Page:Sacha Chua - Emacs Chat with Carsten Dominik.djvu/20

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Sacha: C-+.

Carsten: C-+. You got to be kidding me.

Sacha: Yes. It's text-scale-increase.

Carsten: text-scale-increase. I was looking for this and I couldn't find it. Let me just write it down.

Sacha: It's basically C-+, C-- does this like text scaling thing.

Carsten: I don't have these bindings here right now. But if I know the command then, that's great. Thank you. It's good.

Sacha: I use my old version of this.

Carsten: Because in fullscreen mode, I want to increase the font size, maybe just temporarily a little bit, clack, clack, clack. Okay, text scaling. Good. Learned something today.

Sacha: It's hard for me to tell now which keybindings are mine and which ones are Emacs'.

Carsten: Yes. That is sometimes the problem. Also, they change it. That happens as they change it. So you get new version of Emacs and they have changed something, and you don't see it because you have already overloaded it in a different way.

Sacha: Also because I have one of those large configurations where I forget things that I've already put in there. Like, “Oh yes, why am I defining my own count-words with it?” It now exists in Emacs.

Carsten: Does it? I have my own, too.

Sacha: There you go. Count-words has finally made it into Emacs 24.

Carsten: I didn't hear that.

Sacha: It's in simple.el.