Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/677

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APPENDIX. Anno Regni Gulielmi & Marine, Regis & Regince, Anglice, Scotia, Francice, & Hibernice, Primo. On the Twenty fecond Day of June, Anno Bom. 1689. In the Firft Year of Their Ma- jefties Reign, this Aft Pafled the Royal Affent. CAP. XX. An A£t for a Grant to Their Majefties of an Aid of Twelve pence in the Pound for One Year, for the neceffary Defence of Their Realms. ' TTTE Your Majefties moft Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Commons Affembled in Parlia- " // ment J h av ' n g entered into a ferious Confideration of the extraordinary Occafions which

  • ▼ V' engage Your Majefties in a great and prefent Expence for the neceffary Defence of Your
  • Realms, and being defirous to raife proportionable Aids and Supplies, do humbly Prefent Your Ma-

' jefties with the Free Gift of the Rates and Affeffments herein after mentioned, And befeech Your Ma-

  • jefties that it may be Enacted ;'

II. And be it enacted by the King and Queens moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament Affembled, and by the Authority of the lame, That their Majefties (hall have and receive the Rates and Affeffments here- after mentioned, of and from every Perfon, Spiritual and Temporal, of what Eftate or Degree foever he or they be; Which faid Rates or Affeffments fhall be Taxed, Affeffed, Levied and Paid into their Majefties Receipt of Exchequer, according to the Tenor of this Act, and in manner and form following; (that is to fay) That all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, Guilds and Fra- ternities within this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, having any Eftate in Goods, Wares, Merchandizes, or other Chattels or Perfonal Eftate whatfoever, either in their own poffeffion, or in the poffeffion of others in truft for them, (except, and out of the Premiffes deducted, fuch Sums of Money as he or they do bona fide owe, and alfo the Stock upon Lands, and fuch Goods as are ui'ed for Houfhold-ftuff ) (hall yield and pay unto their Majefties Twelve pence in the Pound, according to the true yearly Profit thereof for one Year, to be Affeffed, Levied and Collected in manner herein after mentioned ; (that is to fay) For every Hundred pounds worth of fuch Goods, Wares, Merchandizes, or other Chattels, or Perfonal Eftate, the Sum of Six Shillings ; and fo after that rate for every greater or leffer quantity. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, Com- 203 he or they do receive in one year by virtue of any Fees, Profits to him or them accruing for, or by reafon or occafion of their feveral Offices or Employments, to be Affeffed, Impofed, Levied and Collected in fuch manner as hereafter is mentioned. ' And to the end a further Aid and Supply for their Majefties 4 Occafions may be raifed by a Charge upon all Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments with as much

  • Equality and Indifferency, as is poffible by a Pound Rate of Twelve pence tor every Twenty fhilings of

4 lhe true yearly value for One year only and no longer;' IV. Re' it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Manors, Meffuages, Lands and Tenements, as well Freehold as Copyhold, as alfo all Quarries, all and every the Mines of Coal, Tin or Lead, and all Iron Works and Salt Works, all Allom Mines or Works, all Parks, Chafes, Warrens, Woods, Underwoods and Copices, Fifhings, Tythes, Tolls, and all other yearly Profits and Hereditaments of what nature or kind foever they be, fituate, lying and being, happening and arifing within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or within any the Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Towns, Divifions, Ridings, Hundreds, Lathes, Wapentakes, Panfhes and Places thereof as well within ancient Demefne and other Liberties and Piiviledg'd Places as with- out, fhall be, and are hereby charged for One year only and no longer, with the Sum of Twelve pence for every Twenty (hillings of the true yearly value. And all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Po- litick and Corporate, Guilds, Myrteries, Fraternities and Brotherhoods, whether Corporate or not Cor- porate, having or holding in his, her or their actual poffeffion, any Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tene- ments or other the. Hereditaments or Premiffes, (hall yield and pay unto their Majefties the Sum of Twelve pence for every Twenty (hillings by the Year, which the fa'.d Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tene- . ments, Hereditaments and other the Premiffes are now worth to be Leafed, if the lame were truly and bona fide Leafed or Demifed at a rack Rent, and according to the full true yearly value thereof, without any refpect had to the prefent Rents referved for the fame, if fuch Rents have been referved upon fuch Leafes or Eftates made for which any Fine or Income hath been paid or fecured, and without any refpect had to any former Rates or Taxes thereupon impofed : Which faid Sum of Twelve pence for every Twenty (hillings by the year of the faid true yearly value of the Premiffes fhall be Affeffed, Levied and Collected in manner hereafter mentioned, and fhall be paid into the Receipt of their Majefties D d ?. Exchequer