Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/362

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328 £fd none to be foln in Im's Quantities than a QraitiT of a Pound ncr vitliouc being liajnpt, and tieJ upj and having the originnl '1 hrf ad and Stamp un- broken and un opened ; on Forfeiture of 20 1. C.xio* Anno tricefimo fecundo Georgu II. A. D. 1758.' XVII. And It Is hereby further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons fball illl Chocolate in any lefs Quantity than a Quarter of a Pounds or ftiall fell and deliver any Chocolate to any Perfon not being at the Time of the Sale and Delivery thereof duly marked or {tamped, or not being at that Time inclofed, packed, and tied up with the identical Piece of Thread which is dire<Sled to be ufed in tying up the Chocolate in a Paper, before the fame is to have the Mark, Stamp, Imprcflion, or Device, affixed thereon, or fhall fell and deliver any Chocolate, whereof the Thread or llamped Label inclofmg the fame at the Time of the Sale and Delivery thereof, flial] have been broke or opened in any Manner whatfoever ; every Perfon or Perfons fo offending (hall, for every fuch Offence refpedllvely, forfeit twenty Pounds. Bf oks to he kept for en- tering the Duties apdrc tiom all others. Thpfe Duties appropria- ted for the Payment of

  1. »Yia.

IP XVIII. And be it further enabled and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That in the Of- fice of the Audi or of the Receipt of the Exchequer, a Book or Books fhall be provided and kept, in which all the Monies arifmg by the faid additional Inland Duties upon Coffee and Chocolate, and paid into the faid Receipt, fhall be entered feparate and apart from all other Monies paid or payable to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succcffors, upon any Account whatfoever ; and the faid Money fo ari- fuig from the faid additional Duties, and paid into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, fhall be Part cf the Fund eftabliflied for the feveral Purpofes herein after mentioned. XIX. And be it further enatfted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the feveral Annu- , ities which by this A<Ei are herein after directed to attend, as well the Principal Sum of fix millions on*the"Mon^s*^borfowed ^'^ hundred thoufand Pounds, and the additional Capital of five Pounds to be added to every one on the Credit of this Aft. hundred Pounds thereof, as the additional Capital which will arife by ten Pounds, to be given in and by a Lottery Ticket to each Subfcriber, for and upon every one hundred Pounds, advanced and paid t.-t^.o .•• .i. -'towards the faid Sum of fix millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, fhall be charged and chargeable upon, and payable out of the Subfidies, Rates and Duties, compofing the Fund hereby eflablifhcd for the Payment thereof, and the faid Subfidies, Rates and Duties, are hereby appropriated for that Purpofe accordingly. ' XX. And whereas the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled have refolved. That

  • towards raifiiig the Supply granted to his Majefly in this prefent SefTion of Parliament, the Sum
  • of fix millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds be raifed by transferrable Annuities, after the Rate

' of three Pounds /)^r Centum per Annum and that, an additional Capital of fifteen Pounds be added

  • to every one hundred Pounds advanced ; which additional Capital fhall confift often Pounds in %
  • Lottery Ticket given to each Subfcriber on every one hundred Pounds advanced, and of five
  • Pounds in like transferrable Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum: And

' whereas purfuant to, and upon the feveral Terms and Conditions expreflcd in the faid Refolutioqi

  • feveral Perfons have, in Books opened at the Bank oi Efigland fov that Purpofe, fubfcribed toge-

' ther the whole of the faid Sum of fix millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, and made Depofits of

  • fifteen Pounds per Centum^ on the refpcdive Sums by them fo fubfcribed, with the Cafhieis of the
  • '^^nk of England: And whereas feveral of the faid Subfcribers may have already paid, or may
  • hereafter pay unto the faid Cafhiers, the whole or fome further Parts of the Sums by them rcfpec-
  • tively fubfcribed, previous to the Days limited and appointed for the faid refpedtive Payments;*

Be it therefore ena6led by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for all fuch Subfcribers who have made Depofits with, or Payments of further Pa.ts to the faid Cafhiers as aforefaid, to advance and pay, and they are hereby required to advance and pay, unto the faid Ca- fliier or Cafhiers of the faid Governor and Company of the Baiik of England the feveral Remain^ ders of the Sums by them refpeiStively fubfcribed, towards the faid Sum of fix millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, at or before the refpecSlive Times or Days, and in the Proportions herein after li-t, rnited and appointed on that Behalf; that is to fay. The further Sum of ten Pounds />fr Centum^ be- ing Part of the Sum fo remaining, on or before the thirtieth Day of March in the Year one thoufand (even hundred and fifty-nine; the further Sum of ten Pounds per Centmn^ other Part thereof, on or before the twenty-fevcnth Day of April then next following; the further Sum of ten Pounds/^r ■CentuTn^ other Part thereof, on or before the thirty-firtl Day of May then next following; the fur- ther Sum often Pounds /)cr Centum^ other Part thereof, on or before the twenty-eighth Day of June then next following; the further Sum of fifteen Pounds per Centum^ other Part thereof, on or before the twcnty-feventh Day of y^^/y then next following; the further Sum often Voiinds per Centum^ other Part thereof on or before the thirty-firfl Day of y/«^Ky? then next following; the further Sum .| of ten Pounds per Centum other Part thereof on or before the twenty-eighth Day of September then next following; and the remaining Sum of ten Pounds per Centum^ on or before the twenty- fixth Day of OSlober then next following. XXI. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Subfcribers or Contri- butors, their Executors, Adminiflrators, Succeffors and AlTigns, paying in the whole or any Part of the Sums by them rcfpedively fubfcribed, previous to the Days appointed for the refpedlive Pay- ments herein before diredfed, in refpeil to their proportionable Share of the faid Sum ot fix millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, fliall be intitled to an Allowance of fo much Money as the Intercfl of the feveral Sums fo prcvioully paid, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, fhall amount to, from the Days on which fuch previous Payments fhall have been atSlually made, to the refpe£tivc Times on which fuch Payments are dirc(5tcd to be made; fuch Allowance to be paid by the faid Cafliier or Cafliicrs, out of^thc Monies contributed towards the faid Sum of fix niillions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, as foon as fuch icfpcdtive Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftra- tor^, Tidies of Payments in rLljSe^ of the Sum of 6.600,000 1. fubfcribed .t^wacds Annuities. ronrtibutor* making t'leir payments previous to liie Times limited, V «o tie allowed Intcreft for the lame, &c.

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