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84 § 111-113. Thus we meet with instrumentals as faum wang: the sepa- ration from men as you are," : sorrow on account of a girl ;" ablatives as und »fear of falling;" datives as gure h wood for a stake," r at the fit time for being heir-apparent;" - locatives as far world, worldliness;" prepositions as if me," dataff cag: »partiality for his sake," contention with a mighty one." a: attachment to the

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al 164 » Da Rem. Pânini has a special rule about the nouns 1 - (lord), (owner), afifa (chief), (heir), afa (witness), af (bail) and (born) as agreeing with a locative as well as with a gen. So i org; ep. Kathas. 18, 144 ad ari with ibid. 6, 166 ar fad. So Mrech. X, p. 384 qfi afany hafar farang (let he be appointed prior of all the monasteries of the land). - 112. The possessive genitive has nothing remarkable. As Posses in other languages, it may be the predicate of the sive ge rom nitive. sentence. M. 7, 96 aas (what one conquers, is one's own), ibid. 7, 91 the vanquished warrior surrenders himself with these words I am yours); Mhbh. I, 154, 3 (»whose are you?" that is of what family ?"); Mudr. III, p. 103 a aug: (duly, forsooth, the Qudra-king Can- dragupta is his is but an instrument in his [Cânakya's] hand). R. 2, 42, 7 (Daçar. to Kaik.) alustan re ài (and those, who are your attendance, do not belong to me, nor I to them). That it may also denote the party, of which one is an adherent, is stated above (108, 4). 113. The gen. of the material, something is made of, and Geniti that of the origin are not very frequent. Examples: Pat. vus ma- terias I, 112(eave a cloth of this thread), Ch. Up. and ori- ginis, 6, 12, 2ra á à akinafuntà a Aide par à atroisforg ya vermtufenata (he said to him: my dear, that subtile es- sence, which you do not perceive there, of that subtile essence this so great nyagrodha-troe exists); Mhbh. 1, 100, 47 NA (a fisherman's daughter). -- - P. 2, 3, 39,