Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/170

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120 Anno quarto Georgii III. A. D. 1763. ConfUbles, &c, to de- liver Lifts at Quarter Setfions, on Oath, of inhabitants, and Sol- diers quartered in their refpe&ivc -Divifions 5 io be infpc&ed without Fee. Copies of fuch Lifts to be wrote by the Cleric, Rt 2 d. per Sheer, con- taining 150 Words. Penalty on Default. ■Penalty'on giving de- fective Lifts. K.}'*" to be levied. TJiis AcT: to extend to Jerfey, &c. Mu-fler-rolk to be doled on Day of Mutter, and returned to the Paymaftenof the Forces, &c, Penalty. Juftices may order Conftables to provide Carriages", C. 3. billet and quarter every fuch Officer and Soldier in fuch Houfes fo fubjecled thereto by this Act, equally and proportionably, according to the Number of fuch Officers and Soldiers fo to be billetted and quartered, and of the Houfes fo fubjected to receive them ; and fuch Officers and Soldiers of the Foot Guards fhall be quartered within the faid City and Liberties of Wejlminjhr, and the Places adja- cent, in the fame Manner, and under the fame Regulations, as in other Pans of England, in all Cafes, for which particular Provifion is not made by this A£t. XXXVI. And, for the better preventing Abufes in billeting and quartering fuch Officers and Soldiers in the faid City and Liberties of Wejlminjler, and Parts adjacent; Be it enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That the Petty Conftables, Headboroughs and Tythingmen of their refpedtive Parifhes, Wards, Hamlets and Diftricts within the fame, fhall, at every General Quarter Seffions of" the Peace, to be holden for the faid City and Liberties of Wejlminjler, and Parts adjacent, make and deliver to the Juftices, then in open Seffions afTembled, upon Oath (which Oath they the faid Juftices are hereby authorized and required to adminifter) true Lifts figned by them refpectively of all fuch Houfes, together with the Number of all fuch Perfons refpectively inhabiting the fame, within his or their Parifh, Ward, Hamlet or Diftrict refpectively, as are fubject and liable by this Act to receive fuch Officers and Soldiers, together with the Number of all fuch Officers and Soldiers as are quar- tered and billeted in each Houfe refpectively ; and fuch Lifts fhall remain with the Clerk of the Peace of the faid City and Liberties of Wvftminfter, to the Intent that all and every Perfon and Perfons fhaH and may be at Liberty to infpeet the fame without Fee or Reward; and fuch Clerk fhall forthwith, from Time to Time, make and deliver to every or any Perfon or Perfons who fhall require the fame, true Copies of all and every or any fuch Lifts, upon being paid two Pence a Sheet for each and every fuch Copies fo taken, each Sheet to be computed at and contain one hundred and fifty Words ; and if Default or Neglect fhall be made by any Petty Conftable, Headborough or Tythingman of any fuch Parifn, Ward, Hamlet or Diftrict, in the delivering fuch Lift to the Juftices at their Quarter Seffions, as aforefaid, or if he or they fhall fo deliver or cauf'e to be delivered in any falfe or defective Lift, not including and fpecifying therein all and every fuch Houfe and Houfes fo liable by this Act to receive fuch Officers and Soldiers, or the Names of all fuch Officers arid Soldiers as are quartered and bil- fcted in each Houfe refpectively ; fuch Petty Conftable, Headborough and Tythingman, or any of them, fo offending therein, fhall, for each fuch Offence, forfeit each the Sum of five Pounds, to the Ufe of the Poor of fuch refpective Parifhes, Wards, Hamlets and Diftridts, to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods and Chattels, by Warrant or Warrants under the Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals, of one or more of his Majefty's Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid City of Wejlminjler, or for the County of Middlcjex (which Warrant or Warrants the faid Juftice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered and required to make and iffue) and for want of fufficient Diftrefs to be found for that Purpofe, the faid Juftice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered and required, by Warrant or Warrants under his or their Hands and Seals, to commit the Perfon or Perfons fo offending to the common Gaol of the faid City of WJlmi?i/ler, or County of Middle/ex, there to remain for any Time to be limited by fuch Juftice or Juftices, not exceeding three Months, and not lefs than one Month, without Bail or Mainprize. XXXVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fhall be conftrued to extend to the Iflands of Jerjey, Guernjey, Alderney and Sark, and the Iflands thereto belong- ing, as to the Claufes therein for muftering and paying, and the Penalties thereto belonging. XXXVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiflary General of theMufters, or his Deputy, fhall, upon every Mufter taken by him or them refpedtively of any Regiment, Troop or Company, in his Majefty's Service, clofe the Mufter-rolls of the faid Regi- ment, Troop or Company, upon the Place, the fame Day the Mufter is taken ; and fhall return one of every of the faid Rolls fo taken in Parchment, to the Paymafter' General of his Majefty's Guards and-Garrifons, or to fuch Paymafter refpectively, under whofe Care the Payment of fuch Forces fhall be ; and one of the faid Rolls fo taken, to the Comptroller or Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army, the fourth Day after the faid Rolls fhall refpectively be doled, if in London, or within twenty Miles Diftance from the fame ; and if at further Diftance, by the next Poft after the faid Rolls fhall be refpedtively clofed ; and no Alterations or Indorfements fhall be made in or upon the faid Mufter-rolis, other than in the Cafe of Orders of Leave, or Dates of Commiffions, and other than involuntary Errors or literal Miftakes in writing or tranferibing the faid Mufter-rolls, upon pain of forfeiting their refpective Employments, and the Sum of twenty Pounds, to any Perfon that will fue for the fame, for every fuch Offence. XXXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for the better and more re- gular Provifion of Carriages for his Majefty's Forces in their Marches, or for their Arms, Clothes or Accoutrements, in England, Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, all Juftices of the Peace, within their fevejal Counties, Ridings, Divifions, Shires, Liberties and Precincts, being duly- required thereunto by an Order from his Majefty, or the General of his Forces, or the Mafter Ge- neral or Lieutenant General of his Majefty's Ordnance, fhall, as often as fuch Order is brought and fhewn unto one or more of them by the Quarter-mafter, Adjutant, or other Officer of the Regiment, Detachment, Troop or Company, fo ordered to march, iffue out his or their Warrants to the Con- ftables or Petty Conftables of the Divifion, Riding, City, Liberty, Plundred and Precinct, from, through, near, or to which fuch Regiment, Detachment, Troop or Company fhall be ordered to march.j .requiring them to make fuch Provifion for Carnages with able Men to drive the fame, as is mentioned