Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 4.djvu/357

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serpent, Asi Dahâka. Its beginning reminds one of a similar and perhaps identical question in Vendîdâd XVIII, 61: Kô thwãm yim Ahurem Mazdâm mazistaya inti inaoti, 'Who grieves thee, Ahura Mazda, with the sorest grief?'

Yasna IX, 11, 35.

Khshvaêpaya vaênaya bareshna (or barenus.)

The horned serpent, Asi Srvara, whom Keresâspa killed, had yellow poison, a thumb thick, streaming over its body, khshvaêpaya vaênaya bareshna, 'by the anus, by the nose, by the head(?).'

Yasna XVII, 55 (ed. Spiegel).

apagayêhê.—Privation of life…

First word of a quotation which appears in passages intended either to prolong life and deprecate the death of a friend (generally under the form : may there be no room for apagayêhê, XLI, 7; XLII, i), or to wish death to an enemy (XLV, 4; XL VIII, 10; LII, 8; LXI, 10; ed. Sp.)

Yasna XXXI, 20b (ed. Spinel).

vîshâka (= vîshâadkha, 'also of poison,' at the end of XLVIII, II d, in the best MSS.)

Descriptive of the bad food supplied to the wicked in hell, the vîshayâadka, vish-gaitayâadka of Yt. XXII, 36.

Yasna LVI, i, i (ed. Spiegel),

barôithrô-taêzem. — See Fragments at Vd. XVIII, 14, 33 (Sp.)

Yasna LXIV, 48 (ed. Spiegel).

pâdhavê zâvare gava aza srûma.

A corrupt quotation in the MSS., from Yt. XVI, 7.