Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/436

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S&ipg* ©Dip?. 36. Prize Ships made free, 19 Car, 2. c. r r.' 37. Ships of 200 Tuns and 16 Guns (hall not be delivered up to Pirates, i£e. without fighting, 22 y 23 Car. 2. c. 11. 38. Penalty on Mariners refufing to defend Ships, 22 y 23 Car, 2. f. 11. § 2, 7. 39. The Mailer having difcovered a 7ar£ or Pirate, (hall not leave his Ship, 22 & 23 Car, 2. c. 1 1. § 3. 4c. No Ships (hall be delivered up to a Turk, y< not having her double Number of Guns, without fighting, 22 y 23 Car. 2. c 1 1. § 4. 41. Matter excufed if Mariners mutiny, 22 & 2^Car,2. c. 11. § 8. 42. Mariner mutinying to fufFer Death as a Felon, 22 yz3 Car. 2. c, 11. § 9. 43. Ships attacking a Merchant Ship may be made Prize, 22 Is 2 3 Cor. 2. c. 11. § 11. 44. A Mariner, i$c. deilroying his Ship, to fufFer as a Felon, without Clergy, 22 y 23 t'«r, 2. r. n. § 12. 45. A Duty of 5 i. per Tun on foreign Ships employed in the coafting Trade, 1 J a. 2. c. 18. 46,. A Du:y of Tunnage on Ships granted, 5 JF. y M. c. 20. 47. .Cruifers and Convoys appointed, 1 W. & M. ft. 1. c. 34. 5 W iT y 1/. f. 20. § 46. 6 yfo». r. 1 3. 48. For the Government of the Navy, 5 W. y M. c. 25. 49. Method of meafunr.g Ships, 6 y 7 ^. 3. r. 12. § 10. c,o. Seamen on board Coal Ships exempted from the Prefs, 6 y 7.^.3. c. 18. § 19. 5.1. Foreign Ships not to carry Plantation Goods, 7 y 8 W. 3. <•. 22. 5 ?, Ships trading to the Plantations to be registered,, and to have a Certificate, 7 y 8 £f. 3. r. 22. § 17. 53„- Encouragement given to Commanders and Mariners to de- fend Ships, 11 y 12 ^.J- f. 7. § 11. 154. Hoys may pafs in the Port of London with Corn, &r, by Tranjire without a Cocquet, I Ann. ft. 1. c. 26. 55, Certificates of Difcharge to be indorfed on coafting Bonds, I Ann, Ji. I. c. 26. § 3. 56,. Deilroying Ships by Mariners to the Prejudice of Owners or Merchants, Felony, 1 Ann, ft. 2. c. c;..§ 4. ^Geo. i,.c. 12. $ 3. i-i Geo. i.c.zg, § 6.. 57. For enabling the Matter, &c. of Trinity Houfe to rebuild Edyftone Light-houfe, 4 Ann.x. 20.- 8 Ann. c. 17. 58. Toll to Edyftone Light-houfe to be paid by Ships palling to ard from Ireland, 8 Ann. 17. § I. 59. Ships prohibited to flop at the King's Moorings, or fatten to the King's ships, 10 Ann. c. 17. § 21. 60. Directions for preferving Ships in Diftrefs, 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 18. 26 Geo..2..c. 19. §6. 6i. Raw Silk not to be imported from the Sireights, except from the Grand Seignior's Dominions, 6 Geo.. 1. c. 14. 62. Fir Timber- may be imported from Germany, 6 Geo. 1. c. 15. 63. Hovering Ships under 50 Tons may be compelled to come into Port, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 31. Amended as to the Bonds, by 12 Ge~. 2. e. 22. 64. Penalty on Matters fnffering uncuftomed Goods to be deli- vered, or Wool laden, 6Gc. 1. <-.2i. § 32. 65. Ships of jo Tons importing Brandy, &c. forfeited, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 29,. 66. Rule for the Admeafurement of Ships, 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. § 33. 32 Geo'. 2. c. 25.. § 11. 67. ships of 40 Tons importing Brandy, &c. forfeited,, 8 Geo. 1. <-. 18. § 1. 68. Captiins of- Men of War not to take Goods, on board, 8 Geo. 1. c. 24. §. 8. 69. Penalty for lb doing applied, one Moiety to Informer, the other to G'-eetinuich Hofpital, 8 Geo. 1. c. 2.. §9. 70. For Maintenance of the Skerries Lights, 3 Geo. 2. c. 36. 71. Not to take in Gunpowder above B/ackwal/, and to land their Gunpowder below Blackball, 5 Geo. 2. c. 20. § 2 y 3. 72. Ships not to fire Guns above Blacktaa'l after Sun-let, 5 Geo. 2. i. 2C. $ 4. 3> 73. Not to melt Pitch or Tar on Board above Bladwall. 5 Geo;, 2. r. 20. § 4, 74. Ships not to Moor in 5/. Saviours Dock, 5 Geo, 2, e, 20. § 10. 75. Owners not to be anfwerable for the Matter, y< beyondthe Value of Ship and Freight, 7 Geo. 2. c. 15. 76. Where Freighters may fife Bill in Equity to difcover the total Amount of Lofs, 7 Geo, 2, c, 15. § 2. 77. Ships may be navigated with three Fourths Foreigners du- ring the War, i$Geo. 1. c. 3. 28 G*». 2. r. 16. 78. Aliens may import the Goods of Spain, &c. in Britijh Ships, 17 G«c 2. c. 36. § 4. 79. A Reward of 20,000/, for difcovering the North- Weft Paf- - fage, 18 Geo. 2. c. 17. 80. Rules for the Government of Ships of War, &c 18 Geo. 2. c. 35. Repealed, 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. And thatAft extended to Veffels on the Lakes in America, 29 Geo. 2. c. 27. 81. Prize Ships to be deemed Britijh built, 20 Geo. 2. c. 45.. 5 9- ... 82. Offences in burning or deilroying Ships excepted out of. general Pardon, 20 Geo. 2. c, 5 2.. §-.14. 83. Commiffion of Appeals confirmed, 2zGeo. 2. c. 3. 84. Articles for Government of the.Navy, 22 Geo. z.c. 33. 85. Court Martial to try only within the Admiralty Jurifdi&ion 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. § 4. ' 86. Land Officer or Soldier exempt from Naval Court Martial, 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. §5. — Penalty of refufing to give Evidence, y< 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. § 17.. 87. Penalty of Perjury, ibid. 88.P0wers.0f the Articles in Force over the'Crews of the Ships loft, 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. § zi. 89. Pay of Officers, &c. of Ships taken who have behaved well referved, 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. § 22. 90. Within what Time the Trial muft be, 22 Geo. 2. c. § 23- 91. Penalty on Officers taking freight Goods on Board the King's Ships, 22 Geo, 2. c. 33. § 24.. 92. Theft on Board of Ships, &c. in Rivers, deprived of Clergy, 24 Geo, 2. c. 4;. 93. Stealing fhipvvrecked Goods, deprived of Clergy, 26 Geo. 2. c. ig. . 94. Goods imported in Britijh built Ships being the Property of Foreigners to pay Aliens Duty, 29 Geo. 2. c. 34. § 20. 95. The 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. extended to the Lakes, &c. in North' • America, 29 Geo. 2. c. 27. 96. Agreeing for the Ranfom of neutral Ships is Piracy, 32 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 12. 97. Marines, while on Board King's Ships to be governed ac- cording to 22 Geo. 2. c. 33. 33 Geo, 2. c. 8. § 43. For other Matten, fee Ulomital, Utifens 14. USaliaftage, fl&jantiE 19, &c. 3l5?tcfes ano Ciles 5. . flJnttet 9. Cattle 15. Coals 15, yv. Coc&ineal 2. Coffee 24. Confulage^r tot. Cojtt 35, y<-. Cuttoms 9, 16, y<-. Call JBnota Company 32, &c. C*cife 68, y<r. jfele= ; nies int'thano tottbout Clergp. Jpiftj 19, y<-. df>?een= latin, (pieentoiclj.i&ofpttal 7. Hops 12. jnoia <Boor>8 18. Jtelant 51. IL-eather 18. JU'rten 8, o, &c. 3Lon= gitutie /«■ /or. ^anufaHutes 19. Merchants n. fMocaflle 1, 2. pilots, #itacp, fMague., p»Iantas tiong 53, y<-. f3oft-£>fu'ce 7, y<-. f^ftateers />«: /»/. f->?ijes /«- tot. S>afe Conoua, Sail Clot!) ^alt42 P . y<-. ©aftjage, £>cotlano, teamen 40, 54. *§>ilb 19. S»outb i^earCoinrjanp, Spices 3. jS>to?es, Cc= foacco 23. eaijalebone 7. Wliius, (Mlooi 31, 40, y<-.. aatecfej Yarmouth 4. 1. Shall not ufe the Miftery of a Tanner, 1.3 R. 2. ft. 1. c. 1.2. 21 R.2. c.., 2 H.6.c. 7. 2 y 3 Ed. 6. 2. Liberty