Page:Sacha Chua - Emacs Chat with Carsten Dominik.djvu/21

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Carsten: Does it work?

Sacha: Apparently so.

Carsten: Because one of the problems of course is, lots of stuff which I write is written in LaTeX. They have lots of command stuff which I would prefer not to count.

Sacha: Yes. You still probably need your own. I remember coming across it because I like looking at Emacs Wiki and other people's configuration. I end up accumulating all these snippets here and there. But yes, sometimes everybody needs to re-implement count-words.

Carsten: Are you using Babel to tangle your init file or not?

Sacha: I did the lazy thing. I just installed Emacs Starter Kit, so I let that do all the, “Okay, load the Sacha.el etc., etc.” and then it handles my configuration file. I think it does byte compiling as well, automatically, so I don't have to remember to do that myself.

Carsten: Do you byte-compile your init file? I don't do this.

Sacha: I don't remember. I basically leave it to Emacs Starter Kit to do that.

Carsten: To do whatever is right.

Sacha: But it does auto-tangle for me which is nice because then I don't have to remember to republish.

Carsten: Yes. That's a noise. You have to turn it on. That's important.

Sacha: Yes. I share the Org file and the generated Emacs file and all of that stuff through Dropbox, so people could easily get to it even after.. Whenever I change my config, it's up there already.

Carsten: So you have it in your public folder so people could grab it?

Sacha: Yes. I basically have a secret file where all my passwords are, but you can always include that without including everything else.

Carsten: Yes.