Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/341

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teleilafficat €omt& tStu'nlnttg!). i Ed. 3. ft. 2. c. 2. 14 Ed. 3, ft. 4. f. 3. But they (hall be admitted to a Fine for a Contempt, 25 £</. 3.7?. 3. c, 6. 19. Purveyance fhall not be made in the Fees of Holy Church without the Owner's Confent, 14 Ed. 3. ft. 4. c. 1. Nor of theirGoods, 18 Ed. 3. ft. 3. c, 4. 31 Ed. 3./. 4. r. 4. 1 R. 2. f. 3. 20: During Vacation the Temporaries of a Bithoprick fhall be leafed to the Dean and Chapter, 14. Ed. 3.7?. 4. c. 5. 21. Minifters of Holy Church fhall not be anfwerable in the King's Courts for Matters touching their Jurifdiflion, 1 5 Ed. 3. ft. 1. c. 6. 22. New purchafed Lands of the Clergy taxed to the Subfidies granted by the Commons, 15 Ed. 3./?. 3. c. 6. 23. A Bifhop not to be impeached for Caufe of Crime without the King's fpecial Command, 18 Ed. 3.7?. 3. c, IS 24. Commiffions to inquire of Ecclefiaftical Judges not to be granted, 18 Ed. 3. ft. 3. c. 6. 25. Voidance of a Benefice fhall be tried by the Ecclefiaftical Judge, 25 Ed. 3. ft. 3. c. 8. 26. Indictments againft Ordinaries, tsV. to fet forth the Fact, 23 Ed. I. ft. 3. c. 9. 27. The Wages of Chaplains and Curates limited, 36 Ed. 3. <r. 8. 28. Liberties of the Church confirmed, 50 Ed. 3. c. 1. 29. Priefts mail not be arretted while they are attending on Di- vine Service, 50 Ed. 3. c. 5. 1 R. 2. c. 15. 30. Shall have their Action of Trefpafs againtt Purveyors offend- ing, as they cannot purfue by way of Crime, 1 R. 2. c. 3. 31. The Penalty of procuring Perfons to be unduly indicted for proceeding in the Ecclefiaftical Courts, 1 R. 2. c. 13. 32. If an Ecclefiaftical Perfon is fued for Tithes taken away, and excepts, &c. the Plaintiff fhall fhew in Special how it was lay Chattel, 1 R. 2. c. 14. 33. Whether a Prior is perpetual or removeable, fhall be tried by the Ordinary, 9 R. 2. c, 4. 34. Priefts taken in the Marjbalfea fhall pay fuch Fees as others, 9 R. 2. c. 5. 35. Abbots may make Attorneys in the Courts of Staincliffe and Frendles, 3 H. 5. ft. 2. c. 2. 9 H. 6. c. 10. 15 H.6. c.y.^ 36. Abbots not to be appointed Collectors of Tenths out of their County, 9 H. 5. c. 9. 37. Members of the Convocation fhall have the fame Privilege as Members of Parliament, 8 H. 6. c. I. 38. A Pardon to the Clergy of all Felonies, of Rape, and of Of- fences in taking exceffive Salaries, 27 H. 6. c. 6. 39. The Abbot of Fountain permitted to wage his Law by Attor- ney, and to perform it by a Commoigne, 33 H. 6. c. 6. 40. The Collectors of the Difmef, while they are accounting in the Exchequer, fhall not be liable to Suits there, 1 R. 3. c. 14. 41. The Ordinaries may imprifon their Clerks for Incontinency, 1 H. 7, c. 4. 42. Patents of Difcharge of Difmes repealed, ^H. 7. r. 5. Re- ftrained, 7 H, 7. c. 6. 43. Ecclefiaftical Perfons reftrained from taking Farms and Mer- chandizing, 21 H. 8. c 13. And from keeping a Tanhoufe or Brewhoufe, § 32. 44. Not to hold two Benefices with cure, 21 H. 8. c. 13. §9. 45. Penalty of procuring Difpenfations from Rome, 21 H. 8. c. 13. § 12, 27. 46. Who may have Difpenfations for Pluralities, ibid, § 13. 47. Citation out of the Diocefe prohibited, except in Cafes of Herefy, Probate of Wills, &c. 23 H. 8. .c. 9. 48. The Order of purfuing Appeals, 24 H. 8. c. 12. § 5, Uc. 25 H. 8. c. 19. §3,4,5, 6. _ 49. No Penfion to be referved out of any Living above the Va- lue of the third Part, 26 H. 8. c. 3. § 22. 50. Penfions not to be exacted in Rifhir.oud, 26 H. 8. c. 15. 51. The King impowered to appoint 32 Perfons to examine the .Canons and Conftitutions, 25 H, 8, <:. 19. 27 H, 8, c. 15 35 B. 8. c 16, 3 cjf 4 Ed. 6. c, 1 1. 52. Fruits taken in Time of Vacation fhall be reftored to the next Incumbent, 28 H. 8. r.-i 1. 53. Incumbents may bequeath the Corn fown upon their Glebe, 28 f7. 8. c. ii. § 6. 54. The Punifliment of Priefts for Incontinency, 32 H. 8. c. 10, 55. Doctors of the Civil Law though married may exercife Ec- clefiaftical Jurifdiction, 37 H, 8. c. 17. 1 El. c. 1. § 12, 56. The Marriage of Priefts lawful, 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. 21. 5 rjf 6 Ed. 6. c. 12. And their Children legitimate, 1 y«. 1. c. 35. §50. • . ■ 57. The Queen authorifed to appoint Commiffioners for exercife of Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiction, 1 El. c. 1. § 18. Repealed, 16 Car. 1 . c. 11 . 58. Fraudulent Deeds to prevent Remedy for Dilapidations made void, 13 £/. r. 10. 59. Leafes by Spiritual Perfons for more than 21 Years or three Lives made void, 13 El. c. 10. § 3. 60. None fhall retain any Benefice not being a Deacon at the lead, 13 El. c. 12. 13 tif 14 Car. 2. c. 4. § 13. 61. Leafes of Benefices with Cure fhall endure no longer than while the Leffor is refident, 13 El. c. 20. (Made perpetual, 3 Car. 1. c. 4.) iEl.c. 11. § ii;j 16, 62. Charges made upon Benefices with Cure fhall be void, 13 .£/. c. 20. 63. Bonds and Covenants for the Enjoyment of fuch Land of no more Validity than Leafes, 14 El. c. 11. § 15. iS El. c. 11. §3- 64. The Statute of 13 EL c. 10. not to extend to Houfes in MarketrTowns, CSV. i4£/. c. 11. § 17. 65. Money recovered in Dilapidations fhall be employed in Re- pairs, 14 is/, c. 11. § 18. 66. Reftrictions to be obferved in Leafes made by Ecclefiaftical Perfons, 142?/. c. 11. § 19. 67. Former Leafes muft expire or be furrendered within three Years after granting a new Leafe, 1 8 El. c . 11. 68. Sequeftration to go againft an Incumbent that has leafed his Benefice contrary to 13 El. c. 20. 18 El. c. 1 1. § 7. 69. The Power of Bifhops to inflict Fines or corporal Punfhment taken away, 16 Car. 1. c. 11. 70. Difabled to exercife Temporal Jurifdiction, 16 Car, 1. c. 27. Repealed, 13 Car. 2. ft. i.e. 2. 71. Minifters reftored and confirmed, 12 Car. 2. e. 17, 72. The ordinary Jurifdiction of Bifhops, tsc. reftored, 13 G?r.' 2.y?. 1. e. 12. 73. The Oath ex Officio fhall not be adminiftered, 13 Car. 2, ft. 1. e. 12. § 4. 74. None to hold any Living or adminifter the Sacrament unlefs epifcopally ordained, 13 cif 14 Car. 2. r. 4, § 13, 14, 75. No Difability to be incurred by any Church Cenfure in Scot- land, I-o Ann. c. 7. § I o. For other Matters, fee 15t>t)0tof0H, 3UffiDabl't 3. 2JUl)0Ufei5 10. 3trreft 3. OIBifhops, CJjaplainc, Cburef) 1. Cburctjes, Citation, Cletgt?, Convocation., Co?po- ratton of tfce i§>oits of tlje Cletjjp, Curatco, JDi= ftrcfS4. Ciccomimmtcati'on, ifirft JFruitSj 3!noi'ca= bit, 31nouction. 31ntru(ion, &tng 25, &c. JUafes 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. Carriages 4, 15, &c. ^arfnalfea 6. £>atl;s, Ruination, ^erjurp 4. $luraliti', f^efent= incut, 32>jolnbitfoii, Wccufants 2. Iftcitgion, 18c8= fcence, i&erbfee ano S>acraments 3 ©fmon^ Cities, flUfcavs, mntberCtics, SB-fwru 9. CHeit. See Rivers. dEm'ntnitglj. 1. A Duty of Excife continued to the Town, 3 Gee, I. c. 5. 9 Gfe. I, c, 14, 1 Gf?. 2. c 22. 25 Gft>, 2. c, 9. Hz 2. A