Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 4.djvu/115

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27 (70). 'Thither thou shalt bring the seeds of men and women, of the greatest, best, and finest on this earth[1]; thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of cattle, of the greatest, best, and finest on this earth.

28 (74). 'Thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of tree, of the highest of size and sweetest of odour on this earth[2]; thither thou shalt bring the seeds of every kind of fruit, the best of savour and sweetest of odour[3]. All those seeds shalt thou bring, two of every kind, to be kept inexhaustible there, so long as those men shall stay in the Vara.

29 (80). 'There shall be no humpbacked, none bulged forward there; no impotent, no lunatic; no one malicious, no liar; no one spiteful, none jealous; no one with decayed tooth, no leprous to be pent up[4], nor any of the brands wherewith Angra Mainyu stamps the bodies of mortals[5].

30 (87). 'In the largest part of the place thou shalt make nine streets, six in the middle part, three in the smallest. To the streets of the largest part thou shalt bring a thousand seeds of men and women; to the streets of the middle part, six hun-

  1. The best specimens of mankind, to be the origin of the more perfect races of the latter days.
  2. 'The highest of size, like the cypress and the plane-tree; the sweetest of odour, like the rose and the jessamine' (Comm.)
  3. 'The best of savour, like the date; the sweetest of odour, like the citron' (Comm.)
  4. 'A man, afiflicted with leprosy, is not allowed to enter a town and mix with the other Persians' (Herod. I, 138; he was supposed to have sinned against the sun). Ctesias has a tale of how Megabyzes escaped his enemies by simulating leprosy.
  5. In order that the new mankind may be exempt from all moral and physical deformities.