels drawn by Horfes or beafts of Draught at length, and not in Pairs :' For Remedy whereof. Be gonsarenotto j|. enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That during the Time aforefaid it (hall not be lawful for any..*^ d* w "b ^H f s ^^'^SoSO'^ °^ Wain, having Fellies of the Weels thereof of the Breadth or Gage of nine Inches as afore- in Pairs, and not ^'^'^i ^^ P'^'^ upon any Turnpike Road, or through any Turnpike Gate or Bar, unlefs the fame be drawn at Length j by Horfes or Beads of Draught in Pairs ; provided that where there is an odd Horfe or Beaft of Draught belonging to fuch Waggon or Wain, it fliall be lawful for fuch odd Horfe or Beaft of Draught to dravr fuch Waggon or Wain, together with the other Horfes or Beafts of Draught drawing in Pairs as afore- ' faid ; provided that fuch Horfes or Beafts of Draught do not in the whole exceed the Number of Horfes ' or Beafts of Draught allowed by Law, ' VII. And whereas Great Damage is done to Turnpike Roads by Waggons and Wains with narrow /isrrow Wheel ' Wheels, drawn by Horfes or Beafts or Draught in Pairs, and not drawn by Oxen :' For Remedy by Horfes or Beafts of Draught in Pair?, and not by Oxen. Peifons driving VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfori or Perfons fliall, during the{> prohibited Was- Time aforefaid, drive or caufe to be driven on any Turnpike Road any common btage Waggon,, pjo- 8°" . hibited by this Act to pafs along any Turnpike Road, or flrall drive or caufe to be driven any Waggon, or an unlawJul Wjjjj^^ Q^j-j qj Carriage on any Furnpike Road, with any greater Number of Horfes or Beafts of Draught Horits than is allowed by Law, or in any wife contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, every Per- fon and Perfons fo offending, and every Mafter or Owner of i'uch Waggon, Wain, Cart or Carriage fo driven, fhall be deemed to be guilty of a Common Nufance and Mifdemeanor, and ihall be puniflied for may be puniftcd the fame by Indictment or Information, or fhall, at the E!e£ton of the Prolecutor or Informer, for every bv indi£tmenr, fuch Offence, be fubjtct and liable to fuch and the fame Penalties and Forfeitures as the Owners of the or Iniormation, Waggons and Carriages, having the Fellies of the Wheels of lefs Breadth or Gage than nine Inches ^'^' from Side to Side, are made fubje^t and liable to, by Virtue of an A6t made in. the twenty-fixth Ac1i6Gc3. 2. Year of the Reign of his prefent iVIaijefty, intituled, Jn Atl for the Amend7ncnt ami Prefervation of the

  • =• 30* Puhiick Highways and Turnpike Roads of this Khigdom and for the more effeSiual Execution of the Laws re~ .

■ lating thereto to be paid and applied to fuch Ufes and Purpofes, and to be levied and recovered as is thereby diredtcd. No compofition IX. And be it ena6ted by the Authority aforefaid. That during the Time aforefaid it fliall not be for T0.I5 may be lawful for any Truftecs of any Turnpike Road, to make any Coinpofition for 'Foils for or in Refpei^t of made for narrow ^j^y Waggon, "Wain, Cart or Carriage, or Horfes or Beafts of Draught drawing the fame (except as bc- Whccl Carnages. ^^^^ excepted) unlcfs fuch Waggons, Wain.s, Carts and Carriages have the Fellies of the V^heels there- Exception. ^^-^^ ^^^ Breadth or Gage of nine Inches as aforefaid. r.RG. i. c. 17; ' X. And whereas by an Adt made in the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, it is, ^. 2 & §. 8. ' amongft other 'I'hings, enacted 'Fhat from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of j^«//^ it fhall and rrpcalcd. ' ,nay be lawful for all Waggons having the Fellies of the Wheels thereof of the Breadth or Gage of fix ' Inches