Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/142

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92 C. 2. Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. may be lawful for any two or more of the Commiffioners to adminifter, and they are hereby required to adminifter the fame to any other of the faid Commiffioners. Afting before XLVII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any Perfon hereby appointed a Commiffioner for Oaths taken, an y C oun ty, City, Town or Place, in EngLnd, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, fhall prcfume to a£t as a 200 . Commiffioner in the Execution of this A£t, before, he fhall have taken' the Oaths which by this Act he is required to take, and in manner hereby prefcribed, he fhall forfeit to his.Majefty the Sum of two hundred Pounds. Officers to pay XLVIII. Provided alfo, That every Perfon in England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, rated or aiTeffed where employed, f or n j s Office or Employment, fhall be rated and pay for his faid Office or Employment in the County, City or Place, where the fame fhall be exercifed, although the Revenue or Profits arifing by fuch Office or Employment are payable elfewhere. Officers in Chan- XLIX. Provided always, That the Right Honourable the Mailer of the Rolls, the Mafters in Chancery, eery to be afiefled Six Clerks, Clerks of the Petty Bag, Examiners, Regifters, Clerks of the Inrolments, Clerks of the Affi- Libert 5 ^'^ davit and Subpoena Offices, and all other the Officers of the Court of Chancery, that execute their Offices within the Liberty of the Rolls, fhall there be afleffed for their refpcdlive Offices, Salaries, and other Pro- Annuities where fits, and not elfewhere; and that all Annuities, Stipends and Penfions, payable to any Officers in refp;£t rated . - of their Offices, fhall be taxed and affefled where fuch Officers are rated and afTefTed for their Offices, and Penfions, where not elfewhere; and that all other Penfions, Stipends and Annuities, in England, Wales, and Berwick upon p 3y ° e '_ , Tweed, not charged upon Lands, fhall be charged and afTefTed in the Parifhes or Places where they are wlercPerfonfre- P a Y aD ' e J ar >d every Perfon who is or fhall be rated in England, Wales, or Berwick uponTweed, for or in re- sident, &c. »pe£t of any Perfonal Eftate to him or her any ways belonging, fhall be rated at fuch Place where he or Pirfons not fhe fhall be refident at the Time. of the Execution of this Act; and all Perfons not being Houfholders, Houfnolders, nor having a certain Place of Refidence, fhall be taxed at the Place where they fhall be refident at the Time a ur re re p d r nt ' of the Execut ion of this Aft; and if any Perfon who ought to be taxed in England, Wales, or Berwick upon to bemted where Tweed, by virtue of this A3, for or in refpect of his Perfonal Eftate, fhall, at the Time of his AiTeffment, they were laft beout of the Realm, fuch Perfon fhall be rated therefore in fuch County, City or Place, where he was laft refident. abiding within this Realm. Goods, &c. to be L. Provided, That where any Perfon fhall have any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, in any County or affefled where Counties, other than the County where he fhall be refident, or had his laft Refidence, it fhall be lawful at »?y a e. ajl y fj me De f or e the twenty-fourth Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, to rate and affefs fuch Perfon for fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandizes, in any County or Counties where the fame fhall be; and every Perfon who fhall be rated and affefled for or in refpeft of any Manors, Meffuages, Lands or Tenements, or other the PremilTes, according to the former Claufes of this Act, fhall be rated and aiTelTed in the Places where fuch Manors, Meffuages, Lands and Tenements, and other the Premiffes refpedtively do lie, and not elfewhere. ^"^ n d s -f u utI /d Provided always, That if any Perfon or Perfons, by reafon of his, her or their having feveral Man- oa Certificate, fion-houfes, or Places of Refidence, or otherwife, fhall be doubly charged for any Perfonal Eftate, Offices, or otherwife, by occafion of this Act; then upon Certificate made by any two or more of the Commiffioners for the County, Riding, City or Place, of his, her or their laft perfonal Refidence, under their Hands and Seals, of the Sum or Sums charged upon him, her or them (which Certificate the faid Commiffioners are hereby required to give without Delay, Fee or Reward) and upon Oath made of fuch Certificate before any Juftice of the Peace of the County or Place where the faid Certificates fhall be made (which Oath the laid Juftice of the Peace is hereby authorized and required to adminifter) then the Perfon or Perfons fo doubly charged fhall, for fo much as fhall be fo certified, be difcharged in every other County:, City or Place in England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed. Not to extend to LIE Provided alfo, That this Act fhall not extend to the Inhabitants of Scotland, Ireland, Jerfey or ferfcyoi -Guern- Guernfcy, for afleffing any fuch Perfonal Eftate, which they, or any to their Ufe, have, within thofe Places, j- e y. for or towards the faid Sum hereby charged upon England, Wales, and Berwick upon Tweed, as aforefaid; Perfons avoiding an d if any Perfon that ought to be taxed by virtue of this Act, in England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, the Tax, charged for or in refpect of his Perfonal Eftate, fhall, by changing his Place of Refidence, or by any other Fraud treble. or Covin, eicape from the Taxation, and not be taxed, and the fame be proved before the Commiffioners, or any two or more of them, or before one or more Juftice "or Juftices of the Peace of the County where fuch Perfon dwelleth or refideth, at any Time within one Year next after fuch Tax made, every Perfon that . fhall fo efcape from the Taxation and Payment, fhall be charged (upon Proof thereof) at treble the Value of fo much as hefhould or ought to have been charged at by this Act; the faid treble Value, upon Certifi- cate thereof made into the Exchequer by the Commiffioners, Juftice or Juftices (before whom fuch Proof . fhall be made) to be levied on the Goods, Lands and Hereditaments of fuch Perfons. Houfholders to LIII. And, for the better Difcovery of Perfonal Eftates intended to be charged by this Acl:, Be it further clVhelrtod'eri enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Houfholder m England, Wales, or Berwick uponTiveed, fhall, ' upon Demand of the Aifeffors of the refpective Parifhes or Places, give an Account of the Names and on. Forfeiture of Qualities of fuch Perfons as fhall fojoum or lodge in their refpective Houfes, under the Penalty of forfeit- 5 '• ing to his Majefty the Sum of five Pounds, to be levied and recovered in fuch manner as any other Penalty . . in this Acl mentioned fhall and may be levied and recovered. NewRi'ver, &c. LIV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons having any to pay 4 s. per ' Share or Shares, orlntereft, in any frefh Stream or running Water brought to the North Parts of London, Pound. commonly called the New River, or in the Thames Water-works, or in Mary-bone, or in Hainpjlead Water- Shares in the WO rks, or in any Rents or Profits arifing thereby; and all and every Perfon or Perfons having'any Share or tatl» tShts * ntere & in any Office or Stock for infuring of Houfes in cafe of Fire, or in any Lights, or in the Stock or in e " ' 3 Stocks