Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/207

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A. D. 1763. Anno quarto Georgii III. C, 15. 157 feeing the Produce of any of the Plantations not under the Dominion of his Majefty, his Heirs or anyForeignMolaffesand Succeffors, fhall be laden on board fuch Ship or Veffe), the fame fhall (the Danger of the Seas and Syrups, on board, Enemies excepted) be brought, without Fraud or wilful Diminution, by the laid Ship or Veffel to fhall be brought to fome fome of his Majefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, or to fome Port in Great Britain; and that of the Britifh Plantations proper Denominations ; and if any fuch non- enumerated Goods mall be laden on board any fuch Ship Non-enumerated Goods or Veffel before fuch Bond fhall be given, the Goods fo laden, together with the Ship or Veffel and laden on bozrd without her Furniture, fhall be forfeited, and fhall and maybe feized by any Officer of the Cuftoms, and pro- Bond given, are forfeited, fecuted in the Manner herein after direfled. with the Veffel. XXIV. And it is heret having the Charge of any tion where he receives his ^~ u ... & , .. — _ ~-.~ -.,--. ...~ — ,,„„ ...,„ ^w„w ^> ,...~ ~^^..~. ~, , , other principal Officer of the Cuitoms there (which Cettificate fuch Officers are hereby required to g on(J '! avl " s E ' ven grant without Fee or Reward) that Bond hath been given, purfuant to the Directions of this or any other Act of Parli .merit, as the Cafe fhall require; and the Mailer or Perfon having the Charge of which, upon compleat. fuch Ship or V effel, fhall keep fuch Certificate in his Cuftody till the Voyage is compleated, and fhall n f. his Vo y a B e > he « to then deliver the fame up to the Collector or other chief Officer of the Cuitoms at the Port or Place DifcUrgc/on kna't where he fhall difcharge his Lading, either in Great Britain or any Briti/h American Colony or Planta- f ioo 1.' tion, on Forfeiture of one hundred Pounds for each and every Offence. XXV. And it is hereby further enacted, That if any Britijb Ship or Veffel laden, as aforefaid, Britifh Veffels with any with any Goods of the Produce or Manufacture of any Britijb Colony or Plantation in America, or Britifh American Goods, having on board any Molaiies or Syrups the Produce of any Foreign Colony or Plantation, fhall be ° r Foreign Molaffes or difcovered by any Officer of his Majefty's Cuftoms within two Leagues of the Shore of any Britijb fiLTrifffnAmScan" Colony or Plantation in America, and the Mafter or Perfon taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel fhall Coafls, not producing a not produce a Certificate that Bond has been given, purfuant to the Directions of this or any other Certificate as required Act of Parliament, as the Cafe may require; or if he fhall not produce fuch Certificate to the Col- b y Law ; or not P ro- ledor or other chief Officer of the Cuftoms where he fhall arrive, either in Great Britain or any Bri- '^ir^uaTll 1 tijli American Colony or Plantation, fuch Ship or Veffel, with her Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, f G ^; t a edi al ' and all the Goods therein laden, fhall be forfeited, and fhall and may be feized and profecuted as here- in after is directed. XXVI. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Bond directed Bond f ° r non-enume- to be given by this Act, with refpect to fuch non-enumerated Goods, fhall continue in force for one "^ Goods to be m Year from and after the Completion of the Voyage ; and in cafe no Fraud fhall appear within that th " e voyage ; "hen^if Time, it fhall be lawful for the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms, or any four or more of no Fraud appear, it is them, to direct the faid Bond to be delivered up. to be given up. • XXVII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That 'from and after the Coffee, and other enu- twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, all Coffee, Pimento, Co- me rated Goods of the coaNuts, Whale Fins, Raw Silk, Hides and Skins, Pot and Pearl Allies, of the Growth, Production ™*& ^"f^ ^ or Manufacture of any Britijb Colony or Plantation in America, fhall be imported directly from undeHike Securities and thence into this Kingdom, or fome other Britijb Colony or Plantation, under the like Securities, Pe- Penalties, nalties and Forfeitures, as are particularly mentioned in two Acts of Parliament made in the twelfth and twenty-fifth Years of the Reign of King Charles the Second, the former intituled, An Ail for the as ^, ok ln Afls ,2 & encouraging and increafmg of Shipping and Navigation, and the latter intituled, An A St for the Encourage- 25 al ' 2 ' ment of the Greenland mid Eajiland Trades, and for the better fecuring the Plantation Trade, or either of them, with refpect to the Goods in thofe Acts particularly enumerated; any Law, Cuitoni or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. XXVIII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the Bond and Security to be twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-four, no Iron, nor any Sort of s iven before lading any Wood, commonly called Lumber, as fpecified in an Act paffed in the eighth Year of the Reign of n r0 vJ? r fl " m - er °r.i,„ e tr- A t -A- n • • i j * }„ r • ■ r- > r> <-° j t • /- Vr , iirititn American Plan- King George the rirfr, intituled, An Act jor giving jurther Encouragement jor the Importation oj IS aval tations, Stores, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, of the Growth, Production or Manufacture of any Britifh Colony or Plantation in America, fhall be there loaden on board any Ship or Veffel to be car- ried from thence, until fufficient Bond fhall be given,, with one Surety befides the Mafter of the Veffel, to the Collector or other principal Officer of the Cuftoms at the Loading Port, in a Penalty of double the Value of the Goods, with Condition, that the faid Goods fhall not be landed in any conditioned to land the Part of Europe except Great Britain ; which Bonds fhall be difcharged in the Manner hereafter men- ^ rae » . for E " !0 P e > in tioned ; that is to fay, For fuch of the faid Goods as fhall be entered for or landed in Great Britain, ^"ff clrtfficat? the Condition of the Bonds fliall be, to bring a Certificate in difcharge thereof within eighteen Months thereof within is' from the Date of the Bond ; and within fix Months for fuch of the faid Goods as fhall be entered for Months ; and if for any or landed in any of the Britijli Colonies or Plantations in America ; which refpective Certificates fhall of the Britifh American be under the Hands and Seals of the Collector or other principal Officer of the Cuftoms refident at ^"j^" 5 ' within 6 the Port or Place where fuch Goods fliall be landed, testifying the Landing thereof; and for fuch of the faid Goods as fhall be entered for or landed,at any other Place in America, Africa or Afia, to bring and if . for an y ot her _ the like Certificate within twelve Months, under the Common Seal of the chief Magiftrate, or under „ „ ^"witon i*"" the Hands and Seals of two known Britijb Merchants refiding there ; or fuch Bond or Bonds fhall be Months. ' difcharged,