Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/437

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©'(foemafar*. mm 2. Liberty given to Shoemakers to tan their Leather, 4 H. 4. c - 3v 3 . Regulations for the Shoemakers in and about London, 4 Ed. 4. c 7. I4& 15 H. 8. c. 9. 1 £/..-. 8. 1 Jtf. i. f. 22. § 29. 9 Gfa. I. f. 27. 4. Not to ufe the Miftery of a Currier, igH.j. e. 19. 5. Exportation of Shoes and Boots prohibited, 5 (i 6 Ed. 6. f. 15. § 5. Permitted 13 y 14 Car. 2. c. 7. § 6. 6. What Security to be given riot to reland them : And what Drawback allowed, 9 Ann. c. 11. § 39, 40, 41, 42. 12 Ann. ft. 2. c. 9. §64. 7. Directions for the performing Shoemakers Work, 1 Ja. 1. c. 22. § 28, cifc. 8. Satisfaction to be made by Journeymen purloining Shoes, £5V. 9 Geo. 1. f. 27. 9. And by Perfons buying or taking them in Pawn, 9 Geo. 1 . t, 27. § 2. 10. Punilhmentof OfFenders unable to make Satisfa&ion, 9 Geo. 1. r. 27. § 1, 2. 11. Koufes of fufpedted Perfons to be fearched, and Goods frau- dulently obtained to be reftored to Owner, gGeo. i. c. 27.

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12. Perfons retained, and engaging with new Mailer before the firit Work is performed, how punilhed, 9 Geo. 1. c. 27. § 4. For other Matters, fee l|rtes, JLeatl)er, i&fef tie, Canner. S>&QOttttff. Shooting at Perfons in any Dwelling- Houfe, or other Place, Fe- lony without Clergy, 9 Geo. 1. c. 22. § 1. SiIjClps'Boofe* See Evidence. ^>D0p-5LlftCtSf. See Apprehenders of Felons, Burglary, and Clergy. 0Tjot fo? ©finance. Letters Patents concerning the making :it not within 21 Ja, 1. 21 Ja. 1. r. 3. § 10. 1. Regulations of the Drapers there, 8 El. c. 7. 14.EA c. 12. 2. The Streets to be paved, £?V. 29 Geo. 2. c. 78. 3. Its Water-works how taxable, 4 Geo. 3. r. 2. § ui. ©iffit Manual* Counterfeiting it made Treafon, 1 Mar.fejf. 2. c. 6. 'For: other Matters, fee j&CrtiS. Signet. he Fees of the Clerk of the Signet in paffing Patents, 27 H. 8. .CM. Importation of wrought Silk-prohibited, 33 H, 6. c. 5. 3 .&£ 4. r. 3. 22 Ed. 4^. 3. 1 ^. 3. ;. 10. iff. j. e.g. . Certain Species of wrought Silk prohibited, and other wrought Silks permitted to be imported, igH.y.c.21, Explained by 3 Geo. 3. c. 21. 3. Regulation of the Trade of Silk-throwing in London, 1 3 £3* 14 Car. 2. c. 15. 8fcf 9 IV. 5.. ?. 36. § 6. 4. Where Offenders are to be fet in the Stocks, 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 15. § 7. 5. By-Laws to reftrain the Number of Spindles to be employed by the Silk Throwlters, or to reftrain them to take lefs than three Apprentices, made void, 20 Car. 2. c. 6. .6. Silk thrown in the Gum, 1 W. £i? M. c. 5. § 2. 7. Wrought, 2 W. £3* M.fiff. 2. c. 4. § 3, 4. 4 JT. £3" M. c 5- § 2. 9 eff 10 Jr. 3. c. 44. § 80. 11 fi 12 #. 3. f. 3. § 1. 8. And Raw Silk, 2 JT. £5" M./^ 2. r. 4. § 5. 9. And Silk Ferret, or Floret, to what Duties liable, t^W.^ M. c. 5. § 2. 10. Thrown Silk to be imported only from Italy, 2 W. fcf M. ft. I. c. 9. I Ann. ft. I. c. 27. (. 28. 2 d!f 3 ^»». r. 13. 11. Reftriftions on importing Alamodes and Luftringf, 4^. £3" M. r. 5. § 14. 12. Permiffion to import £ne Italian thrown Silk, 5 W. & ' M, . c - 3- 13. Foreign Alamodes, &c. to be fealed at the Cuftom-Houfe, 5 W. £3° M. c. 2Q. § 45. 6 tsf 7 ^ 3. <-. 18. ■§ 28. 14. Alamodes, £sV. not fealed, forfeited, 8&g IV. 3. c. 36. 9 6 10 IV. 3. c. 43. § 5.. 15. No Drawback on exporting foreign Alamodes, 8 (J 9 IV. 3, c. 36. § 5. 16. A Duty fer Pound Weight on imported Luftrings and Ala- modes, 9 & 10 IV. 3. f. 30. 17. Alamodes and Luftrings to be imported only at London, 9 C? 10 IV. 3. c. 43. 18. Charter of theLuftiing Company confirmed, 9 £3* 10 TV. 3.. K43. 19. Penalty oft Officers of King's Ships importing Silks, 9 & 10 W. 3. c. 43. § 4. 20. Penalty of 500 /. and Pillory on altering the Cuftom-Houfe or Company's Marks, 9 £3' 10 W. 3. <:. 43. § 5. 21. Penalty on Cuftom Houfe Officers colluding, 9 £3" 10 W. t. c. 43. §6. 22. Wearing of French Alamodes, £5V. prohibited, 5 Ann. e. 20. 23. Officers of Cuftoms only Power to feize, 5 Ann. c. 20. § 3. 24. Foreign Silks mixed with Gold or Silver, forfeited, izfe. 6j Ann. c. ig. § 14. 2;. A Duty on printed Silks, Callicoes and Stuffs, 10 Ann. c. 19. §69, 26. Perfons printing Silks, £sV, at other Place than their ufual Rtfidence to make a particular Entry of the Silks before print- ing, 1 Geo. 1. ft. 2,.c. 36. § 21. 27. Premium on Silk Manufactures exported, 8 Geo. .1. c. re. Two Thirds of the Warp to be Silk, 9 Geo. 1 . c . 8. §9. Want of Certificates fupplied, 1 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 9. The Silk in the Stuff to be of double the Value of the Bounty, 1 Geo. 2. c. 17. § 10. 28. The Importation of Raw Silk from the Streigkts, (except from the Grand Seignior's Dominions) reftrained, 6Geo.i. c - '4' 29. Reward to Sir Thomas Lomle for inventing Silk Engines, ,5 Geo. 2. c. 8. 30. A certain Quantity of Spanijh Silk permitted to be imported, 14 Geo. 2. c. 4. 31. Raw Silk of China 'to pay the fame Duty as of Italy, 23 Geo. 2. e.g. 32. Raw Silk of the Plantations may be imported free, 23 Geo. 2.. c. 20. 33. Raw Silk of Perfta bought in RitJJia, may be imported from any Port in Ruffia, 23 Geo. 2. c. 34. 34. Foreign Silks and Velvets to be fealed at the Cuftom-Houfe, 26 Geo. 2. r.'2i. 3;. On Action or Information for the Penalties of this Act, De- fendant to give Bail, 26 Geo. 2. c. 21. § 8. 36. Organzined Italian thrown Silk may be imported from any Port in any Veflel, till 1 Dec. 1757. 30 Geo. 2. c. ty. 37. Penalty of importing foreign Silk Ribbands, Laces or Girdles, 3 Geo. 3. r. 21. For other Matters, fee CalltCOefi, CuftOlttiS, 3!nT)t'a 0OOBS, 14. i$anufafture6, Iftuffia, &!)ipg 61. 0ftt)£t ; g)tt1ttl). See Gold. U 2 Sflbet