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85 § 113-115. Rem. In sutra-works there is also a gen. of the authority, according to whom something is stated. So often according to C. alone." »accor- ding to some," P. 3, 4, 111 This gen. depends on the word not expressed »according to the opinion of." 66. 114. The subjective genitive is interchangeable with the P.2, 3 Subjec- instrumental of the agent (66). According to Pânini, the tive ge- nitive latter is necessary, if the verbal noun be attended by its subject and its object at the same time. In this manner two genitives are avoided, as ai alat mua [not №ie] (the milking of the cows by the cow-herd). We may fairly extend this observation, it seems, to all such instances, as where the subjective genitive would be used together with some other sixth case. R. 3, 6, 23 fauenaang Mas (in order to put and end to the harm caused to you by the râxasas), Mâl. VIII, p. 133 aftre far fun:"); Mhbh. 1, 145, 17 aat.... naweich Hafer (if there will occur something to do by you for us) [not Ha, an accumu- lation of gen. subj. and commodi]; Rem. Some vârttikas on this sutra of Panini contest the exact- ness of it. With some kṛts the subjective genitive is said to be obligatory, even when being used together with an objective ge- nitive, as faf cyfazer anzer (V.'s desire of making a mat). According to some, the gen. of the agent is nowhere forbidden. 115. The objective genitive is occasionally interchan- Objec- geable with a locative or with prepp. as fa, 34f, etc. tive ge- nitive. Sometimes it may be used in turns too concise to be rendered without periphrase. Mrech. I, p. 44 agar men: (by supposing, it was she). 1) But Mudr. I, p. 49 ♬ dfioaff platchmautąlå Hani, for here nothing impedes using the genitive of the agent, the other being avoided by compounding.