Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/678

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204 APPENDIX. Exchequer by two equal Payments ; the firft Payment thereof to begin and to be made upon the Firft dav of December, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord One thoufand fix hundred eighty and nine. ' V. And whereas many of the Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, Hereditaments or ' Premifles intended by this Act to be Charged with the Pound Rate, as aforefaid, (land mcumbred with,

  • or are fubject and liable to the Payment of feveral Rent-Charges or Annuities iffuing out of the fame, or

' to the Payment of divers fee-farm Rents, Rents-Service, or other Rents thereupon referved, by reafon ' whereof the true Owners and Proprietors of fuch Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Heredita- <■ ments and Premifles, do not in truth receive to their own ufe the full yearly value of the fame, for ' which neverthelefs they are by this Act Charged to pay the full Pound Rate of Twelve pence for every ' Twenty (hillings of the true yearly value.' VI. It is therefore Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Landlords, Owners and Proprietors of fuch Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premifles as are Charged with the Pound Rate as aforefaid, to abate and deduct, and to retain and keep in his or their Hands Twelve pence in the pound out of every Fee-farm Rent, and other Annual Rent or Payment Charged upon, or iffuing out of the Premiffes, or any part thereof, or thereupon referved; And all and every Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, being indebted 'in any Sum or Sums of Money upon Contract for Intereft, (hall, for the better enabling them to pay and bear the Rates and Charges herein before refpedtively Impofed upon them, be allowed by virtue of this Acl, after the Rate of Twelve pence in the Pound out of all fuch Intereft Money which (hall be paid and grow due for any time between the Thirtieth day of November One thoufand fix hundred eighty nine, and the Thirtieth day of November One thoufand fix hundred ninety, by his or their refpective Creditor or Creditors, out of the Debts fo by them owing, as aforefaid, and may and are hereby enabled to deduct, retain and difcount the fame, Any Contract or Agreement, Mortgage, Bond, Condition, Provifion, or other Affurance to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding; And all and every perfon and perfons who are or (hall be any way Intituled to fuch Rents and Annual Payments, are hereby required to allow fuch De- ductions and Payments upon the Receipt of the Refidue of fuch Moneys as (hall be due and payable to them, as aforefaid ; And all Tenants are hereby faved harmlefs from any other payment of the Twelve pence in the Pound fo deducted, as fully and amply as if the fame had been paid into his Majefties Exchequer, or to fuch Creditor or other Perfon to whom the fame would otherwife have become due and payable. VII. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for the better Affeffing, Ordering, Levying and Collecting of the feveral Sums of Money fo as aforefaid limited and appointed to be paid, and for the more effectual putting of this prefent Act in execution, it (hall and may be lawful for their Majefties to iffue out, or caufe to be iffued out under the Great Seal of England, fuch and fo many Commiffions as their Majefties (hall think fit, and therein and thereby to nominate, conftitute and ap- point fuch "and fo many Perfons being Reiident, and having real Eftates to the value of One hundred pounds a year, in the refpective Counties or Shires for which they (hall be fo Nominated to be Com.r miffioners for putting this prefent Act in Execution, and alfo fo many of them to be of a Quorum as their Majefties (hall think convenient for the Execution of this Act ; Which faid Commiffioners fo as afore- faid to be nominated and appointed, (hall in the refpective Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Divifions, Towns and Places for which they (hall be appointed Commiffioners refpectively, meet together at the moft ufual or common Place of meeting within each of the laid Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Divifions, Towns and Places refpectively, at or before the Third day of September, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord One thoufand fix hundred eighty nine, or fuch other Day as their Majefties by their Com- miffion (hall appoht ; And the faid Commiffioners, or fo many of them as (hall be prefent at the firft general Meeting, or the major part of them, may by their Confents and Agreements divide as well them- selves as other the Commiffioners not then prefent, for the Execution of this Act, in Hundreds, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rapes, Wards, Towns and other Places within their Limits, Priviledged or not Privi- ledge , in fuch manner and form as to them (hall feem expedient ; and (hall direct their feveral or joynt Precept or Precepts to fuch Inhabitants, High Conftables, Petty Conftables, Bailiffs, and other like Of- ficers and Miniiters, and fuch Number of them as they in their Difcretions (hall think moft conve- nient, requiring them to appear before the faid Commiffioners at fuch Place and Time, not exceed ma Ten days, as they (hall appoint ; And at fuch their Appearances the faid Commiffioners (hall openly read or caufe to be read unto them, the Rates and Affeffments in this Act mentioned, and alfo openly declare the Effect of their Charge to them, and how, and in what manner they ought and fhoul-d make their Certificates, and how they ought to proceed in the Execution of this Act, according to the Rates aforefaid ; And if any High Conftables, Petty Conftables, Bailiffs, Inhabitants, or other Officers or Minifters to whom any Precept (ha 1 be directed, (hall abfent themfelves, without lawful Excufe to be made out by the Oaths of two Credible Witneffes, or if any Perfon appearing (hall refufe to ferve„ then every fuch Perfon fo making default, or refufing to ferve, (hall for every time of fuch default or refufal, forfeit and lofe unto their Majefties fuch Sum as the Commiffioners, or the major part of them- being^ prefent, (hall think fit, not exceeding the Sum of Forty Shillings : And at or after fuch general Meeting had, and Charge given as aforefa d, the faid Commiffioners (hall take care that Warrants be iffued forth, and directed to Two at the leatt of the moft able and fufficient Inhabitants of each Parifh, Townfhip or Place within their refpective Divifions, thereby appointing and requiring them to be Af- feffors of all and every the Rates and Duties by this Act impofed, and (hall therein alfo appoint and prefix a certain Day and Place for the faid Affeffors to. appear before them, and to bring in their Cer- tificates in Writing, of the Names and Sirnames of every Perfon dwelling and refiding within the Li- mits of thofe Places with which they (hall be charged^ and of the Subftances and Values of every of them