Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/389

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&iim> ttoetfeff. lon'ocm 25. Penalties on counterfeiting the Stamps on Linen, If Geo. 2. c. 30. 26. Penalties on fraudulent Entries of Briiijh or Irifh Linen, 17 Geo. 2, c. 31. § 4. 27. Dire&ions for preventing the fraudulent Exportation of fo- reign Linens, 18 Geo. 2. c. 24. 28. The Bounty on exported Linen to be paid out of the old Sub- j]dy, and replaced out of the next Supplies, 20 Geo. 2. c. 36. § 31. 22 Geo. 2. e. 42. § 28. zg. The Duties on foreign Linen Yarn altered, 24 Geo. 2. c. 46. Taken off" for 15 Years, 29 Geo. 2. r. 15. § 13. 30. Grant of 3000/. annually for nine Years for encouraging the Manufacture of Linen in Scotland, 26 Geo. 2. c. 20. 31 . Bounty on Britijh and Irijb Linen exported, 29 Geo. 2. c. 1 ;. 32. Penalty of making a falfe Oath, 29 Geo. z. r. 15. § 11. For other Matters, fee CailtCOejS, Camb?icfeS, COttOltS, Cuftoms, JFelonfes tottljout Clergy, Title attucu. JFlaj;, i&ato&ets, l^emy, 31rrt>t'a (EtooDSj jBrelaufc, ^anufaftitvee, ^ufltne, Ja>cotlant>, jUnlft&gotD. A Duty of two Penies Scots upon Ale there, 9 Geo. I. r. 20. 6 Geo.z.c. IS. linfeen. 1, How exempt from Payment of the two third Subfidies, 7 Ann. e. 7. § 24. 2. May be imported Duty free, 3 G«. 1. 7. § 38. For other Matters^ fee JLtUCU. JUquoiice, iiquo?ice Potunei- ant> Itu'ce of Hiquo?fce» To what Duties liable, 2 #Vcif M.feff. 2. r. 4. § 43, 44, 45. ■Litmus. To what Duties liable, 4 EF. & M. c. 5. § 2. Lftm'ejS, 1 . No Yeoman fliall wear the Livery of any Lord, unlefs he be menial with him, 16 R. 2. c. 4. 20 R. 2. c. 1, 2. 2. General Prohibition of giving and wearing Liveries, 13 R. 2, Ji, 3. 1 H. 4. c. 7. 2 >7. 4. c. 21. 7 //. 4. c. 14. 13 #. 4. c. 3. 8 #. 6. c 4. 8 £</. 4. c. 2. 19 #. 7. c. 14. 3. The Prince may give his Livery, 2 H. 4. <-. 2 1 . 12 Ed. 4. <r. 4. 4. The King's Servants not to be retained in Livery with others, i,H. 7. c. 12. r„ Afts concerning giving of Liveries repealed, 3 Car. i.e. 4, § 2 7- For othr Matters, fee Maintenance. Itepoole. i. For building a Church there, and lighting the Streets, &c. 21 Geo. 2. c. 24. 2. For repairing the Dock, fee S?arbOUn3. lo!)fta*0. 1. May he imported by Natives or Foreigners, and in any Vef- fe!s, notwithftanding 10 iff 11 VV. 3. c. 24. I Geo. x.fl. 2. c. 18. .§ 10. 2. Penalty on taking Lobfters on the Coaft of Scotland between May and September, 9 Go. z. c. 33. § 4. For other Matter^ fee $ ift). Lo&gerss anli iQ&gfno> 1. Stealing Furniture- from Lodgings, Felony, 3 & 4 W. Cif Af. c. 9, § 5, 1 2. Houfholders not giving an Account of their Lodgers, to AiTef- fors of the Land-Tax, to forfeit five Pounds, 4 Geo. 3. c. 2. § 53- l0gt»OOf, alias OSIOCfctDOOtJ. See Dyers. JLombnttig. The Company mall be anfvverable for their Debs, 25 Ed. %,ft. j k lemhz (Q>it ©{joma0O How recompenced for difcoveiing the Arts of making and work- ing the three capital Italian Engines for making Organzinc Silk, 5 Geo, 2. c. 8. lottfion aiTucaitce. See Infurance. lonactn i. The City of London fliall have their old Liberties and Cuftoms, 9 H. 3. c. g. 2. Proceedings on a foreign Voucher, St. Glouc. 6 Ed. i.e. iz. Artie. St. Glouc. correcl. 9 Ed. 1, 3. Damages (hall be affefled by the Affife in AW Diffeifin, and Amercements Ihall be afFeered before Barons of the Exchequer, St. Glouc. 6 .2V. .e, 14. 4. Wines fold contrary to the Affle fliall be prefented to the Ba- rons, St. Glouc. 6 Ed. i.e. 1 5. 5. Nonefhall walk the Streets armed after Curfeu, unlefs Noble- men or their Servants with Lights, St. Ci-v. Lond, 13 Ed. i ft. 5. 6. Taverns and Alehoufes fliall be fliut at Curfeu, St. Civ. Lond-, 13 Ed. i.f.c. 7. Fencing Schools for Buckler fliall not be kept in London, 13 Ed. 1. ft. 5. 8. None but Freemen fliall keep Inns in the City, St. Civ. Lond. 13 Ed. 1. ft. c. 9. None fhall be Brokers in London but thofe who are admitted and fworn by the Mayor and Aldermen, St. Civi Lond-. 1 3 Ed% 1. As. 10. The Officers of the City fliall not be punilhed for falfe fm- prifonment, unlefs it appear to be of Malice, St. Ci-v. Loud, i 3 Ed.i.f. 5 . 1 1 . The Manner of Proceeding for Arrears of Rent and Service^ St a de Gavelet, 10 Ed. 2, 12. The Mayor, &e. of London, $c. fhall be tried by foreign Jurors, on an Indiftment for not redreffing Errors, 28 Fd. 3. c. 10. 13. Vi&ualsmay be freely fold in London, 31 Ed. I- ft. 1. e. 10. 14. The Mayor, &c. fliall have the Rule of Fiflimongers, Butch? ers and Poulterers, 31 Ed. 3.7?. 1. c, 101 7 R. 2. e. n. 15. Privilege granted to thole of London to fell Vicluals by Retail^ 42 Ed, 3. c. 7. 16. The Mayor fliall have the Cohfervation of the Thames and Medivay for preferving the Salmon, 17 R. 2. c, 9. 4 H, 7. c: 1: //. 8. 17. Of the Breaches in the Thames. c. 18. 18. The Aldermen fliall continue in their Offices, till removed foi- reafonable Caufe,. 17 R, 2. c. ii; 19. The Mayor, &c. not liable to the Penalty of 28 Ed. y.c. ic„ for an erroneous Judgment, 17 R. 2. c. z. zo. The Ward ol'FariAgdon divided, and to have two Aldermen, 17 R. 2, c. 13. 21. The Penalties in 28 Ed. 3. c. 10. for not redreffing Defaults in Government, repealed, 1 H. 4; e. 1$; 22. Merchants of London free to pack their Cloths, 1 II, 4. c. 16, 23. Any Freeman may put his Child Apprentice in London, not- withftanding the Statutes, 8 H: 6. c. 11. 24. Freemen of London may carry their Goods to any Fair or Market, notwithftanding their By-laws, 3 H. 7. e.g. O z 25* The