Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/695

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APPENDIX. 221- Vicoiint, the yearly fum of Three pounds fix (hilling and eight pence ; every Eldeft Son of a Baron of any of the faid Three Kingdoms, the yearly fum of Three pounds fifteen (hillings ; every Younger Son of fuch Baron the yearly fum of Three pounds ; every perfon or' the degree or a Baronet of any of the faid three Kingdoms, or of Nova Scotia, the yearly fum of Three pounds and fifteen (hillings ; every perfon that is a Knight of the Order of the Bath, the yearly fum of Three pounds and fifteen |hillings ; every perfon who is a Knight Batchelor, the yearly fum of Two pounds ten (hillings ; every Serjeant at Law, being the Kings Serjeant, the yearly fum of Five pounds; every other Serjeant at Law, the yearly fum of Three pounds fifteen (hillings; every Efquire, or reputed Efquire, or owning or writing himfelf to be fuch, the yearly fum of One pound five (hillings; every Gentleman, or reput- ed Gentleman, or fo owning or writing himfelf to be fuch, the yearly Sum of Five (hillings ; every per- fon of the Degree of an Arch Bifhop, the yearly fum of Twelve pounds and ten (hillings ; every per- fon of the degree of a Bifhop, the yearly fum of Five pounds ; every perfon of the degree of a Dean of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, the yearly fum of Two pounds and ten (hillings; every perfon of the degree of an Arch-Deacon, the yearly fum of Twelve (hillings and fix pence ; every Canon cr Prebendary of any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, the yearly fum of Twelve (hillings and fix pence ; every perfon of the degree of a Doctor of Divinity, Law, or Phyfick, the yearly fum of One pound and five (hillings, every Son of an Arch-Biihop, Bifhop, Dean, Arch-Deacon, Canon, Prebendary, Doctor of Divinity, Law or Phyfick, the yearly lum of Five (hillings ; every other perfon having a Real Eftate of the value of Fifty pounds per Annum or upwards, or a perfonal Eftate of the value of Six hundred pounds or upwards, and not charged under any of the Orders, Ranks, Degrees or Quali- fications aforefaid, the yearly fum of Five (hillings ; and every Son of fuch perfon having fuch Real or Perfonal Eftate, the yearly fum of Two- (hillings and fix pence; Which faid feveral and refpective yearly fums hereby charged, (hall be paid by two equal half-yearly payments, at the two inoft ufual Feafts in. the (that is to fay) at the Feafts of St. Michael the Arch-Angel, and the Annunciation of the blefled Virgin Mary. XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That no perfon (hall by virtue of this Act, be dou-? Perfon to my bly charged, for, or in refpect of the feveral Titles, Honours or Degrees, but that every fuch per- higheUDeirVeei fon (hall be charged and chargeable for fuch Title, Honour or Degree only, as is higheft rated by " Lfc this- Act. XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for the better execution of this Act, Commiffioners- and for the ordering and levying or the feveral fums of Money, fo as aforefaid limitted and appointed for Land-'i ax to be paid, the perfons nominated and appointed to be Commiffioners for putting in execution an Act doners in- the* of this prefent Seflion of Parliament, Entituled, An Ad for Granting to his Mqjejiy an Aid cf Four Jlil- tirft yeaiv lings in the Pound for one year, and for Applying the yearly fum of Three hundred ihoujand Pounds for Five years, out of the Duties of Tannage and Poundage, and other fums of Money payable upon Merchandizes Ex- ported and Imported, for ca?-rying en the War again/I France with Vigour, (hall be Commiffioners for put- ting in execution this prefent Act, and the powers therein contained, within all and every the feveral and refpective Counties Ridings, Cities, Boroughs, Cinque-Ports, Towns and Places, for the Firft year of the faid term of Five years, for which the Duties hereby impofed are granted; which faid Commiffion- ers, in order to the fpeedy execution of this Act (hall (in their refpective Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Towns and Places, for which they are appointed Commiffioners) refpectively meet together at the molt ufual or Common place of meeting, within fuch of the faid Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Towns and places refpectively, at or before the Thirtieth day of April, One thoufand fix hundred ninety five; and the faid Commiffioners, or fo many of them as (hall be prefent at the Fir.ft General Meeting, or the major part of them, may by their confents and agreements, divide as well themfelves as other the Commiffioners, not then prefent, for the execution of this Act, in Hundreds,. Laths, Wa- pentakes, Rapes, Wards, Towns, and other Places, within their limits Priviledged or not Priviledged,. in fuch manner as to them (hail feem meet ; and (hall direct their feveral or joynt precept or precepts, to fuch Inhabitants, and fuch number of them as they in their difcretion (hall think, molt convenient,. to be Prefenters and AfTeffors, requiring them to appear before the faid Commiffioners, at fuch time and place as they (hall appoint, not exceeding ten days; and at fuch their appearances, the faid Commil- fioners, or fo many of them as (hall meet, (hall openly read or caufe to be read unto them, the feveral Rates and Duties in this Act mentioned, and openly declare the effect of their charge unto them, and how and in what manner they ought and ihould make their Certificates and Affeffments, according to the feveral Rates aforefaid ; and (hall then and there prefix another day to the faid perfons to appear be- fore the faid Commiffioners, and bring jjii their Certificates in writing, of the Names, Sirnames,, Eftates, Degreesj Tales and Qualifications of all and every the perfons dwelling or refiding within the limits of thole places with which they (hall be charged, dividing them into feveral Columns as they are in Quality, Eftate and Qualification, and the Names of all other perfons chargeable by this Act, and the (urns they are or ought reflectively to pay upon Burials, Births or Marriages, and for their being. Unmarried, according to the rules and directions of this Act, without concealment, love, favour, dread . or malice, upon- pain of forfeiture of any fum not exceeding Five, pounds, to be levied as by this Act is appointed, and lhali alfo then return the Names of two or more able and fufficient perfons, within the bounds or limits of thofe Parifhes or Places where they (hall be AfTeffors refpectively,. to be Collec- tors of the feveral Rates and Duties granted to his Majefty by this Act, which (hall grow due and pay- able within the Firft year of the faid te?m of Five years; for whofe paying unto the Receiver General to be appointed by his Majefty, his Deputy or Deputies, in manner following, fuch Moneys as they ' fnall be charged withal, the Panih or Place, by whom they are fo imployed, (hall be anfwerable ; and. every AfleiTor, fo as aforefaid, appointed or to be appointed, (hall before hetake upon him the execu- 4 tion